Peru and Mexico
Perú México sobre FAs 7 y 8
Focal Area 7: Energy
On target a) after sustainable modern "and high quality"
On target c) ayer industry, add "residential sector"
On Target e) after fossil fuel "and electric tariffs"
Focal area 8: Economic growth, employment and infrastructure
On target b) delete "full" which appears after achieve
On target e) we propose the following formulation
"create enabling conditions for increased growth and productivity of SMEs, through, interalia, policies that promote entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and to expand access to financial services by 2020”
On target g) include after the word sustainable, "safe"
On target f) we propose the following formulation:
"increase the share of high productivity sectors and creative activities in the economy, and strengthen productive capacities through capacity building and development, technology development, transfer and upgrading and greater value addition, with a particular focus on LDCs".
We would also like a stronger link between disasters and economic growth. We therefore propose 2 new targets as follows:
- "By 2030, increase by X% of private and public investment being inclusive and resilient to disasters and climate change"
- "Disater loss and risk metrics are incorporated into national economic growth monitoring and forecasting by 2030".
We are also concerned that the reference to disaster risk reduction has been removed from the previous focus area on infrastructure and the potential target has weakened with only a reference to "sustainable infrastructure". We therefore propose a new target as follows:
"By 2030, all new infrastructure investment over X $ (including energy, communications, transport, housing, public buildings, schools, health centers) built to locally-appropriate hazard-resistant standards"
Focal Area 7: Energy
On target a) after sustainable modern "and high quality"
On target c) ayer industry, add "residential sector"
On Target e) after fossil fuel "and electric tariffs"
Focal area 8: Economic growth, employment and infrastructure
On target b) delete "full" which appears after achieve
On target e) we propose the following formulation
"create enabling conditions for increased growth and productivity of SMEs, through, interalia, policies that promote entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and to expand access to financial services by 2020”
On target g) include after the word sustainable, "safe"
On target f) we propose the following formulation:
"increase the share of high productivity sectors and creative activities in the economy, and strengthen productive capacities through capacity building and development, technology development, transfer and upgrading and greater value addition, with a particular focus on LDCs".
We would also like a stronger link between disasters and economic growth. We therefore propose 2 new targets as follows:
- "By 2030, increase by X% of private and public investment being inclusive and resilient to disasters and climate change"
- "Disater loss and risk metrics are incorporated into national economic growth monitoring and forecasting by 2030".
We are also concerned that the reference to disaster risk reduction has been removed from the previous focus area on infrastructure and the potential target has weakened with only a reference to "sustainable infrastructure". We therefore propose a new target as follows:
"By 2030, all new infrastructure investment over X $ (including energy, communications, transport, housing, public buildings, schools, health centers) built to locally-appropriate hazard-resistant standards"