STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. TUVAKO N. MANONGI, AMBASSADOR AND PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS, ON BEHALF OF THE AFRICAN GROUP AT THE 10TH SESSION OF THE OPEN WORKING GROUP ON SDGs CLUSTER 5: - Sustainable cities and human settlements - Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production – Climate CLUSTER 6: - Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas - Ecosystems and biodiversity April 3, 2014 Co-Chairs, I have the honour of delivering this Statement on behalf of the African Group. At the outset, please note that I am going to make a single intervention on both Cluster 5 and 6 as my Group is of the view that all focus areas under these two clusters should be streamlined under one thematic area in order to address environmental priorities in the most comprehensive way while taking into account interlinkages between issues under consideration. Therefore, under Cluster 5 and 6, we propose three goals. The first one reads as follows: promote sustainable cities and human settlements .Targets under this should include sustainable mass transport systems, increase green spaces, reducing pollution and wastes, sustainable buildings and specific ones like reducing the number of persons exposed to harmful levels of indoor air pollution. The second goal would be : “Enhance the quality, resilience and protection of the environment and promote sustainable exploitation, use and management of
natural resources”. This goal should encompass targets on ecosystems, biodiversity, Sustainable Consumption and Production The third goal the Group proposes reads: Combat desertification, land degradation and drought and promote sustainable management of land and oceanic spaces. This goal must include key targets such as Zero Net Land Degradation by 2030, incentives for developing countries to advance sustainable forests management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing or the full implementation of regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas. As pointed out previously, the Group will provide you very soon with a written proposal with details on how all our proposed goals presented at this session should be articulated in terms of targets
Thank you for your attention.
STATEMENT BY H.E. MR. TUVAKO N. MANONGI, AMBASSADOR AND PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA TO THE UNITED NATIONS, ON BEHALF OF THE AFRICAN GROUP AT THE 10TH SESSION OF THE OPEN WORKING GROUP ON SDGs CLUSTER 5: - Sustainable cities and human settlements - Promote Sustainable Consumption and Production – Climate CLUSTER 6: - Conservation and sustainable use of marine resources, oceans and seas - Ecosystems and biodiversity April 3, 2014 Co-Chairs, I have the honour of delivering this Statement on behalf of the African Group. At the outset, please note that I am going to make a single intervention on both Cluster 5 and 6 as my Group is of the view that all focus areas under these two clusters should be streamlined under one thematic area in order to address environmental priorities in the most comprehensive way while taking into account interlinkages between issues under consideration. Therefore, under Cluster 5 and 6, we propose three goals. The first one reads as follows: promote sustainable cities and human settlements .Targets under this should include sustainable mass transport systems, increase green spaces, reducing pollution and wastes, sustainable buildings and specific ones like reducing the number of persons exposed to harmful levels of indoor air pollution. The second goal would be : “Enhance the quality, resilience and protection of the environment and promote sustainable exploitation, use and management of
natural resources”. This goal should encompass targets on ecosystems, biodiversity, Sustainable Consumption and Production The third goal the Group proposes reads: Combat desertification, land degradation and drought and promote sustainable management of land and oceanic spaces. This goal must include key targets such as Zero Net Land Degradation by 2030, incentives for developing countries to advance sustainable forests management and enhancement of forest carbon stocks, illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing or the full implementation of regional and international regimes governing oceans and seas. As pointed out previously, the Group will provide you very soon with a written proposal with details on how all our proposed goals presented at this session should be articulated in terms of targets
Thank you for your attention.