Stakeholder Group on Ageing
Statement of the Stakeholder Group on Ageing for Open Working Group Session 12: Response to Zero draft of proposed goals and targets
As we have often said, the SDGs must reflect the reality of an ageing world and protect and promote the rights of all people, including those in older age.
Given the commitment to ‘leave no-one behind’ in this process, we must first express our extreme displeasure with the omission of older persons from the document “Mainstreamed topics in the SDGs” issued last week. We call for the retraction of that document until the mainstreaming in the SDGs of 810 million older persons around the world is acknowledged and reported.
With regard to the Introduction, we call for the inclusion in the 3rd paragraph of the Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action of the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing with the other cited Programmes and Plans of Action.
We also suggest amending the 5th paragraph to strengthen the social pillar by modifying the opening clause to “We recognize that people of all ages and abilities are at the centre of sustainable development” and the ending clause to read “thereby to benefit all, particularly the poor, the marginalized and people in vulnerable situations , including indigenous peoples, women, minorities, migrants, persons with disabilities, older persons, children and youth.”
We call for the following goals and targets to be maintained in their current form:
1. Goal 3 and Target 3.5: on health
2. Target 4.2 on education and life-long learning
3. Goal 10 and Target 10.5: on reducing inequalities and empowering people
4. Target 17.36: on data collection and statistical analysis Mr. Co-chair: Please confirm our interpretation of this target as calling for strengthened data collection and analysis for all the targets (and supporting indicators) on sustainable development contained in this zero draft.
We strongly call for amendments in the following targets:
1. the reinsertion of women ‘of all ages’ in target 5.1, to read: end all forms of discrimination against girls and women of all ages
2. We are particularly concerned about the language on NCDs in target 3.4 and call for it to be amended to read: “by 2030 reduce by x% preventable deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs)….” While we very much support a standalone target on NCDs, with people aged 60 and over accounting for 75 per cent of deaths from NCDs in LMICs we strongly oppose setting a target on ‘premature mortality’ defined by an arbitrary chronological age. This institutionalizes age discrimination in the delivery of health outcomes.
3. We call for a separate goal or target on social protection floors and therefore call for Target 1.3 to be amended to read: “by 2030 fully implement nationally appropriate social protection floors with universal coverage.” As stated in the ILO Recommendation 202 Concerning National Floors of Social Protection, universality of protection is a key principle in terms of the responsibility of the State
4. We ask that the term “most marginalized” be dropped. In practical terms, it is meaningless. Stay with the simple term used elsewhere, “the marginalized”.
5. We note the different language regarding groups used in targets 1.4 and 8.3. Rather than debating which groups are to be singled out, why not keep the language from the May Working Document “Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all who seek employment, including for marginalized groups by 2030”? Otherwise, we prefer amending 1.4 and 8.3 to read: “By 2030 achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young and older people and persons with disabilities.”
6. Simplify Target 4.4 to “achieve universal literacy and basic numeracy by 2030.”
7. Add a new target under goal 8 to assist the currently employed retain their employability as they grow older: by 2030 provide workers of all ages access to education, vocational training, re-skilling or other means to retain their employability
Thank you.
As we have often said, the SDGs must reflect the reality of an ageing world and protect and promote the rights of all people, including those in older age.
Given the commitment to ‘leave no-one behind’ in this process, we must first express our extreme displeasure with the omission of older persons from the document “Mainstreamed topics in the SDGs” issued last week. We call for the retraction of that document until the mainstreaming in the SDGs of 810 million older persons around the world is acknowledged and reported.
With regard to the Introduction, we call for the inclusion in the 3rd paragraph of the Political Declaration and Madrid International Plan of Action of the 2nd World Assembly on Ageing with the other cited Programmes and Plans of Action.
We also suggest amending the 5th paragraph to strengthen the social pillar by modifying the opening clause to “We recognize that people of all ages and abilities are at the centre of sustainable development” and the ending clause to read “thereby to benefit all, particularly the poor, the marginalized and people in vulnerable situations , including indigenous peoples, women, minorities, migrants, persons with disabilities, older persons, children and youth.”
We call for the following goals and targets to be maintained in their current form:
1. Goal 3 and Target 3.5: on health
2. Target 4.2 on education and life-long learning
3. Goal 10 and Target 10.5: on reducing inequalities and empowering people
4. Target 17.36: on data collection and statistical analysis Mr. Co-chair: Please confirm our interpretation of this target as calling for strengthened data collection and analysis for all the targets (and supporting indicators) on sustainable development contained in this zero draft.
We strongly call for amendments in the following targets:
1. the reinsertion of women ‘of all ages’ in target 5.1, to read: end all forms of discrimination against girls and women of all ages
2. We are particularly concerned about the language on NCDs in target 3.4 and call for it to be amended to read: “by 2030 reduce by x% preventable deaths from non-communicable diseases (NCDs)….” While we very much support a standalone target on NCDs, with people aged 60 and over accounting for 75 per cent of deaths from NCDs in LMICs we strongly oppose setting a target on ‘premature mortality’ defined by an arbitrary chronological age. This institutionalizes age discrimination in the delivery of health outcomes.
3. We call for a separate goal or target on social protection floors and therefore call for Target 1.3 to be amended to read: “by 2030 fully implement nationally appropriate social protection floors with universal coverage.” As stated in the ILO Recommendation 202 Concerning National Floors of Social Protection, universality of protection is a key principle in terms of the responsibility of the State
4. We ask that the term “most marginalized” be dropped. In practical terms, it is meaningless. Stay with the simple term used elsewhere, “the marginalized”.
5. We note the different language regarding groups used in targets 1.4 and 8.3. Rather than debating which groups are to be singled out, why not keep the language from the May Working Document “Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all who seek employment, including for marginalized groups by 2030”? Otherwise, we prefer amending 1.4 and 8.3 to read: “By 2030 achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including young and older people and persons with disabilities.”
6. Simplify Target 4.4 to “achieve universal literacy and basic numeracy by 2030.”
7. Add a new target under goal 8 to assist the currently employed retain their employability as they grow older: by 2030 provide workers of all ages access to education, vocational training, re-skilling or other means to retain their employability
Thank you.