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Thailand?s Intervention on
10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption &
Production Patterns
The Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the 19th session of the
Commission on Sustainable Development,
3 March 2011
Mr. Chairman,
1. The Thai delegation wishes to associate itself with the statement made by
the Argentinian delegation on behalf of G77 and China. I thank the panelists for
their informative presentations and would like to take this opportunity to share
our experiences in changing consumption and production patterns.
2. The Royal Thai Government has formulated and implemented policies to
promote sustainable consumption and production or SCP based on His Majesty
the King?s philosophy on ?Sufficiency Economy.?
3. Several programs on SCP, including Public Green Procurement, Green
Building and Green Way of Life under the revolving village fund have been
successfully implemented. Furthermore, the government has formulated the
national plan taking into account SCP to further promote sustainable patterns
with ambitious goals and targets to decouple economic growth from
environmental degradation.
4. In this, higher education, greater awareness, capacity building and the
transfer of technology and know-how, are essential. Intellectual property
regimes need to take into account the technology transfer needs of developing
countries. We urge the developed countries and relevant international
organizations to seriously consider this issue.
5. The recent global crises remind us that there is an urgent need to change
our consumption and production pattern s. Therefore, it is timely to have the 10-
year framework programme adopted at CSD 19.
As of 3/3/2011
6. Thailand is of view that the framework is of fundamental value to the goal
of sustainable development. However, the framework should fully take into
account the development aspirations of the developing countries without
imposing undue conditionalities and burdens.
7. The framework should be based on a voluntary basis and not be used as
trade barriers or cause additional conditions for access to the international
development financing regime.
8. The framework should reaffirm the vision and goals of the Johannesburg
Plan of Implementation and should be based on the Rio Principles, especially
the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
9. For the framework to function, it is necessary to avoid duplication and
conflicts, and to promote synergy with other processes and frameworks. The
SAICM model, with its appropriate administration arrangement, seems to be
suitable for the institutional structure.
10. The programs under the framework should be flexible and adaptable to
different national and regional needs, priorities and capacities. They should be
based on the existing and ongoing programs and activities and also cover areas
not yet addressed by other international policies. According to our experiences
from SAICM process, we are of view that not all programs need to be agreed on
at the outset, only in areas where it is possible to reach the consensus.
Thank you.
Thailand?s Intervention on
10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption &
Production Patterns
The Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the 19th session of the
Commission on Sustainable Development,
3 March 2011
Mr. Chairman,
1. The Thai delegation wishes to associate itself with the statement made by
the Argentinian delegation on behalf of G77 and China. I thank the panelists for
their informative presentations and would like to take this opportunity to share
our experiences in changing consumption and production patterns.
2. The Royal Thai Government has formulated and implemented policies to
promote sustainable consumption and production or SCP based on His Majesty
the King?s philosophy on ?Sufficiency Economy.?
3. Several programs on SCP, including Public Green Procurement, Green
Building and Green Way of Life under the revolving village fund have been
successfully implemented. Furthermore, the government has formulated the
national plan taking into account SCP to further promote sustainable patterns
with ambitious goals and targets to decouple economic growth from
environmental degradation.
4. In this, higher education, greater awareness, capacity building and the
transfer of technology and know-how, are essential. Intellectual property
regimes need to take into account the technology transfer needs of developing
countries. We urge the developed countries and relevant international
organizations to seriously consider this issue.
5. The recent global crises remind us that there is an urgent need to change
our consumption and production pattern s. Therefore, it is timely to have the 10-
year framework programme adopted at CSD 19.
As of 3/3/2011
6. Thailand is of view that the framework is of fundamental value to the goal
of sustainable development. However, the framework should fully take into
account the development aspirations of the developing countries without
imposing undue conditionalities and burdens.
7. The framework should be based on a voluntary basis and not be used as
trade barriers or cause additional conditions for access to the international
development financing regime.
8. The framework should reaffirm the vision and goals of the Johannesburg
Plan of Implementation and should be based on the Rio Principles, especially
the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective
9. For the framework to function, it is necessary to avoid duplication and
conflicts, and to promote synergy with other processes and frameworks. The
SAICM model, with its appropriate administration arrangement, seems to be
suitable for the institutional structure.
10. The programs under the framework should be flexible and adaptable to
different national and regional needs, priorities and capacities. They should be
based on the existing and ongoing programs and activities and also cover areas
not yet addressed by other international policies. According to our experiences
from SAICM process, we are of view that not all programs need to be agreed on
at the outset, only in areas where it is possible to reach the consensus.
Thank you.