Swedish statement at OWG 10 on cluster 7 - Means of implementation & global partnership for sustainable development
Mr. Co-chair,
This session deals with an extremely important part of the post 2015 development agenda, i.e. the Means of Implementation and Global partnerships. As is said in the document they cut across, contribute to and underpin the attainment of all other goals.
The global partnership necessary for implementing the new agenda must be qualitatively and quantitatively different from what we have seen in the past. With a universal agenda with shared and common responsibilities everybody must do their part in relation to their capacities and capabilities.
I want to underline that the principle of universality must not divert our attention from focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable if we are serious about eradicating extreme poverty. We recognize the role of ODA as a critical component in the implementation of the post 2015 development agenda. Sweden remains firmly committed to the 0,7 % target and has for many years in fact exceeded this target by devoting 1 % of GNI to ODA. ODA will continue to be of special significance for the poorest most vulnerable countries, LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and fragile states, and we should all make strong efforts to increase the focus of ODA on these countries. Adherence to principles for effective development cooperation and finding ways of making ODA more catalytic will also be vital.
But we all know that ODA will at the aggregate level only be a small part of the financing needed for implementing the post 2015 agenda. The bulk will have to come from domestic resource mobilization and other financial flows, including from the private sector. We are encouraged by the messages coming out of the Expert Committee on Sustainable Financing in this respect and very much look forward to their report.
4 April 2014
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Anna Brandt
The non-financial aspects of MOI are also of high relevance for the implementation of the SDGs.
1. We would like to stress the importance of a free, open multilateral rules based trade system as a central element for growth and poverty reduction.
2. Harnessing the positive effects of migration are also i and a lot can be done to reduce transaction costs of remittances and facilitate working conditions for migrants, e.g. through measures to enhance the portability of skills and earned social security benefits and to combat discrimination.
3. Transparency and accountability will be central features of implementing the SDGs and the post 2015 agenda. Citizens must have the ability to hold decision makers to account for commitments they have made. We look forward to discussing how robust monitoring frameworks can be worked out both at the global and national levels in the next stage of the process.
4. Technology transfer and capacity building will also be crucial across the framework.
5. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is a very important part of global partnerships, and something that my own country as well as the European Union is devoting a lot of effort to.
6. Special efforts will have to be made to strengthen capacities to generate data and statistics, with a particular emphasis on gender disaggregated statistics, relevant for all SDGs.
We believe that MOI and global partnerships should be addressed as generic cross-cutting issues in the framework. It simply would not be practical to build specific MOI models into each and every goal or target, as some want. How will 247 or even 100 if we manage to scale down the number of targets, global models of MOI for each individual target be relevant for all countries of the world with so many different needs and at different development levels?
To us it would seem more useful to build broad agreement on underlying principles of MOI in the OWG. MOI and partnerships with public and private stakeholders will for the most part have to be built up at the national level to be adapted to national circumstances and to be effective.
In addition to this, we can draw on some experience of successful thematic multi-stakeholder partnerships at the global level, like GAVI, that could possibly be replicated for a limited number of global challenges. But we cannot imagine 100 new GAVIs being set up, we need to remain realistic.
Thank you, Mr. Co-chair.
Mr. Co-chair,
This session deals with an extremely important part of the post 2015 development agenda, i.e. the Means of Implementation and Global partnerships. As is said in the document they cut across, contribute to and underpin the attainment of all other goals.
The global partnership necessary for implementing the new agenda must be qualitatively and quantitatively different from what we have seen in the past. With a universal agenda with shared and common responsibilities everybody must do their part in relation to their capacities and capabilities.
I want to underline that the principle of universality must not divert our attention from focusing on the poorest and most vulnerable if we are serious about eradicating extreme poverty. We recognize the role of ODA as a critical component in the implementation of the post 2015 development agenda. Sweden remains firmly committed to the 0,7 % target and has for many years in fact exceeded this target by devoting 1 % of GNI to ODA. ODA will continue to be of special significance for the poorest most vulnerable countries, LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and fragile states, and we should all make strong efforts to increase the focus of ODA on these countries. Adherence to principles for effective development cooperation and finding ways of making ODA more catalytic will also be vital.
But we all know that ODA will at the aggregate level only be a small part of the financing needed for implementing the post 2015 agenda. The bulk will have to come from domestic resource mobilization and other financial flows, including from the private sector. We are encouraged by the messages coming out of the Expert Committee on Sustainable Financing in this respect and very much look forward to their report.
4 April 2014
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Anna Brandt
The non-financial aspects of MOI are also of high relevance for the implementation of the SDGs.
1. We would like to stress the importance of a free, open multilateral rules based trade system as a central element for growth and poverty reduction.
2. Harnessing the positive effects of migration are also i and a lot can be done to reduce transaction costs of remittances and facilitate working conditions for migrants, e.g. through measures to enhance the portability of skills and earned social security benefits and to combat discrimination.
3. Transparency and accountability will be central features of implementing the SDGs and the post 2015 agenda. Citizens must have the ability to hold decision makers to account for commitments they have made. We look forward to discussing how robust monitoring frameworks can be worked out both at the global and national levels in the next stage of the process.
4. Technology transfer and capacity building will also be crucial across the framework.
5. Policy Coherence for Development (PCD) is a very important part of global partnerships, and something that my own country as well as the European Union is devoting a lot of effort to.
6. Special efforts will have to be made to strengthen capacities to generate data and statistics, with a particular emphasis on gender disaggregated statistics, relevant for all SDGs.
We believe that MOI and global partnerships should be addressed as generic cross-cutting issues in the framework. It simply would not be practical to build specific MOI models into each and every goal or target, as some want. How will 247 or even 100 if we manage to scale down the number of targets, global models of MOI for each individual target be relevant for all countries of the world with so many different needs and at different development levels?
To us it would seem more useful to build broad agreement on underlying principles of MOI in the OWG. MOI and partnerships with public and private stakeholders will for the most part have to be built up at the national level to be adapted to national circumstances and to be effective.
In addition to this, we can draw on some experience of successful thematic multi-stakeholder partnerships at the global level, like GAVI, that could possibly be replicated for a limited number of global challenges. But we cannot imagine 100 new GAVIs being set up, we need to remain realistic.
Thank you, Mr. Co-chair.