Report on the outcomes of
?the Fifth Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia?
Dr. Wijarn Simachaya
Deputy Director General of the Pollution Control Department,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
At the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the 19th session of the Commission on
Sustainable Development, 28 February 2011
Mr. Chairman, UNCSD Secretary General, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, on behalf of the Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST)
Forum in Asia, Thailand would like to express our appreciation for allowing this
opportunity to share the outcomes of ?the Fifth Regional Environmentally Sustainable
Transport Forum in Asia?, which was held in Bangkok, Thailand, in August 2010.
The Fifth Regional EST Forum, with the theme ?A New Decade in Sustainable
Transport?, was organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,
Thailand; in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), and the United
Nations Centre for Regional Development, with support from various international
organizations and donor agencies. The Forum was attended by government
representatives of 22 Asian countries, international organizations, bilateral and
multilateral agencies, NGOs, research organizations, and sustainable transport experts.
The Fifth Regional Forum acknowledged that the EST strategies should be based on
the concept of - avoiding unnecessary motorized transport, - shifting to more sustainable
transport modes, and - improving transport practices and technologies. Those strategies
were used to develop integrated and sustainable transport policy options and programmes
that will help realize 20 goals and objectives by the year 2020 in the Asian region -
so called EST 20.
The EST 20 was adopted as part of ?Bangkok Declaration on Sustainable Transport
Goals for 2010-2020?, to demonstrate a renewed interest and commitment of the
region in realizing a promising decade of sustainable actions and measures for
achieving safe, secure, fast, reliable, affordable, efficient and people-centric and
environment friendly transport in rapidly urbanizing Asia, as the following:
1) First strategy is to avoid unnecessary travel and reduce trip distances by
integrating land-use and transport planning processes; achieving mixed-use
development; and supporting Information and Communications Technologies.
2) Second strategy is to shift towards more sustainable modes by requiring Non-
Motorized Transport components in transport master plans; improving public
transport services; reducing the urban transport mode share of private motorized
vehicles through Transportation Demand Management measures; and achieving
significant shifts to more sustainable modes of inter-city passenger and goods transport.
?the Fifth Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Asia?
Dr. Wijarn Simachaya
Deputy Director General of the Pollution Control Department,
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
At the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting for the 19th session of the Commission on
Sustainable Development, 28 February 2011
Mr. Chairman, UNCSD Secretary General, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, on behalf of the Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST)
Forum in Asia, Thailand would like to express our appreciation for allowing this
opportunity to share the outcomes of ?the Fifth Regional Environmentally Sustainable
Transport Forum in Asia?, which was held in Bangkok, Thailand, in August 2010.
The Fifth Regional EST Forum, with the theme ?A New Decade in Sustainable
Transport?, was organized by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment,
Thailand; in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment, Japan, United Nations
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP), and the United
Nations Centre for Regional Development, with support from various international
organizations and donor agencies. The Forum was attended by government
representatives of 22 Asian countries, international organizations, bilateral and
multilateral agencies, NGOs, research organizations, and sustainable transport experts.
The Fifth Regional Forum acknowledged that the EST strategies should be based on
the concept of - avoiding unnecessary motorized transport, - shifting to more sustainable
transport modes, and - improving transport practices and technologies. Those strategies
were used to develop integrated and sustainable transport policy options and programmes
that will help realize 20 goals and objectives by the year 2020 in the Asian region -
so called EST 20.
The EST 20 was adopted as part of ?Bangkok Declaration on Sustainable Transport
Goals for 2010-2020?, to demonstrate a renewed interest and commitment of the
region in realizing a promising decade of sustainable actions and measures for
achieving safe, secure, fast, reliable, affordable, efficient and people-centric and
environment friendly transport in rapidly urbanizing Asia, as the following:
1) First strategy is to avoid unnecessary travel and reduce trip distances by
integrating land-use and transport planning processes; achieving mixed-use
development; and supporting Information and Communications Technologies.
2) Second strategy is to shift towards more sustainable modes by requiring Non-
Motorized Transport components in transport master plans; improving public
transport services; reducing the urban transport mode share of private motorized
vehicles through Transportation Demand Management measures; and achieving
significant shifts to more sustainable modes of inter-city passenger and goods transport.