Republic of Korea
Mr. Chairman,
Korea would like to join other nations on emphasizing the importance of improving the
air quality for sustainable development. Poor air quality has a direct and immediate
effect on human health, especially for those who are most vulnerable, i.e. children and
the elderly. De-coupling economic growth and air pollution is an issue faced not only
by developing countries, but some countries that is economically developed.
In addressing the air pollution issue, we would like to re-iterate the importance of good
- Governments should work, in partnership with private sectors, NGOs and other
stakeholders, to set national targets and develop implementation plans, taking
into consideration health impacts to those who are most vulnerable.
- This should be the first in step in addressing the issue of air quality.
Second, we emphasize the importance of creating markets for more affordable cleaner
energies and best available technologies (BAT).
- Adopting cleaner and renewable energies often require new infrastructures which
are in many times costly, and this acts as the key barrier to promoting its usage.
- Appropriate government supports through market incentives are crucial to
expand the use of cleaner technologies.
- Assistance to developing countries in building capacity should also include, not
only on monitoring and assessment of air pollution, but also on disseminating
policy options to create markets for best available cleaner technologies.
Third, Korea would like also like to touch on the issue of dust and sands storms. This
issue is not only an air quality issue, but it?s closely linked to issues of climate change
and industrial development, and very much in line with this CSD meeting.
We believe more attention should be given to this important issue by the international
community. Cooperation among countries concerned should be promoted through the
leadership of international organizations and greater support and participation are
encouraged from international finance institutions such as GEF, ADB and the World
Finally, we believe regional actions should be promoted to address transboundary air
pollution. We welcome sharing of experiences on this issue, in particular, from
UNECE who has a great deal of experiences in this field. More studies and capacity
building are needed in monitoring, developing emission inventories and modelling on
the transboundary movements of air pollutants.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman,
Korea would like to join other nations on emphasizing the importance of improving the
air quality for sustainable development. Poor air quality has a direct and immediate
effect on human health, especially for those who are most vulnerable, i.e. children and
the elderly. De-coupling economic growth and air pollution is an issue faced not only
by developing countries, but some countries that is economically developed.
In addressing the air pollution issue, we would like to re-iterate the importance of good
- Governments should work, in partnership with private sectors, NGOs and other
stakeholders, to set national targets and develop implementation plans, taking
into consideration health impacts to those who are most vulnerable.
- This should be the first in step in addressing the issue of air quality.
Second, we emphasize the importance of creating markets for more affordable cleaner
energies and best available technologies (BAT).
- Adopting cleaner and renewable energies often require new infrastructures which
are in many times costly, and this acts as the key barrier to promoting its usage.
- Appropriate government supports through market incentives are crucial to
expand the use of cleaner technologies.
- Assistance to developing countries in building capacity should also include, not
only on monitoring and assessment of air pollution, but also on disseminating
policy options to create markets for best available cleaner technologies.
Third, Korea would like also like to touch on the issue of dust and sands storms. This
issue is not only an air quality issue, but it?s closely linked to issues of climate change
and industrial development, and very much in line with this CSD meeting.
We believe more attention should be given to this important issue by the international
community. Cooperation among countries concerned should be promoted through the
leadership of international organizations and greater support and participation are
encouraged from international finance institutions such as GEF, ADB and the World
Finally, we believe regional actions should be promoted to address transboundary air
pollution. We welcome sharing of experiences on this issue, in particular, from
UNECE who has a great deal of experiences in this field. More studies and capacity
building are needed in monitoring, developing emission inventories and modelling on
the transboundary movements of air pollutants.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman,