Mr. Chairman
On behalf of Uganda Delegation I thank the Panelists for their very insightful
presentations made yesterday and today.
It has been repeatedly stated here that Environmental degradation and climate
change are a result of unsustainable mode of consumption and production. In
this regard sustainable consumption and production is at the heart of the
sustainable development debates.
There are no resources on our planet that have endless supply and yet the global
economic system is based on increasing consumption for achievement of
economic growth. This will remain a strong driving force. Inevitably increasing
amounts of resources will be needed globally for consumption and production to
proceed. This is very critical for developing countries that are struggling to get rid
of poverty.
Having said that, my delegation wishes to note that sustainable consumption
requires us to be mindful of the sources and the supply of the resources that we
use on this planet. This encompasses every form of materials in our environment
including animal life. In the same way sustainable production should take into
account in a balanced manner important factors that sustain productivity
including the human factor such as labor and work conditions.
Mr. Chairman,
The challenge in sustainability of consumption and production lies in the fact that
due to global imbalances in societal and economic development, there is uneven
access to the materials and human resources required to develop and implement
sustainable solutions. While the current mode of consumption and production in
developed countries is regarded as unsustainable, the lack of consumption in
developing countries where large segments of the population living in poverty
lack food and other basic requirements, thereby posing serious health concerns
and limiting prospects for productive livelihood is also unsustainable. Therefore,
the two extreme consumption patterns found in developed and developing
countries are unsustainable.
The way forward
Mr. Chairman,
Reducing the huge differences between the per-capita income levels in developed
and developing countries as well as between communities within countries
should be part and parcel of the action.
This should be integrated with the more holistic approaches to sustainability that
many speakers have already highlighted in their statements.
Mr. Chair
Governments also have a significant role to play in this process as well as all the
major groups. In the same way, effective global partnership for sustainable
development can be a strong driving force that should not be ignored.
I thank you.
On behalf of Uganda Delegation I thank the Panelists for their very insightful
presentations made yesterday and today.
It has been repeatedly stated here that Environmental degradation and climate
change are a result of unsustainable mode of consumption and production. In
this regard sustainable consumption and production is at the heart of the
sustainable development debates.
There are no resources on our planet that have endless supply and yet the global
economic system is based on increasing consumption for achievement of
economic growth. This will remain a strong driving force. Inevitably increasing
amounts of resources will be needed globally for consumption and production to
proceed. This is very critical for developing countries that are struggling to get rid
of poverty.
Having said that, my delegation wishes to note that sustainable consumption
requires us to be mindful of the sources and the supply of the resources that we
use on this planet. This encompasses every form of materials in our environment
including animal life. In the same way sustainable production should take into
account in a balanced manner important factors that sustain productivity
including the human factor such as labor and work conditions.
Mr. Chairman,
The challenge in sustainability of consumption and production lies in the fact that
due to global imbalances in societal and economic development, there is uneven
access to the materials and human resources required to develop and implement
sustainable solutions. While the current mode of consumption and production in
developed countries is regarded as unsustainable, the lack of consumption in
developing countries where large segments of the population living in poverty
lack food and other basic requirements, thereby posing serious health concerns
and limiting prospects for productive livelihood is also unsustainable. Therefore,
the two extreme consumption patterns found in developed and developing
countries are unsustainable.
The way forward
Mr. Chairman,
Reducing the huge differences between the per-capita income levels in developed
and developing countries as well as between communities within countries
should be part and parcel of the action.
This should be integrated with the more holistic approaches to sustainability that
many speakers have already highlighted in their statements.
Mr. Chair
Governments also have a significant role to play in this process as well as all the
major groups. In the same way, effective global partnership for sustainable
development can be a strong driving force that should not be ignored.
I thank you.