Thank you Mr. Chairman
Sweden has for a long time worked to increase the use of renewable energy,
and to reduce the use of fossil fuels through various instruments and
policies. One of the latest examples is the system with green electricity
certificates, promoting renewable production.
Bio energy is used increasingly for district heating systems, and Sweden has
also assisted countries in Eastern Europe in making district heating more
efficient. Experiences from this can of course be used elsewhere to. These
and other experiences will be shared in the Swedish side event taking place
in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium on the 10th of May.
Sweden would also like to highlight the importance of sustaina ble
consumption and production patterns in the context of energy. In order for
consumers to choose more sustainable life styles information and education
is needed, but also cities should be planned to enable the consumers in their
daily lives to make sustainable choices. This is true in both developed and
developing countries. For example, urban planning should include public
transports, district heating and district cooling as options that would
contribute to energy efficiency.
In this context let me als o announce two events on sustainable consumption
and production. One is taking place tonight at the German Mission, and the
other tomorrow in the UN conference room nr.2.
Thank you.
Sweden has for a long time worked to increase the use of renewable energy,
and to reduce the use of fossil fuels through various instruments and
policies. One of the latest examples is the system with green electricity
certificates, promoting renewable production.
Bio energy is used increasingly for district heating systems, and Sweden has
also assisted countries in Eastern Europe in making district heating more
efficient. Experiences from this can of course be used elsewhere to. These
and other experiences will be shared in the Swedish side event taking place
in the Dag Hammarskjöld Library Auditorium on the 10th of May.
Sweden would also like to highlight the importance of sustaina ble
consumption and production patterns in the context of energy. In order for
consumers to choose more sustainable life styles information and education
is needed, but also cities should be planned to enable the consumers in their
daily lives to make sustainable choices. This is true in both developed and
developing countries. For example, urban planning should include public
transports, district heating and district cooling as options that would
contribute to energy efficiency.
In this context let me als o announce two events on sustainable consumption
and production. One is taking place tonight at the German Mission, and the
other tomorrow in the UN conference room nr.2.
Thank you.