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LII -ÿ CS "
TEL (212) 754-2230 o FAX (212) 688-3029
His Excellency General Surasak Karnj anarat
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Kingdom of Thailand
At the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation
of Sustainable Development Goal 14:
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development
6 June 2017
The United Nations, New York
Please check against deliver_
On behalf of Thailand, I would like to express our appreciation to the governments of Fiji and Sweden for co-'
hosting this conference to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal fourteen. I believe that
the outcome of this conference will greatly contribute to the global efforts to conserving and sustainably using
our precious oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Thailand attaches immense importance to implementing all Sustainable Development Goals under the twentythirty
Agenda for Sustainable Development, including Goal fourteen. We have incorporated the SDGs and all
related targets into our national policy frameworks such as the 20-year National Strategic Framework and the
12th National Economic and Social Development Plan. The National Committee for Sustainable Development,
chaired by the Prime Minister, has also been established to oversee national efforts. Some of the key actions we
have taken in the implementation of Goal fourteen are:
First, ;(he Thai Government has launched a comprehensive fisheries reform to combat IUU fishing. We have
overhauled our legal and policy frameworks governing Thai fisheries sector as well as enhancing regional and
international cooperation to block the flow of IUU-caught fishes into the markets. Thailand has also acceded to
the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures, which is a key international agreement in this regard, since May
Second, we have placed marine pollution and marine debris issues high on our national agenda. Pilot projects
on plastic bag reduction measures, together with clean-up campaigns, have been implemented in coastal areas.
Stakeholders have been engaged in a number of marine debris management initiatives. Thailand has also
worked with other ASEAN members to address marine pollution and will host ASEAN Plus Three international
workshop on this issue this coming October.
Third, Thailand has set a specific target on the conservation of marine protected areas. We aim to protect ten
percent of coastal and marine areas, amounting to thirty-two-thousand square kilometres while a number of
potential areas are to be targeted for legal proclamation in the years to come.
Ocean acidification is another aspect to be highlighted. Two monitoring sites for carbonate chemistry of
seawater and biodiversity in coral reef ecosystem have been established. IOC-Westpac and Thailand jointly
organized several training workshops to increase research capability of countries in the region.
Ladies and gentlemen
Oceans, along with coastal and marine resources, play an essential role in human well-being as well associal and
economic development worldwide. They are particularly crucial for people living in coastal communities and
small islands developing States whose livelihood subsistence and income strongly linked to the health of our
oceans and seas.
In 2015, we all have committed ourselves to conserve and sustainable use ocean, seas and marine resources,
including to increase economic benefits to small islands and developing States and least developed countries.
Thailand strongly reiterates our commitment and has been sharing development experiences with these
countries, including through the Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum (TPIF). This kind of cooperation is part
of our commitment to leave no one behind and of our policy "SEP for SDGS Partnership" I3 the policy that offers
Thailand's home-grown development approach to achieve sustainable development..-
We invite the global community to join with us in taking concrete steps towards the implementation of
Sustainable Development Goal fourteen and to act now for the future of our next generations.
Thank you.
LII -ÿ CS "
TEL (212) 754-2230 o FAX (212) 688-3029
His Excellency General Surasak Karnj anarat
Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Kingdom of Thailand
At the United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation
of Sustainable Development Goal 14:
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development
6 June 2017
The United Nations, New York
Please check against deliver_
On behalf of Thailand, I would like to express our appreciation to the governments of Fiji and Sweden for co-'
hosting this conference to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal fourteen. I believe that
the outcome of this conference will greatly contribute to the global efforts to conserving and sustainably using
our precious oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Thailand attaches immense importance to implementing all Sustainable Development Goals under the twentythirty
Agenda for Sustainable Development, including Goal fourteen. We have incorporated the SDGs and all
related targets into our national policy frameworks such as the 20-year National Strategic Framework and the
12th National Economic and Social Development Plan. The National Committee for Sustainable Development,
chaired by the Prime Minister, has also been established to oversee national efforts. Some of the key actions we
have taken in the implementation of Goal fourteen are:
First, ;(he Thai Government has launched a comprehensive fisheries reform to combat IUU fishing. We have
overhauled our legal and policy frameworks governing Thai fisheries sector as well as enhancing regional and
international cooperation to block the flow of IUU-caught fishes into the markets. Thailand has also acceded to
the FAO Agreement on Port State Measures, which is a key international agreement in this regard, since May
Second, we have placed marine pollution and marine debris issues high on our national agenda. Pilot projects
on plastic bag reduction measures, together with clean-up campaigns, have been implemented in coastal areas.
Stakeholders have been engaged in a number of marine debris management initiatives. Thailand has also
worked with other ASEAN members to address marine pollution and will host ASEAN Plus Three international
workshop on this issue this coming October.
Third, Thailand has set a specific target on the conservation of marine protected areas. We aim to protect ten
percent of coastal and marine areas, amounting to thirty-two-thousand square kilometres while a number of
potential areas are to be targeted for legal proclamation in the years to come.
Ocean acidification is another aspect to be highlighted. Two monitoring sites for carbonate chemistry of
seawater and biodiversity in coral reef ecosystem have been established. IOC-Westpac and Thailand jointly
organized several training workshops to increase research capability of countries in the region.
Ladies and gentlemen
Oceans, along with coastal and marine resources, play an essential role in human well-being as well associal and
economic development worldwide. They are particularly crucial for people living in coastal communities and
small islands developing States whose livelihood subsistence and income strongly linked to the health of our
oceans and seas.
In 2015, we all have committed ourselves to conserve and sustainable use ocean, seas and marine resources,
including to increase economic benefits to small islands and developing States and least developed countries.
Thailand strongly reiterates our commitment and has been sharing development experiences with these
countries, including through the Thailand-Pacific Island Countries Forum (TPIF). This kind of cooperation is part
of our commitment to leave no one behind and of our policy "SEP for SDGS Partnership" I3 the policy that offers
Thailand's home-grown development approach to achieve sustainable development..-
We invite the global community to join with us in taking concrete steps towards the implementation of
Sustainable Development Goal fourteen and to act now for the future of our next generations.
Thank you.