Sri Lanka
Friday 5th May 2006
Energy, Industrial Development, Air Pollution /atmosphere and Climate
Change in Integrated manner ? Sri Lanka
Energy, Industrial Development, Air Pollution /atmosphere and Climate
Change areas are interlinked and inter-changed. This means that a change in one
subject has an impact on the other. For instance, consider one of the energy
sources such as hydro carbons. The availability of hydro carbon can influence on
the fuel supply for industrial development and has a direct influence to the
power supply for industrial development. Also it has an impact on air pollution
and changes in the climate. All these areas are interlinked. The change in one
item influences the magnitude of the other item. The cross cutting items such as
poverty reduction, reducing regional disparity, environment, employment etc.,
are also influenced by these changes.
Sri Lanka has wide experience in implementing integrated rural district
development programmes in the past. In these programmes development was
addressed in an integrated manner. For instance, problems relating to
development in the rural areas are multifaceted. Roads, health, education, power
and communication are the major problems faced by them. Addressing these
issues in an integrated manner is the appropriate way to solve these issues rather
than focusing only one problem. The integrated rural development project
approach was designed to address these issues in an integrated manner which
has provided positive results. In this system line ministries implemented various
development activities and the coordination was done by the Ministry of Plan
At present the Ministry of Industrial Development is responsible for
industrial development while energy is handled by the Ministry of Power &
Energy. Air pollution, climate change and environment related subjects are
handled by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. The Ministry of
Finance and Planning is responsible for the approval of development projects in
all these areas.
Similarly, energy, industrial development, air pollution and climate
change can be addressed through an integrated manner. A coordinating body at
the national level may be established to monitor and evaluate these programmes.
Energy, Industrial Development, Air Pollution /atmosphere and Climate
Change in Integrated manner ? Sri Lanka
Energy, Industrial Development, Air Pollution /atmosphere and Climate
Change areas are interlinked and inter-changed. This means that a change in one
subject has an impact on the other. For instance, consider one of the energy
sources such as hydro carbons. The availability of hydro carbon can influence on
the fuel supply for industrial development and has a direct influence to the
power supply for industrial development. Also it has an impact on air pollution
and changes in the climate. All these areas are interlinked. The change in one
item influences the magnitude of the other item. The cross cutting items such as
poverty reduction, reducing regional disparity, environment, employment etc.,
are also influenced by these changes.
Sri Lanka has wide experience in implementing integrated rural district
development programmes in the past. In these programmes development was
addressed in an integrated manner. For instance, problems relating to
development in the rural areas are multifaceted. Roads, health, education, power
and communication are the major problems faced by them. Addressing these
issues in an integrated manner is the appropriate way to solve these issues rather
than focusing only one problem. The integrated rural development project
approach was designed to address these issues in an integrated manner which
has provided positive results. In this system line ministries implemented various
development activities and the coordination was done by the Ministry of Plan
At present the Ministry of Industrial Development is responsible for
industrial development while energy is handled by the Ministry of Power &
Energy. Air pollution, climate change and environment related subjects are
handled by the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources. The Ministry of
Finance and Planning is responsible for the approval of development projects in
all these areas.
Similarly, energy, industrial development, air pollution and climate
change can be addressed through an integrated manner. A coordinating body at
the national level may be established to monitor and evaluate these programmes.