8 May 2014
Swedish statement at OWG 11 on Focus Area 13 on Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas and Focus Area 14 on Ecosystems and Biodiversity
For both Focus Area 13 and 14 we support that targets build on existing goals and commitments such as the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for 2011-2020 as agreed by the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and confirmed at Rio +20. It is essential that the SDGs build on existing agreements and commitments, supporting their implementation without renegotiating them.
On Focus Area 13: Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas
We strongly support the targets on Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources, in particular the solid and clear references to Maximum Sustainable Yields and Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing – both established terms and ambitions. Our global and common management of our sea stocks simply has to improve, preferably at least by 2020.
To be consistent with the Aichi biodiversity targets the end year for targets b), c) and g) as they are formulated now should be 2020.
On Focus Area 14: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
We strongly support the targets in this area since the ongoing mass extinction of species and degradation of ecosystems threaten sustainable development and undermine our economies.
We strongly support the inclusion of a target on sustainable management of forests, and globally halting deforestation and increasing reforestation.
We would like to include two additional targets:
1) Ensuring Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services by 2030, so that natural resources are mainstreamed in development planning and national economic accounts.” As you may recall, Mr. Co-chair, we yesterday supported a suggestion to include a similar target under Focus Area 8. If it is included there it is of course not necessary to repeat it under this focus area, instead we can just make a cross-reference.
2) The other target we would like to add is: “Promote economic incentives for sustainable management of natural resources, including investments in environmental friendly technology, innovations and elimination of subsidies harmful for the environment and the climate.”
We note that several references to harmful subsidies have been taken out in the current draft, which we find very unfortunate. In addition, economic instruments can and must play a central role in promoting a sustainable economy. Including these targets would result in a better balance in terms of incorporating the three dimensions of sustainable development.
Thank you Mr. Co-chair.
Swedish statement at OWG 11 on Focus Area 13 on Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas and Focus Area 14 on Ecosystems and Biodiversity
For both Focus Area 13 and 14 we support that targets build on existing goals and commitments such as the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity for 2011-2020 as agreed by the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and confirmed at Rio +20. It is essential that the SDGs build on existing agreements and commitments, supporting their implementation without renegotiating them.
On Focus Area 13: Marine Resources, Oceans and Seas
We strongly support the targets on Oceans, Seas and Marine Resources, in particular the solid and clear references to Maximum Sustainable Yields and Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing – both established terms and ambitions. Our global and common management of our sea stocks simply has to improve, preferably at least by 2020.
To be consistent with the Aichi biodiversity targets the end year for targets b), c) and g) as they are formulated now should be 2020.
On Focus Area 14: Ecosystems and Biodiversity
We strongly support the targets in this area since the ongoing mass extinction of species and degradation of ecosystems threaten sustainable development and undermine our economies.
We strongly support the inclusion of a target on sustainable management of forests, and globally halting deforestation and increasing reforestation.
We would like to include two additional targets:
1) Ensuring Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services by 2030, so that natural resources are mainstreamed in development planning and national economic accounts.” As you may recall, Mr. Co-chair, we yesterday supported a suggestion to include a similar target under Focus Area 8. If it is included there it is of course not necessary to repeat it under this focus area, instead we can just make a cross-reference.
2) The other target we would like to add is: “Promote economic incentives for sustainable management of natural resources, including investments in environmental friendly technology, innovations and elimination of subsidies harmful for the environment and the climate.”
We note that several references to harmful subsidies have been taken out in the current draft, which we find very unfortunate. In addition, economic instruments can and must play a central role in promoting a sustainable economy. Including these targets would result in a better balance in terms of incorporating the three dimensions of sustainable development.
Thank you Mr. Co-chair.