Training and Learning
DFG Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700
Training and Learning
Preparing for the Post-2015 Partnerships for Sustainable Development
HLPF 2015, July 1, 2015
Dr. Marianne Beisheim
SFB700/D1-Project @ Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin

• 2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg introduced Type II agreements
• 2012: CSD Partnership Database listed 349 SD partnerships
• effectiveness and legitimacy unknown and controversial
• Post-2015 Agenda/SDGs: The Future We Want and Zero Draft again list partnerships as means of implementation:
SDG 17: “... complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, ...”
>> lessons learned and how to proceed in the HLPF?

Learning and Training for Sustainable Development
1. Learning and Training through Partnerships
2. Learning and Training in Partnerships
3. Learning about Partnerships: UN fit for purpose?
D1-Project SFB 700 Partnerships for Development 3

1. Learning and Training through Partnerships
different actors pool their resources and provide a forum for knowledge sharing
• Global Water Partnership: encourage learning to promote integrated water resource management
• Global Network for Energy for Sustainable Development: capacity building and increase knowledge
on energy accesss for the poor
• Global Compact: integrate 10 principles on human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption in business
D1-Project SFB 700 Partnerships for Development 4

2. Learning and Training in Partnerships
Local capacity development in urban slums: needs-based approach and institutionalized bottom-up learning needed!

2. Learning and Training in Partnerships
Success factors for partnerships’ local project management:
• participatory bottom-up approach,
• continuous monitoring and change management,
• adaptive best-fit design and flexible customizing of services,
• capacity development measures and building
sustainable long-term business case for local actors Partnerships need to be learning institutions to fit the task

3. Learning about Partnerships: UN fit for purpose?
What “lessons learned” on partnerships did the UN System secure and how does it attempt to enhance partnership effectiveness?
• CSD’s database and CSD’s annual Partnership Fair
• Rio+20 and ECOSOC Partnership Forum
So far, more “show-casing” success stories, hardly any systematic and critical evaluation
and no follow-up!
Now new:
Work with it!

3. Learning about Partnerships: UN fit for purpose?
Resolution 67/290, July 2013:
(8) Decides that the forum, under the auspices of the ECOSOC, shall conduct
regular reviews, starting in 2016, (...) within the context of the post-2015 development agenda, and further decides that those reviews (...)
(c) Shall provide a platform for partnerships (...)
need to review partnership contributions and success conditions inform HLPF’s “political guidance” for future partnerships
share knowledge among partnerships, inspire new ones provide training for UN and partnership staff
establish evolving “learning” framework for partnerships

Thank you!
Beisheim, Marianne/Simon, Nils (forthcoming): Meta-Governance of Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Actors’ Perspectives on measures to improve governance services by partnerships, SFB700-Working Paper, Berlin.
Beisheim, Marianne/Liese, Andrea (Eds.) 2014: Transnational Partnerships: Effectively Providing for Sustainable Development?, Palgrave Macmillan.
Beisheim, Marianne 2012: Partnerships for Sustainable Development. SWP Research Paper, 2012/RP 03, February 2012.
D1-Project SFB 700 Partnerships for Development 9

Training and Learning
Preparing for the Post-2015 Partnerships for Sustainable Development
HLPF 2015, July 1, 2015
Dr. Marianne Beisheim
SFB700/D1-Project @ Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin

• 2002: World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg introduced Type II agreements
• 2012: CSD Partnership Database listed 349 SD partnerships
• effectiveness and legitimacy unknown and controversial
• Post-2015 Agenda/SDGs: The Future We Want and Zero Draft again list partnerships as means of implementation:
SDG 17: “... complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, ...”
>> lessons learned and how to proceed in the HLPF?

Learning and Training for Sustainable Development
1. Learning and Training through Partnerships
2. Learning and Training in Partnerships
3. Learning about Partnerships: UN fit for purpose?
D1-Project SFB 700 Partnerships for Development 3

1. Learning and Training through Partnerships
different actors pool their resources and provide a forum for knowledge sharing
• Global Water Partnership: encourage learning to promote integrated water resource management
• Global Network for Energy for Sustainable Development: capacity building and increase knowledge
on energy accesss for the poor
• Global Compact: integrate 10 principles on human rights, labour, environment, anti-corruption in business
D1-Project SFB 700 Partnerships for Development 4

2. Learning and Training in Partnerships
Local capacity development in urban slums: needs-based approach and institutionalized bottom-up learning needed!

2. Learning and Training in Partnerships
Success factors for partnerships’ local project management:
• participatory bottom-up approach,
• continuous monitoring and change management,
• adaptive best-fit design and flexible customizing of services,
• capacity development measures and building
sustainable long-term business case for local actors Partnerships need to be learning institutions to fit the task

3. Learning about Partnerships: UN fit for purpose?
What “lessons learned” on partnerships did the UN System secure and how does it attempt to enhance partnership effectiveness?
• CSD’s database and CSD’s annual Partnership Fair
• Rio+20 and ECOSOC Partnership Forum
So far, more “show-casing” success stories, hardly any systematic and critical evaluation
and no follow-up!
Now new:
Work with it!

3. Learning about Partnerships: UN fit for purpose?
Resolution 67/290, July 2013:
(8) Decides that the forum, under the auspices of the ECOSOC, shall conduct
regular reviews, starting in 2016, (...) within the context of the post-2015 development agenda, and further decides that those reviews (...)
(c) Shall provide a platform for partnerships (...)
need to review partnership contributions and success conditions inform HLPF’s “political guidance” for future partnerships
share knowledge among partnerships, inspire new ones provide training for UN and partnership staff
establish evolving “learning” framework for partnerships

Thank you!
Beisheim, Marianne/Simon, Nils (forthcoming): Meta-Governance of Partnerships for Sustainable Development. Actors’ Perspectives on measures to improve governance services by partnerships, SFB700-Working Paper, Berlin.
Beisheim, Marianne/Liese, Andrea (Eds.) 2014: Transnational Partnerships: Effectively Providing for Sustainable Development?, Palgrave Macmillan.
Beisheim, Marianne 2012: Partnerships for Sustainable Development. SWP Research Paper, 2012/RP 03, February 2012.
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