Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC)
Excellences Ministers of Transport,
Esteemed Delegates,
Distinguished Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, I would like to express my thanks to the Government of
TurkmenistanJor their hospitality and excellent preparations made. for
th@ successful con'o'eAing of.this Conference. I also would like to express
my profound gratitude to UN. and Miostry of Fo.~ign Affairs of
-Ti --VrI ,Ladies and Gentlemen,
As the Director General of SES RIC, I would like to take this opportunity.
to introduce ~ organization. SESRIC is a subsidiary of the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The basic mandate of
SESRIC covers three areas: Statistics; Training and Technical
Cooperation; and Research for the MCs
-In the area of Statistics.and under the category of "Transport and
Communication':SESRIC provides data on 20 indicators
-In the area of Training and Technical Cooperation; SESRIC initiated
Capacity Building Programmes
-And in terms of research, SES RIC recently completed a research report
under the title: Transportation Networks in the 0/C Member
Countries: Impact on Trade and Tourism.
Here, I would like to share with you.the main highlights of the report:
>- As a group, the OIC countries account sixth of the world's
land area.and enjoy a vast strategic trading region.
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> Transportation networks facilitate. mass carriage of goods, which
is of special importance to the OIC countries, since the majority of
them are producers of primary commodities, mainly energy and
agricultural products.
> Therefore, it is necessary to establish a multimodal sustainable
transportation system- which functions efficiently not only at the ~
individual country level but also at the OIC regional level.
> The road network density in OIC countries_is poor when compared
with other countries group -and points to the need -to further develop- the road network in OIC countries > The rail networks in OIC countries standardized- on the basis of population_and land area. are lower than what is observed- in other
country groups
> This situation in the OIC countries- are mainly caused- by the stagnant rail line infrastructure growth- coupled with the increasing population.
> The air network density in OIC countries is still below the desired - - level and significantly lags that in developed countries and the - - - world average
> In many OIC countries, the low levels of air traffi<:_ can be
attribute~ to the lack of infrastructure facilitie~ such as proper
terminals- and paved- runways- which are very low- in number and size.
> Sea transportation infrastructure_ in the OIC countries_ is
underdeveloped_ and the transportation system_ as a whole
offers poor connectivity
Page 2 of 9
> The lack of investment in road infrastructure seems to hinder
~ -
the ability of OIC countries in increasing their trade and
~ -
tourism, thus putting them~ behind the world average.
> Sustainable transportatio1;_ is an important element in
sustainable development, thus the need to develop the
transportation infrastructure while protecting the environment
> OIC countries have done- a relatively good job in meeting the ~
MDG target- of having a trend- reversal in CO2 emissions (kg per PPP$ of GDP) with 43 OIC countries meeting the target.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The OIC fully understands_ the importance of the transport sector:_
in achieving sustainable development_and this is demonstrated by
the following:
1. Mobility is one of the three principles of the COMCEC strategy
- .,,.,..._o.·,,,.. -
and one of its six areas of cooperation
2. The IDB Special Program for Central Asia.,..targeted_ the
transport sectoi:.,. as one of the three sectors_ requiring
3. The Organization of the Islamic Ship-owners Association
(OISA) was established by the 3rd Islamic summit
4. The establishment of a committee_ for implementing the Port
Sudan-Dakar Railway Project_was adopted at the 11th Islamic
I • 9-1"'$. ' .f {).\
~ V'-Ministers- to be held once every two years- to establish high level policy coordination- among Ministers of Transport in
Page 3 of9
member countries and promote dialogue on the challenges .. • 1!j:
and problems facing the transport sector in the OIC countries.
~ -
Ladies and gentlemen,
iJI. OIC countries face critical obstacles and challenges in the field of
transportation.: t-\.t~
> Already inadequate infrastructure~ and maintenance services.
cannot be improved considerably due to insufficient financing
resources and investment in the tra'n sportation sector ... - > Complex~and prolonged customs_and border-crossing procedures,
prevent the development of tradt and transportation.
