Poland and Romania
Focus area 11. Sustainable Consumption and Production
Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
a) by 2030 achieve sustainable management and use of natural resources
b) by 2030 reduce waste by x% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
c) improve the resource productivity of economic activities by x% , including through sustainable supply chains by 2030
d) by 2030 redouble efforts to raise awareness for creating a culture of sufficiency and sustainable lifestyles , including sustainability information on products and services
e) by 2020, encourage economic incentives that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns including through a product life-cycle approach
f) by 2030 increase by x percentage points the share of companies reporting on corporate social and environmental responsibility , including integrated reporting
g) by 2030, all financial sector actors incorporate sustainable development principles in their business practices
h) create incentives for sustainable tourism
Appropriate means of implementation
- We do not support a stand – alone goal on SCP, as we consider SCP as a catalyst for sustainable development, that can bind together the economic, social and environmental dimensions and can be mainstreamed throughout the document. We can identify across all goals the targets most linked to SCP;
- SCP is a universal challenge and opportunity. For many developed countries and emerging economies it means resource - and energy-efficiency in production and adoption of more sustainable lifestyles. For many developing countries, it means opportunities to achieve economic prosperity by making use of sustainable practices.
- It is also important to note that, given the universal nature of the SDGs and the post-2015development agenda, goals and targets related to SCP will need to be relevant to and allow flexibility to respond to country-specific situations;
- Target a) could be assigned to FA 13 and 14 on marine ecosystems, biodiversity and ecosystems. Being hard to define what the target actually mean, we propose to use Aichi target 4 instead: By 2020, at the latest, Governments, business and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits.
- Target b) duplicates 8 d) in part and could be combined with.
- Target c) duplicates 8 d) in part and could be combined with. There is no agreed combined measure for the overall resource productivity on economic activities, so target is undefined (by 2030 improve by x% the energy and resource productivity of economic activities and reduce by y% their waste and emissions per unit of output)
- Target d) could be combined with target 4 f) (integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development, and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development)
- Target f) support as timeframe 2020 for companies of a certain size (defined by turnover or number of employees) to report on corporate social and environmental responsibility;
- Target d) why not all private sector and single out financial?
- Furthermore, the link with chemicals has disappeared and needs to be restored. This should be included, possibly under an additional point i) achieve the sound management of chemicals throughout their lifecycle and of wastes in ways that lead to the prevention and minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.
- Sustainable public procurement should be included in this focus area. Governments are major consumers worldwide and can therefore make a change in choosing more sustainable procurement options and setting a good example.
- Full support for the 10YFP Framework.
Focus area 12. Climate change
Take urgent and significant action to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Build a climate change goal based on the outcome of COP21 of the UNFCCC
a) hold the increase in global average temperature below an x°C rise in accordance with international agreements
b) build resilience and adaptive capacity to climate induced hazards in all vulnerable countries
c) integrate climate adaptation and emissions reductions into development plans and poverty reduction strategies
d) introduce instruments and incentives for investments in low-carbon solutions in infrastructure, industry and other sectors
e) improve education and awareness raising on climate change
Appropriate means of implementation
While climate change is dealt under UNFCCC and its COP, a transformative agenda that does not include CC in its goals is truly not credible. Therefore we share the idea of having references to CC, while at the same time avoiding duplication. SDGs should ensure that there are no negative trade-offs among the initiative and actions that this transformative agenda is promoting, including in the field of CC. Therefore references to mitigation and adaption measures throughout the document are a first step in that direction.
- Support climate – smart targets in other objectives, notably in sustainable energy, sustainable cities and human settlements, disaster risk reduction, sustainable agriculture, ecosystems and biodiversity, oceans.
- Target d) is closely linked to 11 e)
- We support mainstreaming the targets across a variety of relevant goals.
