Thank you Mr Chair.
Distinguished delegates,
Manmade pressure on the earth?s ecosystem urges fundamental changes in
the way societies produce and consume. This change should ensure sustainable
development balancing economic, social and environmental concerns. In this
process, global collaboration is crucial.
10-Year Framework of Programme should provide a common vision,
goals and objectives for all stakeholders. In this context, reducing environmental
degradation and using natural resources in a more efficient way for sustainable
development and poverty eradication should be the main issue without
jeopardizing the development needs. This requires behavioral shifts at all levels,
particularly for those sectors with high environmental impacts. Therefore 10
YFP should be handled in participatory way and supported politically with
necessary initiatives.
Mr Chair,
Turkey supports that this process will contribute a more competitive and
inclusive economy delivering high levels of employment, decent work and
social cohesion. But in order to eliminate all risks and accelerate the active
voluntary participation, we would like to remind that information, experience,
technology and resource sharing have utmost importance for achieving the
desirable outcomes.
The organizational structure of 10 YFP, therefore, should be simple,
efficient and well-functioning so that all partners are cooperated.
Like other themes of the CSD ? 19, in sustainable consumption and
production, cooperation and networking among all stakeholders, awareness
rising in civil society particular among youth and integrate education for SCP in
formal and informal education programmes are elements for dissemination and
implementation of this policy.
Mr Chair,
It is obvious that some sectors have clear advantages and possibilities for
sustainable production and consumption. Programs in these sectors can be
supported through financial resources as well as technology transfer and
capacity building. The priority sectors within the 10 YFP may differ among
nations. Having the common vision of sustainable development and poverty
eradication as well as achieving other MDGs, the instruments for effective and
efficient implementation of the key sectoral programs can be evaluated on
periodical basis so that we can measure how far we reach our common goals.
Thank you.
Distinguished delegates,
Manmade pressure on the earth?s ecosystem urges fundamental changes in
the way societies produce and consume. This change should ensure sustainable
development balancing economic, social and environmental concerns. In this
process, global collaboration is crucial.
10-Year Framework of Programme should provide a common vision,
goals and objectives for all stakeholders. In this context, reducing environmental
degradation and using natural resources in a more efficient way for sustainable
development and poverty eradication should be the main issue without
jeopardizing the development needs. This requires behavioral shifts at all levels,
particularly for those sectors with high environmental impacts. Therefore 10
YFP should be handled in participatory way and supported politically with
necessary initiatives.
Mr Chair,
Turkey supports that this process will contribute a more competitive and
inclusive economy delivering high levels of employment, decent work and
social cohesion. But in order to eliminate all risks and accelerate the active
voluntary participation, we would like to remind that information, experience,
technology and resource sharing have utmost importance for achieving the
desirable outcomes.
The organizational structure of 10 YFP, therefore, should be simple,
efficient and well-functioning so that all partners are cooperated.
Like other themes of the CSD ? 19, in sustainable consumption and
production, cooperation and networking among all stakeholders, awareness
rising in civil society particular among youth and integrate education for SCP in
formal and informal education programmes are elements for dissemination and
implementation of this policy.
Mr Chair,
It is obvious that some sectors have clear advantages and possibilities for
sustainable production and consumption. Programs in these sectors can be
supported through financial resources as well as technology transfer and
capacity building. The priority sectors within the 10 YFP may differ among
nations. Having the common vision of sustainable development and poverty
eradication as well as achieving other MDGs, the instruments for effective and
efficient implementation of the key sectoral programs can be evaluated on
periodical basis so that we can measure how far we reach our common goals.
Thank you.