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Intergovernmental Negotiations Post-2015
Third Session / Goals, Targets, Indicators
Session on Interactive Dialogues Post-2015 Summit
New York, Thursday, March 26, 2015
Thank you Co-Facilitators,
We thank you for your proposal regarding the topics for the Interactive Dialogues to take
place during the Summit in September.
During this Summit, it will be paramount that our Heads of State can send a strong signal to
the outside world that this agenda is transformative and that it will be implemented in all
The six topics you propose are well on the way to highlighting both the transformative and
ambitious nature of the agenda and our collective commitment to implementing it.
Amongst the transformative elements of the agenda, we strongly support that the topics you
propose highlight the aspects of sustainable lifestyles, inequality, and also an emphasis on
peaceful societies and strong institutions. These were aspects that i) were missing from the
MDGs and aspects that ii) we collectively decided in the Open Working Group that we need
to highlight going forward. In addition, one of the panels should also more explicitly underline
the importance of ecosystem services for poverty eradication and economic development.
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We welcome the emphasis on commitments to SDG implementation. This is fundamental to
the success of the Summit and we need to hear our Ministers and Heads of State on how to
make the SDGs a reality.
In addition, they need to be able to interact with other actors relevant for implementation,
including representatives from local authorities and other stakeholders.
In fact, we consider that the crucial aspect of commitment to implementation should be
reflected in each and every interactive dialogue, and not to be limited to one session. We
would propose that this be the guiding question for all six discussions.
As the interesting discussion on Tuesday afternoon showed, many countries are already
preparing for the implementation of the agenda. By September, we would hope to hear more
commitments from our Heads of State on how to make the SDGs a reality. The world will be
watching us – and we need to be sure that we live up to the expectations.
The final panel could therefore more specifically address the dimension of dignity and
equality, in particular gender equality, which are fundamental and transformative aspects of
this agenda and would deserve to be highlighted more explicitly.
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Intergovernmental Negotiations Post-2015
Third Session / Goals, Targets, Indicators
Session on Interactive Dialogues Post-2015 Summit
New York, Thursday, March 26, 2015
Thank you Co-Facilitators,
We thank you for your proposal regarding the topics for the Interactive Dialogues to take
place during the Summit in September.
During this Summit, it will be paramount that our Heads of State can send a strong signal to
the outside world that this agenda is transformative and that it will be implemented in all
The six topics you propose are well on the way to highlighting both the transformative and
ambitious nature of the agenda and our collective commitment to implementing it.
Amongst the transformative elements of the agenda, we strongly support that the topics you
propose highlight the aspects of sustainable lifestyles, inequality, and also an emphasis on
peaceful societies and strong institutions. These were aspects that i) were missing from the
MDGs and aspects that ii) we collectively decided in the Open Working Group that we need
to highlight going forward. In addition, one of the panels should also more explicitly underline
the importance of ecosystem services for poverty eradication and economic development.
Seul le texte prononcé fait foi
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We welcome the emphasis on commitments to SDG implementation. This is fundamental to
the success of the Summit and we need to hear our Ministers and Heads of State on how to
make the SDGs a reality.
In addition, they need to be able to interact with other actors relevant for implementation,
including representatives from local authorities and other stakeholders.
In fact, we consider that the crucial aspect of commitment to implementation should be
reflected in each and every interactive dialogue, and not to be limited to one session. We
would propose that this be the guiding question for all six discussions.
As the interesting discussion on Tuesday afternoon showed, many countries are already
preparing for the implementation of the agenda. By September, we would hope to hear more
commitments from our Heads of State on how to make the SDGs a reality. The world will be
watching us – and we need to be sure that we live up to the expectations.
The final panel could therefore more specifically address the dimension of dignity and
equality, in particular gender equality, which are fundamental and transformative aspects of
this agenda and would deserve to be highlighted more explicitly.