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Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Fourth Session – Means of Implementation and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
New York, 22 April 2015
Technology facilitation mechanism and other science, technology and innovation issues Statement by Switzerland
Distinguished Co-Facilitators,
We would like to join others and thank you and the Co-Moderators of the structure dialogues on Technology Transfer for the useful interactive exchange this morning.
Science, Technology and Innovation have been major drivers of human development throughout history. There is no doubt that they are therefore also of great importance for achieving the SDGs.
The promotion of science, innovation and technological change is a complex task and encompasses a wide spectrum of related issues and actors. As Ambassador Seger stated during the interactive exchange this morning, challenges and barriers to technology development and

dissemination differ substantially between sectors and country contexts and can be found at all stages of the technology cycle.
Consequently, there is no one size fits all solution. It is a lot about “match-making”, to cite our Permanent Representative again. For successful technology transfer to occur, a large number of factors must be considered. Only a holistic approach has the potential to promote progress in this important field.
Switzerland is committed to engage constructively in the discussion on promoting science, technology and innovation (STI) for sustainable development. We suggest thinking about the issue as a house, with a strong foundation, different pillars and a roof.
The foundation would be the enabling environment which allows innovation and technology transfer to occur. It includes policies in different areas, including education and science, trade, public procurement, private sector development, intellectual property and taxation. We expect that a science, technology and innovation package will encourage regulatory frameworks that create incentives for the development, dissemination, acquisition and proper use of technologies.
While enabling framework conditions are the foundation for innovation and technology, experience shows that in many areas that are critical for sustainable development, the market does not provide adequate solutions. We agree with Liberia that, in such contexts, public finance (ODA) can and should have an important leveraging function.
So, our house needs different pillars in the form of sector specific targeted interventions in areas critical for sustainable development. The last years have shown much innovation in this regard. Take for example multi-stakeholder partnerships. By bringing together public and private actors, multi-stakeholder partnerships like GAVI, the Global Fund, or the Medicines for Malaria Venture proved to be a powerful approach to catalyze innovation and technology for sustainable development. Our aim should be to build on best practices, scale up successful initiatives and define targeted measures for areas where clear gaps can be identified.
Finally, as the roof of the house, we see a global support structure that addresses fragmentation and facilitates synergies. This support structure could map existing technology initiatives, needs and gaps, thereby promoting networking as well as information and knowledge sharing.
The recommendations of the structured dialogue on possible arrangements for a technology facilitation mechanism constitute a sound basis for our discussions. Switzerland considers it important that any discussion on a support structure, for example the proposed online platform, is guided by its functionality. Once again, we should build on successful initiatives that proofed to have an added value.
Please allow me a final remark: The Post-2015 Agenda is a universal framework. However, we feel that the discussion on the issue of
technology is still framed in north-south terms. As Ambassador Patriota also underscored, this is not a north-south but rather a technology-have and not-have issue.
As both moderators of the structured dialogue agreed, the North-South approach falls short of current realities, because innovation happens everywhere! Many formerly called developing countries are innovation hubs of global importance today.
And in many cases this success is not only founded on North-South technology transfer but rather on local knowledge. Indigenous and traditional knowledge can also contribute to address global sustainability challenges. We consider it particularly important that we recognize the value of this fact. We should therefore also commit to respect and protect the traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples, traditional and local communities.
A universal agenda must take these circumstances into account.
Thank you!
Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Fourth Session – Means of Implementation and Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
New York, 22 April 2015
Technology facilitation mechanism and other science, technology and innovation issues Statement by Switzerland
Distinguished Co-Facilitators,
We would like to join others and thank you and the Co-Moderators of the structure dialogues on Technology Transfer for the useful interactive exchange this morning.
Science, Technology and Innovation have been major drivers of human development throughout history. There is no doubt that they are therefore also of great importance for achieving the SDGs.
The promotion of science, innovation and technological change is a complex task and encompasses a wide spectrum of related issues and actors. As Ambassador Seger stated during the interactive exchange this morning, challenges and barriers to technology development and

dissemination differ substantially between sectors and country contexts and can be found at all stages of the technology cycle.
Consequently, there is no one size fits all solution. It is a lot about “match-making”, to cite our Permanent Representative again. For successful technology transfer to occur, a large number of factors must be considered. Only a holistic approach has the potential to promote progress in this important field.
Switzerland is committed to engage constructively in the discussion on promoting science, technology and innovation (STI) for sustainable development. We suggest thinking about the issue as a house, with a strong foundation, different pillars and a roof.
The foundation would be the enabling environment which allows innovation and technology transfer to occur. It includes policies in different areas, including education and science, trade, public procurement, private sector development, intellectual property and taxation. We expect that a science, technology and innovation package will encourage regulatory frameworks that create incentives for the development, dissemination, acquisition and proper use of technologies.
While enabling framework conditions are the foundation for innovation and technology, experience shows that in many areas that are critical for sustainable development, the market does not provide adequate solutions. We agree with Liberia that, in such contexts, public finance (ODA) can and should have an important leveraging function.
So, our house needs different pillars in the form of sector specific targeted interventions in areas critical for sustainable development. The last years have shown much innovation in this regard. Take for example multi-stakeholder partnerships. By bringing together public and private actors, multi-stakeholder partnerships like GAVI, the Global Fund, or the Medicines for Malaria Venture proved to be a powerful approach to catalyze innovation and technology for sustainable development. Our aim should be to build on best practices, scale up successful initiatives and define targeted measures for areas where clear gaps can be identified.
Finally, as the roof of the house, we see a global support structure that addresses fragmentation and facilitates synergies. This support structure could map existing technology initiatives, needs and gaps, thereby promoting networking as well as information and knowledge sharing.
The recommendations of the structured dialogue on possible arrangements for a technology facilitation mechanism constitute a sound basis for our discussions. Switzerland considers it important that any discussion on a support structure, for example the proposed online platform, is guided by its functionality. Once again, we should build on successful initiatives that proofed to have an added value.
Please allow me a final remark: The Post-2015 Agenda is a universal framework. However, we feel that the discussion on the issue of
technology is still framed in north-south terms. As Ambassador Patriota also underscored, this is not a north-south but rather a technology-have and not-have issue.
As both moderators of the structured dialogue agreed, the North-South approach falls short of current realities, because innovation happens everywhere! Many formerly called developing countries are innovation hubs of global importance today.
And in many cases this success is not only founded on North-South technology transfer but rather on local knowledge. Indigenous and traditional knowledge can also contribute to address global sustainability challenges. We consider it particularly important that we recognize the value of this fact. We should therefore also commit to respect and protect the traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous peoples, traditional and local communities.
A universal agenda must take these circumstances into account.
Thank you!