Team Australia-Netherlands-UK SDGs Guiding Principles
The following first principles have been developed to inform the Australia-Netherlands-
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland team’s initial engagement on the
post-2015 development agenda, including through the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) Open Working Group. These principles guided the oral contributions made by our
group through one voice at the first meeting of the group on 14 March. We encourage other
teams on the Open Working Group to also speak with one voice.
1. There should be one process leading to one set of goals
There should be a single, integrated process for determining the post-2015 development
agenda. The post-2015 and SDGs processes should merge as one process with one
outcome. The UN special event on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) should
be informed by the High-level Panel report and preliminary work of the SDGs Open
Working Group, and provide the platform for discussions on possible contours of the
post-2015 development framework and bringing together the forward process for its
development before 2015.
2. The post-2015 development agenda should be focused on poverty eradication and putting
in place the building blocks of inclusive prosperity through a sustainable development
The post-2015 development agenda should continue to place people at the centre of our
efforts. The Rio+20 outcome document affirmed that ending poverty remains the world’s
greatest challenge. The new agenda should recognise the multidimensional aspects of
poverty and focus on promoting inclusive human development through a sustainable
development path – making gains irreversible. Also, as reaffirmed at Rio+20, eradicating
poverty requires both an enabling environment and a resilient natural resource base. In an
enabling environment, good governance, the rule of law, human rights and peace and
security are crucial elements.
3. The post-2015 development framework should integrate the three dimensions of
sustainable development in a balanced manner
Ending poverty irreversibly and ensuring a sustainable future requires a balanced and
integrated approach across all three dimensions of sustainable development — social,
economic and environmental. Sustainability in relation to any of these dimensions cannot
be achieved independently of the others. For example, equitable access and sustainable
use of natural resources and a healthy environment are essential for economic and social
wellbeing. Similarly, strong, accountable and transparent governance are important for
the good stewardship of natural resources and the distribution of the benefits of their use.
At the same time, the post-2015 development agenda must consider priority areas for the
achievement of eradicating extreme poverty through sustainable development, which
build on the MDGs and the Rio+20 outcomes document.
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4. The post-2015 development framework should be universal in nature
The global community should establish a sustainable development narrative which is
universal and aspirational in nature, to which all countries will commit and which builds
on the Millennium Declaration. The framework should take account of different national
circumstances and allow for different implementation pathways. As developed countries,
we are committed to getting our own house in order as part of the effort to end poverty
5. The post-2015 development goals should be simple, compelling and readily
The MDG ‘brand’ has been successful at mobilising development efforts by the
international community and developing countries. The post-2015 development
framework should seek to build on the strengths of the current MDG model. Post-2015
development goals that are simple, compelling and limited in number will give them
broad appeal and make them easy to communicate to a wide public audience.
6. The post-2015 development goals should be ambitious yet realistic, focused on poverty
eradication and reflect the highest priority global sustainable development challenges
The post-2015 development agenda should set ambitious yet realistic goals. These should
reflect the highest priority global sustainable development challenges for the next couple
of decades, based on a thorough analysis of the best available evidence. Any successor
goals should build on the current MDGs — enhancing commitments on issues that have
not been fully achieved, and set more ambitious targets for those already achieved,
include critical issues not previously covered and rationalise those issue that might be
brought together. The goals should be measurable to allow for effective monitoring and
evaluation, and in their design should consider both qualitative and quantitative aspects of
the outcomes. A multi-dimensional suite of indicators should be identified to measure and
monitor the progress across the framework. The framework should be able to be
implemented locally, but meaningful globally.
7. The continuation of the global development agenda is critical
Uninterrupted continuation of the global development agenda after the current MDGs
expire in 2015 is critical. This will be reflected by a pragmatic approach to negotiations,
focused on the development of workable goals for developing, emerging and developed
countries. In a UN-led process where consensus is required, the focus must be on
principles, priorities and approaches that can be agreed by 2015.
8. The post-2015 development framework should complement any existing goals, respect
current mandates and negotiations and take into account relevant international processes
The focus for the post-2015 development framework should be on issues that are best
progressed with a global goal to rally international efforts. Existing global targets and
goals should underpin and inform the post-2015 development agenda wherever relevant,
but these targets and goals should not be reopened and renegotiated through the design of
post-2015 development framework. Existing negotiating mandates, such as for climate
change or trade rules, should be respected. Relevant international processes should feed
into the new framework.
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9. The post-2015 development agenda should recognise that financial (and non-financial)
resources for development come from many diverse and innovative sources, including
those beyond official development assistance (ODA)
Consistent with the 2002 Monterrey Consensus and 2008 Doha Declaration on Financing
for Development, the post-2015 development framework should take account of all
relevant types of partnerships and areas of financing, including in particular domestic
resources as well as ODA. It should also take into account innovative sources of
financing and investments by and engagement with the private sector (through, inter alia,
Public-Private Partnerships). We would not expect the Open Working Group to
substantively cover finance issues while understanding that they need to be taken into
account. The post-2015 agenda should take into account the work of the Committee of
experts on Financing for Sustainable Development, as well as the Financing for
Development process (the follow-up and review of Monterrey).
10. A wide group of stakeholders should be involved in the design of the post-2015
development agenda
Civil society, the private sector and private foundations as well as knowledge institutions
should all be involved in the design of the post-2015 agenda. Accountability for national
implementation of the framework and monitoring of results can only be achieved through
the help of civil society organisations. Private sector support, investments and
partnerships will be key to achieving results, especially since government and ODA
budgets will not suffice to reach the goals. Knowledge institutions can provide a scientific
base for decisions on the development agenda and for policy-making.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland team’s initial engagement on the
post-2015 development agenda, including through the Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) Open Working Group. These principles guided the oral contributions made by our
group through one voice at the first meeting of the group on 14 March. We encourage other
teams on the Open Working Group to also speak with one voice.
