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H.E. Mr. Emomali RAHMON President of the Republic of Tajikistan
at Interactive Dialogue of the UN Summit
"Protecting our Planet and Combating Climate Change
27September 2015,New York
Distinguished Messrs. Co-Chairs,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, allow me to extend our appreciation to the organizers of this Interactive Dialogue on the subject that has been a concern for the entire mankind -impact of climate change on our planet.
The last few decades have witnessed the negative impact of cl imatc changethat, to a certain extent, have been caused by human activities.
The long-term observations of our experts attest to the increased Impact of climate change on environment and social and economic situation in the country and region. Accordmg to these observations, over the last 60 years the average allnual air temperature in Taj i kistan increased by I degree by Celsius; the number of days with heavy precipitation Increased; natural meteorological disasters became more frequent and seve re. As a result of the abnormal natural phenomena that have occurred this year, the economy of our country suffered a damage worth hundreds of millions of UN dollars. Regrettably, the natural disasters also claimed human lives.
It IS becoming more obvious that climate change affects the quantity and quality of freshwater resources. The last decades witnessed a considerable degradatioll of Tajikistan glaciers that are vital for the entire Central Asia. According the available data, as a result of climate change about one thousand glaciers have disappeared on the territory of our coulltry.
Recognizing the water resources as the major component of sustainable development, the countries of the region are concerned about the change of a bydrological cycle that impacts water, energy and food security and can entail extra risks of tloods and extreme droughts. Central Asia is one those regions where climate change already caused certain negative consequences.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In terms of specific amount of carbon dioxide emissions, (C02) Tajikistan ranks as 1351". In Tajikistan, the annual per capita emissions of greenhouse gases sl ightly exceed one thou sand ton, and our share in the total amount of detrimental emissions 111 Central Asia is equal only to 3 percent.
Wide use of renewable energy, predominantly hydro energy, promotes economic and social development of the country, and allows keeping detrimental emissions at the lowest level.
Hydropower stations constitute the basis of the country's energy sector and generate about 98 percent of the entire electrical energy. The Government of the country has been undertaking comprehensive measures in order to balance production and consumption of energy through modernization and increasing capacity of the operating hydropower stations, construction of new hydropower stations, extensive use of solar and wind energy and introduction of advanced methods of energy conservation. At the same time, these measures are called to promote water supply, energy and food security in the region.
As for the reservoirs of hydro units, they, in addition to ensuring multiannual and seasonal regulation of river water flow, prevent flash flooding, mud flows and flooding and mitigate the impact of droughts.
Distinguished Colleagues,
Tajikistan attaches particular importance to measures for adaptation to climate change that constitute an important component of sustainable development. The Government of our country has adopted the National plan of action for mitigation of climate change impact. In compliance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) we prepared three National Communications.
Climate change and adoption of measures for adaptation to climate change became an important component of the National Development strategy by 2030.
In addition, the Government adopted a State plan for researching and protecting glaciers for the years 20 I0-2030. This year, in cooperation with our partners, we have started the work, within the Third Pamir international Geo phYSIcal Expedition, which is of enormous scientific and practical importance not only for our country but also for the entire Central Asian region. According to the preliminary assessment of the scholars, the analysis of the kerns of the large glaciers of Tajikistan, particularly those of the Fedchenko glacier, is of special value for global glaciology and climatology.
It is obvious that in order to make the measures on climate change miti gation effective, we should consolidate our efforts at the regional and international lev els. In Central Asia, where water resources originate in one countri es, -and the greater amount of these water resources is consumed by the other countries, development of a comprehensive regional strategy for adaptation to climate change beca me urgent long ago. The urgency of such a strategy is triggered by the accelerated retreat of the glaciers caused by climate change. The strategy should include adaptation measures that in mid-and long-term perspecti ve will ensure water security in the region.
In conclusion, I would like to underline that, within the framework of the preparation for tbe 21 SI Conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ), Tajikistan has prepared its own intended nationally determined contributions ([NDC) that incorporates the assessment of the CUlTent situation and scenarios of further development of the country.
It is obvious that funding of measures on reduction of carbon emi ssions and adaptation to climate change is of key importance, especially for the developing countries. Given the circumstances, we hope is that the new financial mechanisms such as Clean Investment Funds and Green Climate Fund, will render a timely and necessary assistance for the implementation of the planned measures.
Thank you for attention.
