The SDGs OWG 10
UN Headquarters - New York
31 March – 4 April 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
At the outset, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the co-chairs and my appreciation for the role they played in leading the discussions of the SDGs Open Working Group, and in ensuring that the views of member states are appropriately reflected in the documents. My delegation aligns itself with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
Concerning Cluster-3 proposed by the co-chairs on Water and sanitation, Sustainable agriculture, food security, and nutrition, we commend the efforts made by all Member States in order to reach this stage which can be built upon to reach consensus on the SDGs, and we support the statement of the Group of Friends on Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought (DLDD), of which the State of Qatar is a member, and we would like to make the following observations:
Considering that the Post-2015 Development Agenda needs to address various issues, taking into account the inter-linkages between them, we consider that the phenomenon of DLDD is of paramount importance, as it is among the most dangerous natural phenomena which threatens the livelihoods of nearly two billions of the world's population, especially in developing countries and LDCs. In addition, DLDD has a severe impact on many aspects of sustainable development .
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
In this regard, within Focus Area 2 on "Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition" which is interlinked with many other focus areas, including poverty eradication, health and population dynamics, water and sanitation, energy, and climate; my delegation believes that the documents lack due consideration for the element of desertification, and there must be Targets dedicated to DLDD linked to sustainable agriculture and food security and nutrition, such as: 1) Land Degradation-neutral world by 2030, 2) All countries have in place sustainable land management policies built on ecosystem approach by 2020, 3) All drought prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020, and 4) All countries to have in place before 2020 capacity building to restore or rehabilitate degraded land and reverse land degradation.
We also stress the need to undermine the importance of these issues in the Post 2015 Development Agenda, since we believe that the SDGs cannot be achieved without addressing DLDD.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that my country will be continue to be an active player in promoting efforts to ensure a clearer and more effective inclusion of issues relating to DLDD in the SDGs.
Thank you.
The SDGs OWG 10
UN Headquarters - New York
31 March – 4 April 2014
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
At the outset, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the co-chairs and my appreciation for the role they played in leading the discussions of the SDGs Open Working Group, and in ensuring that the views of member states are appropriately reflected in the documents. My delegation aligns itself with the statement made by Bolivia on behalf of the G77 and China.
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
Concerning Cluster-3 proposed by the co-chairs on Water and sanitation, Sustainable agriculture, food security, and nutrition, we commend the efforts made by all Member States in order to reach this stage which can be built upon to reach consensus on the SDGs, and we support the statement of the Group of Friends on Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought (DLDD), of which the State of Qatar is a member, and we would like to make the following observations:
Considering that the Post-2015 Development Agenda needs to address various issues, taking into account the inter-linkages between them, we consider that the phenomenon of DLDD is of paramount importance, as it is among the most dangerous natural phenomena which threatens the livelihoods of nearly two billions of the world's population, especially in developing countries and LDCs. In addition, DLDD has a severe impact on many aspects of sustainable development .
Ladies and Gentlemen,,,
In this regard, within Focus Area 2 on "Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, and Nutrition" which is interlinked with many other focus areas, including poverty eradication, health and population dynamics, water and sanitation, energy, and climate; my delegation believes that the documents lack due consideration for the element of desertification, and there must be Targets dedicated to DLDD linked to sustainable agriculture and food security and nutrition, such as: 1) Land Degradation-neutral world by 2030, 2) All countries have in place sustainable land management policies built on ecosystem approach by 2020, 3) All drought prone countries develop and implement drought preparedness policies by 2020, and 4) All countries to have in place before 2020 capacity building to restore or rehabilitate degraded land and reverse land degradation.
We also stress the need to undermine the importance of these issues in the Post 2015 Development Agenda, since we believe that the SDGs cannot be achieved without addressing DLDD.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that my country will be continue to be an active player in promoting efforts to ensure a clearer and more effective inclusion of issues relating to DLDD in the SDGs.
Thank you.