Report of the Credentials Committee
United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of
Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use
the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
Agenda item 7 (b): Report of the Credentials Committee
Friday, 9 June 2017
Statement by the Chair of the Credentials Committee
introducing the report of the Committee -
1. On behalf of the Credentials Committee, I have the honour to
introduce the report of the Committee concerning the credentials of
the representatives of States and the European Union to the United
Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable
Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas
and marine resources for sustainable development contained in
document A/CONF .230/13.
2. Having considered the credentials of the representatives at its
meeting on the 8th of June 2017, the Credentials Committee adopted
without· a vote a draft resolution accepting the credentials.
3. The Committee also recommended to the plenary of the
. .
Conference the adoption of the draft resolution concerning credentials
of representatives to the Conference, contained in paragraph 14 of the
report of the Committee.
4. I would like to note that, since the meeting of the Credentials
Committee, formal credentials of representatives to the Conference in
the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the
Conference were received .by the secretariat of the Conference·
regarding Albania, Brazil,, France,rauritius, Mozambique
and Peru. / /', -~· ~,
tl \~Luft 1 \
5. I wish to further note that, since the meeting of the
Credentials Committee, information, conveyed by other means,
conc~ming the appointment of representatives of States to the
Conference was received by the secretariat of the Conference
regarding Argentina, Cameroon, Jordan, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and
. Seychelles.
6. The Conference is therefore requested to adopt the draft
resolution approving the report of the Credentials Committee and
accept the additional credentials submitted subsequent to the meeting
of the Credentials Committee.
·1. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the members of
the Committee and to the secretariat for facilitating our work.
Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use
the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
Agenda item 7 (b): Report of the Credentials Committee
Friday, 9 June 2017
Statement by the Chair of the Credentials Committee
introducing the report of the Committee -
1. On behalf of the Credentials Committee, I have the honour to
introduce the report of the Committee concerning the credentials of
the representatives of States and the European Union to the United
Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable
Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas
and marine resources for sustainable development contained in
document A/CONF .230/13.
2. Having considered the credentials of the representatives at its
meeting on the 8th of June 2017, the Credentials Committee adopted
without· a vote a draft resolution accepting the credentials.
3. The Committee also recommended to the plenary of the
. .
Conference the adoption of the draft resolution concerning credentials
of representatives to the Conference, contained in paragraph 14 of the
report of the Committee.
4. I would like to note that, since the meeting of the Credentials
Committee, formal credentials of representatives to the Conference in
the form required by rule 3 of the rules of procedure of the
Conference were received .by the secretariat of the Conference·
regarding Albania, Brazil,, France,rauritius, Mozambique
and Peru. / /', -~· ~,
tl \~Luft 1 \
5. I wish to further note that, since the meeting of the
Credentials Committee, information, conveyed by other means,
conc~ming the appointment of representatives of States to the
Conference was received by the secretariat of the Conference
regarding Argentina, Cameroon, Jordan, Saint Kitts and Nevis, and
. Seychelles.
6. The Conference is therefore requested to adopt the draft
resolution approving the report of the Credentials Committee and
accept the additional credentials submitted subsequent to the meeting
of the Credentials Committee.
·1. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the members of
the Committee and to the secretariat for facilitating our work.