Statement by H.E. Minister László Borbély
Statement by H.E. Minister László Borbély
Ladies and gentlemen,
In my capacity of Chairperson of the nineteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development, let me extend a warm welcome to you all, and special thanks to the Government of Panama for hosting this intersessional meeting and to UN DESA and UNEP for setting the stage as organizers.
I consider that progress on the important topic of sustainable consumption and production can only be achieved by a strong partnership among states, among private and public entities, and strong involvement of the civil society.
Since the World Summits in Rio and Johannesburg, the international community has come to understand that achieving sustainable consumption and production is a prerequisite for sustainable development. At CSD18 last year in New York, progress achieved so far was recognized and showcased. However, it was also recognized that we need to do more to achieve a truly transformative change.
This intersessional meeting could play a key role in helping to develop a supportive international framework to promote more sustainable consumption and production patterns. A 10-year framework of programmes agreed at CSD19 could also be a contribution to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012.
In developing this framework I believe it is important to adopt an integrated life cycle approach to reduce the environmental and social impacts of consumption and production and also promote access to basic services for all, in the context of poverty eradication. This should engage a full range of stakeholders and I am happy to see the diversity of actors needed to do this are represented today in the
meeting. The next 10 years are critical for sustainable development. Recent crises have revealed a new dimension of interconnected imbalances, undermining not only ecosystems, but also our collective development prospects. An effective 10-Year Framework of Programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns could be an important element of the collective effort to address the negative impacts of crises effectively.
We have to be clear in advancing policies, adapted to national and regional characteristics which include, inter alia, sustainable management of natural resources, realizing the human potential, and building a sustainable, inclusive and equitable economy at local, regional and global levels. To that end, it is important that we agree on a well structured approach to support regions and countries, producers and consumers, in mainstreaming SCP in their decision making process, in raising awareness and capacity building, and in acting at all levels to deliver the needed transformation for improved resource efficiency and decoupling towards sustainable development.
This meeting will be, I hope, one of changing our points of view regarding the actual stage in preparing a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP, to look for answers on the expected outcomes: possible vision and goals, an advanced understanding on the objectives, a functional institutional arrangement, and a best possible approach to build programmes.
I fully trust that we can build together, based on our experiences and our priorities, and prepare a good basis for discussion at IPM and CSD19.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In my capacity of Chairperson of the nineteenth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development, let me extend a warm welcome to you all, and special thanks to the Government of Panama for hosting this intersessional meeting and to UN DESA and UNEP for setting the stage as organizers.
I consider that progress on the important topic of sustainable consumption and production can only be achieved by a strong partnership among states, among private and public entities, and strong involvement of the civil society.
Since the World Summits in Rio and Johannesburg, the international community has come to understand that achieving sustainable consumption and production is a prerequisite for sustainable development. At CSD18 last year in New York, progress achieved so far was recognized and showcased. However, it was also recognized that we need to do more to achieve a truly transformative change.
This intersessional meeting could play a key role in helping to develop a supportive international framework to promote more sustainable consumption and production patterns. A 10-year framework of programmes agreed at CSD19 could also be a contribution to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012.
In developing this framework I believe it is important to adopt an integrated life cycle approach to reduce the environmental and social impacts of consumption and production and also promote access to basic services for all, in the context of poverty eradication. This should engage a full range of stakeholders and I am happy to see the diversity of actors needed to do this are represented today in the
meeting. The next 10 years are critical for sustainable development. Recent crises have revealed a new dimension of interconnected imbalances, undermining not only ecosystems, but also our collective development prospects. An effective 10-Year Framework of Programmes on sustainable consumption and production patterns could be an important element of the collective effort to address the negative impacts of crises effectively.
We have to be clear in advancing policies, adapted to national and regional characteristics which include, inter alia, sustainable management of natural resources, realizing the human potential, and building a sustainable, inclusive and equitable economy at local, regional and global levels. To that end, it is important that we agree on a well structured approach to support regions and countries, producers and consumers, in mainstreaming SCP in their decision making process, in raising awareness and capacity building, and in acting at all levels to deliver the needed transformation for improved resource efficiency and decoupling towards sustainable development.
This meeting will be, I hope, one of changing our points of view regarding the actual stage in preparing a 10-Year Framework of Programmes on SCP, to look for answers on the expected outcomes: possible vision and goals, an advanced understanding on the objectives, a functional institutional arrangement, and a best possible approach to build programmes.
I fully trust that we can build together, based on our experiences and our priorities, and prepare a good basis for discussion at IPM and CSD19.