Check against delivery
H.E. Mr. Emomali RAHMON President of the Republic of Tajikistan
at Interactive Dialogue of the UN Summit
"Protecting our Planet and Combating Climate Change
27September 2015,New York
Distinguished Messrs. Co-Chairs,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, allow me to extend our appreciation to the organizers of this Interactive Dialogue on the subject that has been a concern for the entire mankind -impact of climate change on our planet.
The last few decades have witnessed the negative impact of cl imatc changethat, to a certain extent, have been caused by human activities.
The long-term observations of our experts attest to the increased Impact of climate change on environment and social and economic situation in the country and region. Accordmg to these observations, over the last 60 years the average allnual air temperature in Taj i kistan increased by I degree by Celsius; the number of days with heavy precipitation Increased; natural meteorological disasters became more frequent and seve re. As a result of the abnormal natural phenomena that have occurred this year, the economy of our country suffered a damage worth hundreds of millions of UN dollars. Regrettably, the natural disasters also claimed human lives.
It IS becoming more obvious that climate change affects the quantity and quality of freshwater resources. The last decades witnessed a considerable degradatioll of Tajikistan glaciers that are vital for the entire Central Asia. According the available data, as a result of climate change about one thousand glaciers have disappeared on the territory of our coulltry.
Recognizing the water resources as the major component of sustainable development, the countries of the region are concerned about the change of a bydrological cycle that impacts water, energy and food security and can entail extra risks of tloods and extreme droughts. Central Asia is one those regions where climate change already caused certain negative consequences.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In terms of specific amount of carbon dioxide emissions, (C02) Tajikistan ranks as 1351". In Tajikistan, the annual per capita emissions of greenhouse gases sl ightly exceed one thou sand ton, and our share in the total amount of detrimental emissions 111 Central Asia is equal only to 3 percent.
Wide use of renewable energy, predominantly hydro energy, promotes economic and social development of the country, and allows keeping detrimental emissions at the lowest level.
Hydropower stations constitute the basis of the country's energy sector and generate about 98 percent of the entire electrical energy. The Government of the country has been undertaking comprehensive measures in order to balance production and consumption of energy through modernization and increasing capacity of the operating hydropower stations, construction of new hydropower stations, extensive use of solar and wind energy and introduction of advanced methods of energy conservation. At the same time, these measures are called to promote water supply, energy and food security in the region.
As for the reservoirs of hydro units, they, in addition to ensuring multiannual and seasonal regulation of river water flow, prevent flash flooding, mud flows and flooding and mitigate the impact of droughts.
Distinguished Colleagues,
Tajikistan attaches particular importance to measures for adaptation to climate change that constitute an important component of sustainable development. The Government of our country has adopted the National plan of action for mitigation of climate change impact. In compliance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) we prepared three National Communications.
Climate change and adoption of measures for adaptation to climate change became an important component of the National Development strategy by 2030.
In addition, the Government adopted a State plan for researching and protecting glaciers for the years 20 I0-2030. This year, in cooperation with our partners, we have started the work, within the Third Pamir international Geo phYSIcal Expedition, which is of enormous scientific and practical importance not only for our country but also for the entire Central Asian region. According to the preliminary assessment of the scholars, the analysis of the kerns of the large glaciers of Tajikistan, particularly those of the Fedchenko glacier, is of special value for global glaciology and climatology.
It is obvious that in order to make the measures on climate change miti gation effective, we should consolidate our efforts at the regional and international lev els. In Central Asia, where water resources originate in one countri es, -and the greater amount of these water resources is consumed by the other countries, development of a comprehensive regional strategy for adaptation to climate change beca me urgent long ago. The urgency of such a strategy is triggered by the accelerated retreat of the glaciers caused by climate change. The strategy should include adaptation measures that in mid-and long-term perspecti ve will ensure water security in the region.
In conclusion, I would like to underline that, within the framework of the preparation for tbe 21 SI Conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ), Tajikistan has prepared its own intended nationally determined contributions ([NDC) that incorporates the assessment of the CUlTent situation and scenarios of further development of the country.
It is obvious that funding of measures on reduction of carbon emi ssions and adaptation to climate change is of key importance, especially for the developing countries. Given the circumstances, we hope is that the new financial mechanisms such as Clean Investment Funds and Green Climate Fund, will render a timely and necessary assistance for the implementation of the planned measures.
Thank you for attention.