Sustainable World Initiative
Open Working Group on the Sustainable Development Goals, 4th Session
19 June 2013 – Health and Population Dynamics
Sustainable World Initiative
1-Minute Talking Points
Regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights, and their link to the overarching message
that “Demography is not destiny”:
Incremental investment in sexual and reproductive health and rights programs yields a 5- to 20-
fold return in future public expenditure savings, for both developed and developing countries, as
has been shown by our research. Similar cost-benefit analyses need further investigation.
These investments can contribute to stabilizing populations and relieving already excessive
pressures on our planet’s finite resources, and should be emphasized as a crucial means to
supplement sustainable consumption and production patterns.
We therefore support the inclusion in the SDGs of a target for ensuring women’s access to
integrated, voluntary sexual and reproductive health and rights, including voluntary family
planning programs expanding individual choice and opportunity. Possible indicators include
meeting the unmet need for family planning.
Regarding initial funding trade-offs, we would like to bring notice to the comprehensive funding
plan presented by the Major Group on Children and Youth during yesterdays civil society
19 June 2013 – Health and Population Dynamics
Sustainable World Initiative
1-Minute Talking Points
Regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights, and their link to the overarching message
that “Demography is not destiny”:
Incremental investment in sexual and reproductive health and rights programs yields a 5- to 20-
fold return in future public expenditure savings, for both developed and developing countries, as
has been shown by our research. Similar cost-benefit analyses need further investigation.
These investments can contribute to stabilizing populations and relieving already excessive
pressures on our planet’s finite resources, and should be emphasized as a crucial means to
supplement sustainable consumption and production patterns.
We therefore support the inclusion in the SDGs of a target for ensuring women’s access to
integrated, voluntary sexual and reproductive health and rights, including voluntary family
planning programs expanding individual choice and opportunity. Possible indicators include
meeting the unmet need for family planning.
Regarding initial funding trade-offs, we would like to bring notice to the comprehensive funding
plan presented by the Major Group on Children and Youth during yesterdays civil society