> Another challeng~ faced by OIC countries~ is inadequate
implementation of trade and transport facilitation measures_and
the lack of information- and knowledge-sharing- among OIC member countries in this area. Lack of a sound, harmonized, and
adequate lega~ and regulatory frameworks, both at national and
OIC regional level. . further exacerbates this challenge .
> Moreover, OIC countries lack the adequate human and
institutional capacity of relevant transportation authorities.
> Finally, the use of Information and Communication Technologies_
(ICT) in the area of transport, trade facilitation. and tourism- is also
In the light of the mentioned challenges the following
recommendations can be made at both national and OIC
cooperation levels:
> At the national level, the solution of infrastructure problems_
requires sustainable longer-term investment and involvement of
the private sector,. .. in transport projects. In~ this regard, private
investments via Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme... have
Page 4 of 9
become popular around the world_ as a tool for improving
transport infrastructure.
>- Measure~ should be developec!_ to improve the maintenance of
existing roads, railways, seaports and airports_ as well as to
improve the quality of these transport modes services.
>- Transpo~r t sector reform- has to be se.t. .i n the context of general
reform of public institutions, and transport development plans_
should be integrated.. . into their national strategies- taking into consideration regional initiatives.
>- National Trade and Transport Facilitation Committees (NTTFC) •
can be established_ for better coordination_ among private and
public sectors institutions. Thi-s can help, ... to identify the major
transport related obstacles to tourism and trade in the member
countrie~y increasing c~ordination among the ministries of
• •
transport, trade and tourism.
>- At the OIC cooperation level, developing an OIC regional
transport approach. requires. close cooperation and coordination.
between the member countries as well as the different
organization and agencies involvel It also requires concluding of
framework agreements on the priorities both in the infrastructure
and policy areas. "' - -
>- And Finally, Enhancing partnership- with relevan-t regional and international organizations_ in the field of transport_ to avoid
duplication_ and enhance effectiveness. In this framework, a
master plan_for the transport corridors in the OIC Member States_
should be prepared. -
Ladies and Gentlemen, This brings me to the end of my presentation.
At the end, I wish all of us success in our deliberations, and thank you
for your kind attention.
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Esteemed Delegates,
Distinguished Participants,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, I would like to express my thanks to the Government of
TurkmenistanJor their hospitality and excellent preparations made. for
th@ successful con'o'eAing of.this Conference. I also would like to express
my profound gratitude to UN. and Miostry of Fo.~ign Affairs of
-Ti --VrI ,
As the Director General of SES RIC, I would like to take this opportunity.
to introduce ~ organization. SESRIC is a subsidiary of the
Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The basic mandate of
SESRIC covers three areas: Statistics; Training and Technical
Cooperation; and Research for the MCs
-In the area of Statistics.and under the category of "Transport and
Communication':SESRIC provides data on 20 indicators
-In the area of Training and Technical Cooperation; SESRIC initiated
Capacity Building Programmes
-And in terms of research, SES RIC recently completed a research report
under the title: Transportation Networks in the 0/C Member
Countries: Impact on Trade and Tourism.
Here, I would like to share with you.the main highlights of the report:
>- As a group, the OIC countries account sixth of the world's
land area.and enjoy a vast strategic trading region.
Page 1 of 9
> Transportation networks facilitate. mass carriage of goods, which
is of special importance to the OIC countries, since the majority of
them are producers of primary commodities, mainly energy and
agricultural products.
> Therefore, it is necessary to establish a multimodal sustainable
transportation system- which functions efficiently not only at the ~
individual country level but also at the OIC regional level.
> The road network density in OIC countries_is poor when compared
with other countries group -and points to the need -to further develop- the road network in OIC countries > The rail networks in OIC countries standardized- on the basis of population_and land area. are lower than what is observed- in other
country groups
> This situation in the OIC countries- are mainly caused- by the stagnant rail line infrastructure growth- coupled with the increasing population.
> The air network density in OIC countries is still below the desired - - level and significantly lags that in developed countries and the - - - world average
> In many OIC countries, the low levels of air traffi<:_ can be
attribute~ to the lack of infrastructure facilitie~ such as proper
terminals- and paved- runways- which are very low- in number and size.
