Swedish statement at OWG 10 on cluster 1 – poverty eradication and promoting equality
Mr. Co-chair,
Thank you for your tireless efforts in moving this process forward, you continue to have our full support in the process.
First, on principles and methodology, I align myself with the statement made by the EU, and would like to take the opportunity to stress the following:
- Universality is fundamentally important for the SDGs and should be accompanied with differentiation based on capabilities and capacities. We want universal goals and targets, but differentiated pace of implementation and ambition expressed in indicators.
- Respect for all human rights, and a rights-based approach, should be mainstreamed across all focus areas.
- We need more elaboration on inter-linkages as we move ahead, in order to make sure that goals and targets are transformative.
- The goals and targets must be evidence based; we should build on the lessons learned of the MDGs and conclude the unfinished business.
- In terms of a narrative – our work should be based on the principles of the Rio Declaration, the Outcome Document from the MDG Special Event of September 2013, and the Millennium Declaration. A new narrative is not necessary and should not be elaborated within this group.
- The full integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development must be kept at the core. In this context we see the need for stronger integration of environmental sustainability and climate change. We will return to these aspects in the coming sessions.
30 March 2014
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Anna Brandt
Second, on the focus area of poverty eradication and promoting equality; the overarching goal for the post-2015 development agenda should be poverty eradication and sustainable development. This means that the goal has a special standing in the framework – as a stand-alone goal and as a cross-cutting issue. In our view promoting equality and fighting inequality are prerequisites for eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable development. Hence promoting equality should be part of a goal on eradication of poverty.
Eradicating extreme poverty, defined as below 1.25 USD, is possible by 2030. This is the first time in history that it would be possible, so we have a moral obligation to act. Research shows that it will not happen automatically, even with strong economic growth. There has to be a focus on the poorest, most vulnerable "leaving no one left behind". This also means that special attention must be assigned to fragile states. Fundamentally we need economic growth, but not any kind of growth; it needs to be inclusive and sustainable for it to be sustained and for it to be translated into poverty reduction and eradication of extreme poverty.
So, we suggest a goal on eradication of extreme poverty defined as 1.25 USD/day by 2030. Possible target areas are:
1. promoting increased equality
2. empowering and inclusion of marginalized groups
3. ensuring minimum economic and social protection for all to reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen capabilities
4. ensuring equality of economic opportunity for all women and men
5. productive employment for all
6. eliminating discrimination against marginalized groups and between men and women
Thank you, Mr. Co-chair.
Mr. Co-chair,
Thank you for your tireless efforts in moving this process forward, you continue to have our full support in the process.
First, on principles and methodology, I align myself with the statement made by the EU, and would like to take the opportunity to stress the following:
- Universality is fundamentally important for the SDGs and should be accompanied with differentiation based on capabilities and capacities. We want universal goals and targets, but differentiated pace of implementation and ambition expressed in indicators.
- Respect for all human rights, and a rights-based approach, should be mainstreamed across all focus areas.
- We need more elaboration on inter-linkages as we move ahead, in order to make sure that goals and targets are transformative.
- The goals and targets must be evidence based; we should build on the lessons learned of the MDGs and conclude the unfinished business.
- In terms of a narrative – our work should be based on the principles of the Rio Declaration, the Outcome Document from the MDG Special Event of September 2013, and the Millennium Declaration. A new narrative is not necessary and should not be elaborated within this group.
- The full integration of the three dimensions of sustainable development must be kept at the core. In this context we see the need for stronger integration of environmental sustainability and climate change. We will return to these aspects in the coming sessions.
30 March 2014
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Anna Brandt
Second, on the focus area of poverty eradication and promoting equality; the overarching goal for the post-2015 development agenda should be poverty eradication and sustainable development. This means that the goal has a special standing in the framework – as a stand-alone goal and as a cross-cutting issue. In our view promoting equality and fighting inequality are prerequisites for eradicating poverty and achieving sustainable development. Hence promoting equality should be part of a goal on eradication of poverty.
Eradicating extreme poverty, defined as below 1.25 USD, is possible by 2030. This is the first time in history that it would be possible, so we have a moral obligation to act. Research shows that it will not happen automatically, even with strong economic growth. There has to be a focus on the poorest, most vulnerable "leaving no one left behind". This also means that special attention must be assigned to fragile states. Fundamentally we need economic growth, but not any kind of growth; it needs to be inclusive and sustainable for it to be sustained and for it to be translated into poverty reduction and eradication of extreme poverty.
So, we suggest a goal on eradication of extreme poverty defined as 1.25 USD/day by 2030. Possible target areas are:
1. promoting increased equality
2. empowering and inclusion of marginalized groups
3. ensuring minimum economic and social protection for all to reduce vulnerabilities and strengthen capabilities
4. ensuring equality of economic opportunity for all women and men
5. productive employment for all
6. eliminating discrimination against marginalized groups and between men and women
Thank you, Mr. Co-chair.