1. There should be one process leading to one set of goals
There should be a single, integrated process for determining the post-2015 development
agenda. The post-2015 and SDGs processes should merge as one process with one
outcome. The UN special event on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) should
be informed by the High-level Panel report and preliminary work of the SDGs Open
Working Group, and provide the platform for discussions on possible contours of the
post-2015 development framework and bringing together the forward process for its
development before 2015.
2. The post-2015 development agenda should be focused on poverty eradication and putting
in place the building blocks of inclusive prosperity through a sustainable development
The post-2015 development agenda should continue to place people at the centre of our
efforts. The Rio+20 outcome document affirmed that ending poverty remains the world’s
greatest challenge. The new agenda should recognise the multidimensional aspects of
poverty and focus on promoting inclusive human development through a sustainable
development path – making gains irreversible. Also, as reaffirmed at Rio+20, eradicating
poverty requires both an enabling environment and a resilient natural resource base. In an
enabling environment, good governance, the rule of law, human rights and peace and
security are crucial elements.
3. The post-2015 development framework should integrate the three dimensions of
sustainable development in a balanced manner
Ending poverty irreversibly and ensuring a sustainable future requires a balanced and
integrated approach across all three dimensions of sustainable development — social,
economic and environmental. Sustainability in relation to any of these dimensions cannot
be achieved independently of the others. For example, equitable access and sustainable
use of natural resources and a healthy environment are essential for economic and social
wellbeing. Similarly, strong, accountable and transparent governance are important for
the good stewardship of natural resources and the distribution of the benefits of their use.
At the same time, the post-2015 development agenda must consider priority areas for the
achievement of eradicating extreme poverty through sustainable development, which
build on the MDGs and the Rio+20 outcomes document.
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4. The post-2015 development framework should be universal in nature
The global community should establish a sustainable development narrative which is
universal and aspirational in nature, to which all countries will commit and which builds
on the Millennium Declaration. The framework should take account of different national
circumstances and allow for different implementation pathways. As developed countries,
we are committed to getting our own house in order as part of the effort to end poverty
5. The post-2015 development goals should be simple, compelling and readily
The MDG ‘brand’ has been successful at mobilising development efforts by the
international community and developing countries. The post-2015 development
framework should seek to build on the strengths of the current MDG model. Post-2015
development goals that are simple, compelling and limited in number will give them
broad appeal and make them easy to communicate to a wide public audience.
6. The post-2015 development goals should be ambitious yet realistic, focused on poverty
eradication and reflect the highest priority global sustainable development challenges
The post-2015 development agenda should set ambitious yet realistic goals. These should
reflect the highest priority global sustainable development challenges for the next couple
of decades, based on a thorough analysis of the best available evidence. Any successor
goals should build on the current MDGs — enhancing commitments on issues that have
not been fully achieved, and set more ambitious targets for those already achieved,
include critical issues not previously covered and rationalise those issue that might be
brought together. The goals should be measurable to allow for effective monitoring and
evaluation, and in their design should consider both qualitative and quantitative aspects of
the outcomes. A multi-dimensional suite of indicators should be identified to measure and
monitor the progress across the framework. The framework should be able to be
implemented locally, but meaningful globally.
7. The continuation of the global development agenda is critical
Uninterrupted continuation of the global development agenda after the current MDGs
expire in 2015 is critical. This will be reflected by a pragmatic approach to negotiations,
focused on the development of workable goals for developing, emerging and developed
countries. In a UN-led process where consensus is required, the focus must be on
principles, priorities and approaches that can be agreed by 2015.
8. The post-2015 development framework should complement any existing goals, respect
current mandates and negotiations and take into account relevant international processes
The focus for the post-2015 development framework should be on issues that are best
progressed with a global goal to rally international efforts. Existing global targets and
goals should underpin and inform the post-2015 development agenda wherever relevant,
but these targets and goals should not be reopened and renegotiated through the design of
post-2015 development framework. Existing negotiating mandates, such as for climate
change or trade rules, should be respected. Relevant international processes should feed
into the new framework.
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9. The post-2015 development agenda should recognise that financial (and non-financial)
resources for development come from many diverse and innovative sources, including
those beyond official development assistance (ODA)
Consistent with the 2002 Monterrey Consensus and 2008 Doha Declaration on Financing
for Development, the post-2015 development framework should take account of all
relevant types of partnerships and areas of financing, including in particular domestic
resources as well as ODA. It should also take into account innovative sources of
financing and investments by and engagement with the private sector (through, inter alia,
Public-Private Partnerships). We would not expect the Open Working Group to
substantively cover finance issues while understanding that they need to be taken into
account. The post-2015 agenda should take into account the work of the Committee of
experts on Financing for Sustainable Development, as well as the Financing for
Development process (the follow-up and review of Monterrey).
10. A wide group of stakeholders should be involved in the design of the post-2015
development agenda
Civil society, the private sector and private foundations as well as knowledge institutions
should all be involved in the design of the post-2015 agenda. Accountability for national
implementation of the framework and monitoring of results can only be achieved through
the help of civil society organisations. Private sector support, investments and
partnerships will be key to achieving results, especially since government and ODA
budgets will not suffice to reach the goals. Knowledge institutions can provide a scientific
base for decisions on the development agenda and for policy-making.