> Sea transportation infrastructure_ in the OIC countries_ is
underdeveloped_ and the transportation system_ as a whole
offers poor connectivity
Page 2 of 9
> The lack of investment in road infrastructure seems to hinder
~ -
the ability of OIC countries in increasing their trade and
~ -
tourism, thus putting them~ behind the world average.
> Sustainable transportatio1;_ is an important element in
sustainable development, thus the need to develop the
transportation infrastructure while protecting the environment
> OIC countries have done- a relatively good job in meeting the ~
MDG target- of having a trend- reversal in CO2 emissions (kg per PPP$ of GDP) with 43 OIC countries meeting the target.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The OIC fully understands_ the importance of the transport sector:_
in achieving sustainable development_and this is demonstrated by
the following:
1. Mobility is one of the three principles of the COMCEC strategy
- .,,.,..._o.·,,,.. -
and one of its six areas of cooperation
2. The IDB Special Program for Central Asia.,..targeted_ the
transport sectoi:.,. as one of the three sectors_ requiring
3. The Organization of the Islamic Ship-owners Association
(OISA) was established by the 3rd Islamic summit
4. The establishment of a committee_ for implementing the Port
Sudan-Dakar Railway Project_was adopted at the 11th Islamic
I • 9-1"'$. ' .f {).\
~ V'-Ministers- to be held once every two years- to establish high level policy coordination- among Ministers of Transport in
Page 3 of9
member countries and promote dialogue on the challenges .. • 1!j:
and problems facing the transport sector in the OIC countries.
~ -
Ladies and gentlemen,
iJI. OIC countries face critical obstacles and challenges in the field of
transportation.: t-\.t~
> Already inadequate infrastructure~ and maintenance services.
cannot be improved considerably due to insufficient financing
resources and investment in the tra'n sportation sector ... - > Complex~and prolonged customs_and border-crossing procedures,
prevent the development of tradt and transportation.
> Another challeng~ faced by OIC countries~ is inadequate
implementation of trade and transport facilitation measures_and
the lack of information- and knowledge-sharing- among OIC member countries in this area. Lack of a sound, harmonized, and
adequate lega~ and regulatory frameworks, both at national and
OIC regional level. . further exacerbates this challenge .
> Moreover, OIC countries lack the adequate human and
institutional capacity of relevant transportation authorities.
> Finally, the use of Information and Communication Technologies_
(ICT) in the area of transport, trade facilitation. and tourism- is also
In the light of the mentioned challenges the following
recommendations can be made at both national and OIC
cooperation levels:
> At the national level, the solution of infrastructure problems_
requires sustainable longer-term investment and involvement of
the private sector,. .. in transport projects. In~ this regard, private
investments via Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme... have
Page 4 of 9
become popular around the world_ as a tool for improving
transport infrastructure.
>- Measure~ should be developec!_ to improve the maintenance of
existing roads, railways, seaports and airports_ as well as to
improve the quality of these transport modes services.
>- Transpo~r t sector reform- has to be se.t. .i n the context of general
reform of public institutions, and transport development plans_
should be integrated.. . into their national strategies- taking into consideration regional initiatives.
>- National Trade and Transport Facilitation Committees (NTTFC) •
can be established_ for better coordination_ among private and
public sectors institutions. Thi-s can help, ... to identify the major
transport related obstacles to tourism and trade in the member
countrie~y increasing c~ordination among the ministries of
• •
transport, trade and tourism.
>- At the OIC cooperation level, developing an OIC regional
transport approach. requires. close cooperation and coordination.
between the member countries as well as the different
organization and agencies involvel It also requires concluding of
framework agreements on the priorities both in the infrastructure
and policy areas. "' - -
>- And Finally, Enhancing partnership- with relevan-t regional and international organizations_ in the field of transport_ to avoid
duplication_ and enhance effectiveness. In this framework, a
master plan_for the transport corridors in the OIC Member States_
should be prepared. -
Ladies and Gentlemen, This brings me to the end of my presentation.
At the end, I wish all of us success in our deliberations, and thank you
for your kind attention.
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