Saudi Arabia
for the 13`h SesIsniotenr goof vtehren Cmoemntmal iPssrieopna rfaotro Sryu sMtaeinetaibnlge Development
Policy options anTd uSpeaosuCsddsoaii ybnA,l3f ereMrd arabeamcnirtaccie oehIen nt Ri1stneo ,t gro1ov,m0 ee:n0x 3tp0io ePndMite implementation
eevopLMxninaetrttvtae.rh il emrC owamofhnean e taydmsh i dtrfeiameomr rnymrta p t loi,Fyinrmc uta iacaragnthltr hetaea elenrclreiedomnsn ngoegod ucewriorsetcii n,tof ehioont. mrspTp srlwihuaceiyahvssstli i ao cidasihun evh svaae ibersgrelplhyoe e fl piyduamm kermtpevehreoaneslgr orttin. nap eiTn fxmsithaet ecrerdneoe ssrtilcn esbiai n aniSrnt cgSea i uidattnyuhd fb deilo yu iAff e tAafrnhcrarceteba i sbnthihhaigaa a rbw.ttsh ehawcet are apeurteg rsrorieeo c isonseo afsau sl i r vtdacseneerssdye irst
nbTneeehe eeadd cfsshu,, i raettanvhkdeeid nrf godth ceinruvosteou loo gcnpho m tnthhefeeen d mta edaornoasdtpti oteiinnfofc nitrch eoieeafn s tecth doar leneleedfc f petciicovlltesaivt rp see onfoflefiecs cssietu iossv ftet ahi inmanttaee btagalnrkeas et de tieodnv tmweol aoectepoetmrn t smheinedastene.ra afgtuieotmunre efnutt ucraen
iIosnfs utthhe.eis proegliacrieds, aSdauodpit eAdr taob iaac whioeuveld t hliek em tioll esnhnariue mw idthev tehleo pinmteernnta gtiooanl.a lr ecloatmedm tuon witya tseorme
? PArpopmlicoattioionn o off r laattieosnta mlizeeadn su saangde toefc hwnaotelor giine st hine winactreera suitnilgiz aagtiroicnu latnudre m daenmaagnedment
? Iwnatteenrs, iwfyhinilge pgruoagrraanmtese ifnogr defefviceileonptm uetniltiz oaft iosunrface water, and renewable ground
? oAfd coopntisoenrv oafti ostnr inangden rta tfioolnloawl u utipli zpartoiocned oufr ew taote arssure adherence to the regulations
? dEesttaaiblelids hamnaelnyst ios,f adnadta fbuarnthke fro dr iwssaetmeri ninaftoiornm oatfi othni,s ainndfo urtmiliazteio tnh.e data in continued
? tIom apcrhoiveevme etnhte ohfi gmhaeisnt teefnfaicniceen cayn.d operations for water related work, in a manner
? Increasing national capacity building in the field of water management
? Iwnactleurs ifoanc iolitfi eesnvironmental aspects during the establishment and operation of
Enhancement of private sector involvement in integrated water management
Sduespaplionrattiinogn t ahned s cwieanstteif iwc arteesre atrrecaht manedn ttechnical development in the field of
Policy options anTd uSpeaosuCsddsoaii ybnA,l3f ereMrd arabeamcnirtaccie oehIen nt Ri1stneo ,t gro1ov,m0 ee:n0x 3tp0io ePndMite implementation
eevopLMxninaetrttvtae.rh il emrC owamofhnean e taydmsh i dtrfeiameomr rnymrta p t loi,Fyinrmc uta iacaragnthltr hetaea elenrclreiedomnsn ngoegod ucewriorsetcii n,tof ehioont. mrspTp srlwihuaceiyahvssstli i ao cidasihun evh svaae ibersgrelplhyoe e fl piyduamm kermtpevehreoaneslgr orttin. nap eiTn fxmsithaet ecrerdneoe ssrtilcn esbiai n aniSrnt cgSea i uidattnyuhd fb deilo yu iAff e tAafrnhcrarceteba i sbnthihhaigaa a rbw.ttsh ehawcet are apeurteg rsrorieeo c isonseo afsau sl i r vtdacseneerssdye irst
nbTneeehe eeadd cfsshu,, i raettanvhkdeeid nrf godth ceinruvosteou loo gcnpho m tnthhefeeen d mta edaornoasdtpti oteiinnfofc nitrch eoieeafn s tecth doar leneleedfc f petciicovlltesaivt rp see onfoflefiecs cssietu iossv ftet ahi inmanttaee btagalnrkeas et de tieodnv tmweol aoectepoetmrn t smheinedastene.ra afgtuieotmunre efnutt ucraen
iIosnfs utthhe.eis proegliacrieds, aSdauodpit eAdr taob iaac whioeuveld t hliek em tioll esnhnariue mw idthev tehleo pinmteernnta gtiooanl.a lr ecloatmedm tuon witya tseorme
? PArpopmlicoattioionn o off r laattieosnta mlizeeadn su saangde toefc hwnaotelor giine st hine winactreera suitnilgiz aagtiroicnu latnudre m daenmaagnedment
? Iwnatteenrs, iwfyhinilge pgruoagrraanmtese ifnogr defefviceileonptm uetniltiz oaft iosunrface water, and renewable ground
? oAfd coopntisoenrv oafti ostnr inangden rta tfioolnloawl u utipli zpartoiocned oufr ew taote arssure adherence to the regulations
? dEesttaaiblelids hamnaelnyst ios,f adnadta fbuarnthke fro dr iwssaetmeri ninaftoiornm oatfi othni,s ainndfo urtmiliazteio tnh.e data in continued
? tIom apcrhoiveevme etnhte ohfi gmhaeisnt teefnfaicniceen cayn.d operations for water related work, in a manner
? Increasing national capacity building in the field of water management
? Iwnactleurs ifoanc iolitfi eesnvironmental aspects during the establishment and operation of
Enhancement of private sector involvement in integrated water management
Sduespaplionrattiinogn t ahned s cwieanstteif iwc arteesre atrrecaht manedn ttechnical development in the field of