Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
c/o Earth System Governance International Project Office ● Utrecht University ● Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a ● 3584 CB Utrecht ● The Netherlands ● e: ●
Company no. 05243470 ● Registered in England and Wales
Registered 0ffice: 2 The Links ● Herne Bay ● Kent ● CT6 7GQ ● UK
tel.: +44 (0) 1227 373271
Interactive dialogue stakeholder statement
2020 Annual Global Multi-Stakeholder Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Partnerships Dialogue
10 July 2020
“Fostering effective partnerships to realize the Decade of Action in the context of COVID-19 and Beyond"
Excellencies, Distinguished Co-Chairs, Ladies and Gentlemen
I’m Charles Nouhan, Chairman of Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future.
I speak on behalf of the Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology and other stakeholders, public and private sector, who share common objectives with regard to the 2030 Agenda, and the implementation of the sustainable development aspirations of SIDS communities.
Distinguished Co-Chairs, I will use my time, following the recent side event hosted by Barbados and Stakeholder Forum, to comment on the role of ocean-energy and the opportunities it presents as a pathway to economic recovery that must be quickly realized now and post COVID-19.
The oceans matter.
I would also like to point out that the following messages are coordinated with and passed by Ocean Energy Europe and the ocean energy sector.
Coastal communities of all countries, and particularly small island states, are looking for new ways to become resilient to climate change, and now to address the economic ravages of Covid-19.
The need to Build Back Better, greener, and more sustainably from the pandemic further emphasizes the need to transform the energy supply of SIDS and other coastal communities.
The pandemic has made inequalities more evident, further highlighting the need to create opportunities that lift everybody, not just the few. The oceans can lift us.
This can be accomplished by robust multi-stakeholder partnerships in the spirit of SDG 17.
The transitioning from costly and polluting fossil fuels to zero-emissions wind, solar, ocean wave and tidal power, and battery-storage technology, in addition to reducing or ending energy poverty in many regions, would be transformational.
c/o Earth System Governance International Project Office ● Utrecht University ● Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a ● 3584 CB Utrecht ● The Netherlands ● e: ●
Company no. 05243470 ● Registered in England and Wales
Registered 0ffice: 2 The Links ● Herne Bay ● Kent ● CT6 7GQ ● UK
tel.: +44 (0) 1227 373271
Such a multi-stakeholder, ocean-power-led energy transition would also contribute to reducing or eliminating coastal pollution, offer a pathway to electrifying land and marine transport, and create skilled jobs for local economies.
Further, zero-emissions electricity can be used to desalinate seawater for water-stressed communities for use by public, industry, tourism, and agricultural needs. Such a transition is an important feature of building a blue economy.
The Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology and its like-minded partners encourage the Steering Committee on Partnerships for SIDS to promote activities that reach out to the regional and national levels to strengthen such multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Now, more than ever is the time for all nations – all stakeholders - to fully embrace the need to invest in and accelerate a global energy transition. With this example, think of ocean wave energy as a power station with no fuel bill.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to contribute.
Charles Nouhan –
Princetonlaan 8a ● 3584 CB Utrecht ● The Netherlands ● e: ●
Company no. 05243470 ● Registered in England and Wales
Registered 0ffice: 2 The Links ● Herne Bay ● Kent ● CT6 7GQ ● UK
tel.: +44 (0) 1227 373271
Interactive dialogue stakeholder statement
2020 Annual Global Multi-Stakeholder Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Partnerships Dialogue
10 July 2020
“Fostering effective partnerships to realize the Decade of Action in the context of COVID-19 and Beyond"
Excellencies, Distinguished Co-Chairs, Ladies and Gentlemen
I’m Charles Nouhan, Chairman of Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future.
I speak on behalf of the Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology and other stakeholders, public and private sector, who share common objectives with regard to the 2030 Agenda, and the implementation of the sustainable development aspirations of SIDS communities.
Distinguished Co-Chairs, I will use my time, following the recent side event hosted by Barbados and Stakeholder Forum, to comment on the role of ocean-energy and the opportunities it presents as a pathway to economic recovery that must be quickly realized now and post COVID-19.
The oceans matter.
I would also like to point out that the following messages are coordinated with and passed by Ocean Energy Europe and the ocean energy sector.
Coastal communities of all countries, and particularly small island states, are looking for new ways to become resilient to climate change, and now to address the economic ravages of Covid-19.
The need to Build Back Better, greener, and more sustainably from the pandemic further emphasizes the need to transform the energy supply of SIDS and other coastal communities.
The pandemic has made inequalities more evident, further highlighting the need to create opportunities that lift everybody, not just the few. The oceans can lift us.
This can be accomplished by robust multi-stakeholder partnerships in the spirit of SDG 17.
The transitioning from costly and polluting fossil fuels to zero-emissions wind, solar, ocean wave and tidal power, and battery-storage technology, in addition to reducing or ending energy poverty in many regions, would be transformational.
c/o Earth System Governance International Project Office ● Utrecht University ● Faculty of Geosciences
Princetonlaan 8a ● 3584 CB Utrecht ● The Netherlands ● e: ●
Company no. 05243470 ● Registered in England and Wales
Registered 0ffice: 2 The Links ● Herne Bay ● Kent ● CT6 7GQ ● UK
tel.: +44 (0) 1227 373271
Such a multi-stakeholder, ocean-power-led energy transition would also contribute to reducing or eliminating coastal pollution, offer a pathway to electrifying land and marine transport, and create skilled jobs for local economies.
Further, zero-emissions electricity can be used to desalinate seawater for water-stressed communities for use by public, industry, tourism, and agricultural needs. Such a transition is an important feature of building a blue economy.
The Global Partnership for Ocean Wave Energy Technology and its like-minded partners encourage the Steering Committee on Partnerships for SIDS to promote activities that reach out to the regional and national levels to strengthen such multi-stakeholder partnerships.
Now, more than ever is the time for all nations – all stakeholders - to fully embrace the need to invest in and accelerate a global energy transition. With this example, think of ocean wave energy as a power station with no fuel bill.
Thank you very much for this opportunity to contribute.
Charles Nouhan –