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Intergovernmental Negotiations Post-2015
Third Session / Goals, Targets, Indicators
Session on the Way Forward on MoI
New York, Friday, March 27, 2015
Thank you Co-Facilitators, We are pleased to have the opportunity of this exchange of views to listen to others and share our thoughts on how to make the best possible use out of our meeting in April. We welcome the fact that the next meeting will be held back-to-back with the FFD session and thank the four Co-Facilitators for their close interaction and their common efforts to co-ordinate the two processes. We think this session tackling the relationship between FfD and Post-2015 is important. Please allow me therefore first a remark on the substance of the interrelation between the Post-2015 Agenda and Financing for Development. As we have stated before, Switzerland considers that the Addis outcome must be an inte-gral part of the Post-2015 Agenda. In our view, the Addis Outcome must define the “how” while the SDGs are about the “what”. The Monterrey Consensus called for a new Partnership amongst countries to achieve in-ternationally agreed development goals. In our view, the 3rd Conference on Financing in Addis Ababa must define a new partnership to implement the new Sustainable Develop-ment Goals. Therefore, we expect that the Addis Ababa Conference should define a sin-gle, comprehensive, holistic, forward-looking implementation framework to achieve sustainable development. This implementation framework must therefore include a strategy to mobilize the finan-cial and non-financial means to implement the SDGs. Along these lines, we therefore
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expect that the Addis Ababa Outcome Document will also contain an ambitious chapter on technology and innovation. My delegation looks forward to working constructively in this regard with all involved parties. This means for us concretely that the third Chapter of the Post-2015 Outcome Docu-ment must be composed of 2 things: 1) the key principles and deliverables of the Addis Ababa outcome document as well as 2) Goal 17 on Means of Implementation and the Global Partnership. Together, these constitute the strategy through which we commit to achieve the SDGs and through which we will also be able to monitor and review our col-lective progress on means of implementation. This is the Swiss view. However, we would find it very useful to hear from others how they see the interlinkages between the processes and what they expect to find in the third chapter of the Outcome Document. Concretely, we therefore think that the April meeting should be used to help us build a common understanding on what the third chapter of the Post-2015 Agenda would look like. Concerning the proposal on follow-up and review, we see this discussion as a very im-portant one and one that clearly fits into the scope of our discussions in May. Indeed, we see the follow-up of FFD and means of implementation as an integral part of the mon-itoring and review of the Post-2015 Agenda. The proposal to break apart the discussion on monitoring and review risks creating separate processes to the detriment of the quality of the overall accountability mechanism. We welcome the opportunity to participate in the discussion on Financing for Sustainable Development with the International Financial Institutions on Monday 20th of April and there-fore welcome your proposal to start our meeting a day later. The day missing that week can still be added later in the process. One final note on indicators (since others have also come back to this issue): As we stated earlier this week, we support both a separate track of work through the UN Statistical Commission and also openness and transparency with this process here. In this sense, one further briefing could perhaps be useful to our group once the Inter-Agency and Expert Group has started its work, for example in June. The Terms of Refer-
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ence of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group should in our view continue to be elaborated by the UN Statistical Commission. We expect that the Post-2015 Outcome Document should contain an explicit mandate supporting the roadmap and the work of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group. This would provide the required political support for the ongoing work of the UN Statistical Commis-sion. Thank you.
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Intergovernmental Negotiations Post-2015
Third Session / Goals, Targets, Indicators
Session on the Way Forward on MoI
New York, Friday, March 27, 2015
Thank you Co-Facilitators, We are pleased to have the opportunity of this exchange of views to listen to others and share our thoughts on how to make the best possible use out of our meeting in April. We welcome the fact that the next meeting will be held back-to-back with the FFD session and thank the four Co-Facilitators for their close interaction and their common efforts to co-ordinate the two processes. We think this session tackling the relationship between FfD and Post-2015 is important. Please allow me therefore first a remark on the substance of the interrelation between the Post-2015 Agenda and Financing for Development. As we have stated before, Switzerland considers that the Addis outcome must be an inte-gral part of the Post-2015 Agenda. In our view, the Addis Outcome must define the “how” while the SDGs are about the “what”. The Monterrey Consensus called for a new Partnership amongst countries to achieve in-ternationally agreed development goals. In our view, the 3rd Conference on Financing in Addis Ababa must define a new partnership to implement the new Sustainable Develop-ment Goals. Therefore, we expect that the Addis Ababa Conference should define a sin-gle, comprehensive, holistic, forward-looking implementation framework to achieve sustainable development. This implementation framework must therefore include a strategy to mobilize the finan-cial and non-financial means to implement the SDGs. Along these lines, we therefore
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expect that the Addis Ababa Outcome Document will also contain an ambitious chapter on technology and innovation. My delegation looks forward to working constructively in this regard with all involved parties. This means for us concretely that the third Chapter of the Post-2015 Outcome Docu-ment must be composed of 2 things: 1) the key principles and deliverables of the Addis Ababa outcome document as well as 2) Goal 17 on Means of Implementation and the Global Partnership. Together, these constitute the strategy through which we commit to achieve the SDGs and through which we will also be able to monitor and review our col-lective progress on means of implementation. This is the Swiss view. However, we would find it very useful to hear from others how they see the interlinkages between the processes and what they expect to find in the third chapter of the Outcome Document. Concretely, we therefore think that the April meeting should be used to help us build a common understanding on what the third chapter of the Post-2015 Agenda would look like. Concerning the proposal on follow-up and review, we see this discussion as a very im-portant one and one that clearly fits into the scope of our discussions in May. Indeed, we see the follow-up of FFD and means of implementation as an integral part of the mon-itoring and review of the Post-2015 Agenda. The proposal to break apart the discussion on monitoring and review risks creating separate processes to the detriment of the quality of the overall accountability mechanism. We welcome the opportunity to participate in the discussion on Financing for Sustainable Development with the International Financial Institutions on Monday 20th of April and there-fore welcome your proposal to start our meeting a day later. The day missing that week can still be added later in the process. One final note on indicators (since others have also come back to this issue): As we stated earlier this week, we support both a separate track of work through the UN Statistical Commission and also openness and transparency with this process here. In this sense, one further briefing could perhaps be useful to our group once the Inter-Agency and Expert Group has started its work, for example in June. The Terms of Refer-
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ence of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group should in our view continue to be elaborated by the UN Statistical Commission. We expect that the Post-2015 Outcome Document should contain an explicit mandate supporting the roadmap and the work of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group. This would provide the required political support for the ongoing work of the UN Statistical Commis-sion. Thank you.