Promote sustainable consumption and production patterns
a) by 2030 achieve sustainable management and use of natural resources
b) by 2030 reduce waste by x% through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
c) improve the resource productivity of economic activities by x% , including through sustainable supply chains by 2030
d) by 2030 redouble efforts to raise awareness for creating a culture of sufficiency and sustainable lifestyles , including sustainability information on products and services
e) by 2020, encourage economic incentives that promote sustainable consumption and production patterns including through a product life-cycle approach
f) by 2030 increase by x percentage points the share of companies reporting on corporate social and environmental responsibility , including integrated reporting
g) by 2030, all financial sector actors incorporate sustainable development principles in their business practices
h) create incentives for sustainable tourism
Appropriate means of implementation
- We do not support a stand – alone goal on SCP, as we consider SCP as a catalyst for sustainable development, that can bind together the economic, social and environmental dimensions and can be mainstreamed throughout the document. We can identify across all goals the targets most linked to SCP;
- SCP is a universal challenge and opportunity. For many developed countries and emerging economies it means resource - and energy-efficiency in production and adoption of more sustainable lifestyles. For many developing countries, it means opportunities to achieve economic prosperity by making use of sustainable practices.
- It is also important to note that, given the universal nature of the SDGs and the post-2015development agenda, goals and targets related to SCP will need to be relevant to and allow flexibility to respond to country-specific situations;
- Target a) could be assigned to FA 13 and 14 on marine ecosystems, biodiversity and ecosystems. Being hard to define what the target actually mean, we propose to use Aichi target 4 instead: By 2020, at the latest, Governments, business and stakeholders at all levels have taken steps to achieve or have implemented plans for sustainable production and consumption and have kept the impacts of use of natural resources well within safe ecological limits.
- Target b) duplicates 8 d) in part and could be combined with.
- Target c) duplicates 8 d) in part and could be combined with. There is no agreed combined measure for the overall resource productivity on economic activities, so target is undefined (by 2030 improve by x% the energy and resource productivity of economic activities and reduce by y% their waste and emissions per unit of output)
- Target d) could be combined with target 4 f) (integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula, including ICT skills, education for sustainable development, and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development)
- Target f) support as timeframe 2020 for companies of a certain size (defined by turnover or number of employees) to report on corporate social and environmental responsibility;
- Target d) why not all private sector and single out financial?
- Furthermore, the link with chemicals has disappeared and needs to be restored. This should be included, possibly under an additional point i) achieve the sound management of chemicals throughout their lifecycle and of wastes in ways that lead to the prevention and minimization of significant adverse effects on human health and the environment.
- Sustainable public procurement should be included in this focus area. Governments are major consumers worldwide and can therefore make a change in choosing more sustainable procurement options and setting a good example.
- Full support for the 10YFP Framework.
Focus area 12. Climate change
Take urgent and significant action to mitigate and adapt to climate change
Build a climate change goal based on the outcome of COP21 of the UNFCCC
a) hold the increase in global average temperature below an x°C rise in accordance with international agreements
b) build resilience and adaptive capacity to climate induced hazards in all vulnerable countries
c) integrate climate adaptation and emissions reductions into development plans and poverty reduction strategies
d) introduce instruments and incentives for investments in low-carbon solutions in infrastructure, industry and other sectors
e) improve education and awareness raising on climate change
Appropriate means of implementation
While climate change is dealt under UNFCCC and its COP, a transformative agenda that does not include CC in its goals is truly not credible. Therefore we share the idea of having references to CC, while at the same time avoiding duplication. SDGs should ensure that there are no negative trade-offs among the initiative and actions that this transformative agenda is promoting, including in the field of CC. Therefore references to mitigation and adaption measures throughout the document are a first step in that direction.
- Support climate – smart targets in other objectives, notably in sustainable energy, sustainable cities and human settlements, disaster risk reduction, sustainable agriculture, ecosystems and biodiversity, oceans.
- Target d) is closely linked to 11 e)
- We support mainstreaming the targets across a variety of relevant goals.