Thank you, Madam Co-Chair.
There is general acknowledgment that our current ways of producing and consuming
are not sustainable. We are using up the world?s natural resource base and we are
undermining the economic prosperity and the well-being of future generations. The
challenge of moving towards more sustainable modes of consumption and production
is therefore truly at the core of achieving sustainable development.
We have already collectively recognized this almost twenty years ago. Chapter 4 of
Agenda 21 comprehensively deals with the need to halt unsustainable patterns of
production and consumption. Since not enough progress was achieved, we decided
in 2002 in Johannesburg to develop a 10 year framework of programmes for
promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns (10YFP). The time has
come to deliver on this promise.
The deliberations during the first part of this CSD clearly showed the rich amount of
policies, strategies, tools and experiences which exist for facilitating the shift
towards SCP and the honorable panelists have provided some further examples.
The Marrakech Process has certainly also played considerable role. It has helped
to shape some of the elements that should make up the future 10YFP.
Madam Co-Chair, it seems that we possess all the necessary pieces of the puzzle.
What we need to do between now and CSD 19 is to put the pieces together and to
give it a coherent framework.
In this regard, many countries have called for some kind of intersessional activities
between the end of CSD 18 and the IPM next year. We are certainly very supportive
of the idea of a transparent process that builds on the Marrakech Process and
develops a concrete proposal for the 10YFP.
Madam Chair, out of the five topics on our agenda, SCP probably is the issue where
the CSD can make the most important contribution. For many of the other issues we
already have specific international instruments in place such as the chemicals and
waste conventions, SAICM etc. They can carry the issues forward independently
from the CSD. But there will no framework for coherent action on SCP if we fail
to create it. So let us use the remaining time up to CSD 19 in order to make it
Thank you, Madam Co-Chair.
There is general acknowledgment that our current ways of producing and consuming
are not sustainable. We are using up the world?s natural resource base and we are
undermining the economic prosperity and the well-being of future generations. The
challenge of moving towards more sustainable modes of consumption and production
is therefore truly at the core of achieving sustainable development.
We have already collectively recognized this almost twenty years ago. Chapter 4 of
Agenda 21 comprehensively deals with the need to halt unsustainable patterns of
production and consumption. Since not enough progress was achieved, we decided
in 2002 in Johannesburg to develop a 10 year framework of programmes for
promoting sustainable consumption and production patterns (10YFP). The time has
come to deliver on this promise.
The deliberations during the first part of this CSD clearly showed the rich amount of
policies, strategies, tools and experiences which exist for facilitating the shift
towards SCP and the honorable panelists have provided some further examples.
The Marrakech Process has certainly also played considerable role. It has helped
to shape some of the elements that should make up the future 10YFP.
Madam Co-Chair, it seems that we possess all the necessary pieces of the puzzle.
What we need to do between now and CSD 19 is to put the pieces together and to
give it a coherent framework.
In this regard, many countries have called for some kind of intersessional activities
between the end of CSD 18 and the IPM next year. We are certainly very supportive
of the idea of a transparent process that builds on the Marrakech Process and
develops a concrete proposal for the 10YFP.
Madam Chair, out of the five topics on our agenda, SCP probably is the issue where
the CSD can make the most important contribution. For many of the other issues we
already have specific international instruments in place such as the chemicals and
waste conventions, SAICM etc. They can carry the issues forward independently
from the CSD. But there will no framework for coherent action on SCP if we fail
to create it. So let us use the remaining time up to CSD 19 in order to make it
Thank you, Madam Co-Chair.