Republic of Korea
3T3e5l. (E2a1s2t )4 453th9 -S4t0r0e0e,t ,F Naexw (2 Y1o2r)k 9, 8N6.Y-1.0 1803017
[Check against delivery]
H.E. Dr. KWAK Kyul-ho
Minister of Environment and
Head of Delegation
Of the Republic of Korea
the 13th session of
the Commission on Sustainable Development
20 April 2005
New York
Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and
I am honored to present to you the Republic of Korea's views on the theme
of "Turning Political Commitments into Action" here at the 13`h session of
the CSD.
Korea welcomes in principle Chair's Draft Elements for Decision being
discussed by the distinguished delegates to the CSD. We believe the
outcomes of the negotiated represent a balanced and holistic approach that
will enable us to expedite implementation of the environmental targets and
goals of the JPOI and Agenda 21.
In particular, we are pleased to note that many of the essential principles
embodied in the 2004 Jeju Initiative have been incorporated into the current
draft policy decisions. These include IWRM as the principle water
resource management policy, significant emphasis on ecosystems, and we
welcome the inclusion of pro-poor policy initiatives to the provision of
water, sanitation and human settlements.
The challenge we now face is to convert the draft policy decisions into
concrete actions. In this regard, the Republic of Korea underscores the
essential need for governments to take the lead in creating an enabling
environment for implementation. We also highlight the importance of
partnerships between the public and private sectors, and cooperation among
the international communities.
Building a strong implementation mechanism requires creation of a sound
legal and institutional foundation to facilitate private investment, as well as
a concerted effort to mobilize new financial resources. These actions will
help national and local governments to carry out their obligation to provide
water, sanitation and basic housing to all citizens.
In our own experience, strategies such as earmarking a fixed proportion of
taxes on liquor for financial support to local governments have enabled us
to ensure effective local provision of public goods to our citizens. In
addition, we have successfully employed a build-transfer-lease (BTL)
scheme to facilitate private investment in public goods.
Mr. Chairman,
The Republic of Korea would like to emphasize the importance of the
building partnerships among the countries within the region to facilitate
and carry out CSD policy decisions. The Seoul Initiative, adopted at the
2005 UN ESCAP Ministerial Conference on Environment and
Development, is an excellent example of such partnerships.
In closing, I would like to reaffirm the unwavering commitment of the
Republic of Korea to provide support and cooperation for all CSD activities,
including the integration of the draft policy decisions into domestic policy
and a broadening of the scope of cooperation among all stakeholders.
Thank you.
3T3e5l. (E2a1s2t )4 453th9 -S4t0r0e0e,t ,F Naexw (2 Y1o2r)k 9, 8N6.Y-1.0 1803017
[Check against delivery]
H.E. Dr. KWAK Kyul-ho
Minister of Environment and
Head of Delegation
Of the Republic of Korea
the 13th session of
the Commission on Sustainable Development
20 April 2005
New York
Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and
I am honored to present to you the Republic of Korea's views on the theme
of "Turning Political Commitments into Action" here at the 13`h session of
the CSD.
Korea welcomes in principle Chair's Draft Elements for Decision being
discussed by the distinguished delegates to the CSD. We believe the
outcomes of the negotiated represent a balanced and holistic approach that
will enable us to expedite implementation of the environmental targets and
goals of the JPOI and Agenda 21.
In particular, we are pleased to note that many of the essential principles
embodied in the 2004 Jeju Initiative have been incorporated into the current
draft policy decisions. These include IWRM as the principle water
resource management policy, significant emphasis on ecosystems, and we
welcome the inclusion of pro-poor policy initiatives to the provision of
water, sanitation and human settlements.
The challenge we now face is to convert the draft policy decisions into
concrete actions. In this regard, the Republic of Korea underscores the
essential need for governments to take the lead in creating an enabling
environment for implementation. We also highlight the importance of
partnerships between the public and private sectors, and cooperation among
the international communities.
Building a strong implementation mechanism requires creation of a sound
legal and institutional foundation to facilitate private investment, as well as
a concerted effort to mobilize new financial resources. These actions will
help national and local governments to carry out their obligation to provide
water, sanitation and basic housing to all citizens.
In our own experience, strategies such as earmarking a fixed proportion of
taxes on liquor for financial support to local governments have enabled us
to ensure effective local provision of public goods to our citizens. In
addition, we have successfully employed a build-transfer-lease (BTL)
scheme to facilitate private investment in public goods.
Mr. Chairman,
The Republic of Korea would like to emphasize the importance of the
building partnerships among the countries within the region to facilitate
and carry out CSD policy decisions. The Seoul Initiative, adopted at the
2005 UN ESCAP Ministerial Conference on Environment and
Development, is an excellent example of such partnerships.
In closing, I would like to reaffirm the unwavering commitment of the
Republic of Korea to provide support and cooperation for all CSD activities,
including the integration of the draft policy decisions into domestic policy
and a broadening of the scope of cooperation among all stakeholders.
Thank you.