Peru and Mexico
Gender equality
La perspectiva de Derechos Humanos deberá ser fortalecida en cada una de las áreas. Por ejemplo, en el área de equidad de género y empoderamiento de la mujer será necesario incluir los derechos humanos de las mujeres y las niñas. Damos la bienvenida al área temática sobre género y a los subtemas ya que contienen elementos prioritarios para lograr una agenda transformadora.
We propose the following targets :
* Promote and eliminate all forms of violence against girls and women by 2030
* Ensure equal access to primary and secondary education by the year 2025 and towards all levels of education by 2030
* Ensure universal access of women to the decent employment by 2030
* Ensure universal access of women to civil, economic and political participation by 2030
* Ensure equal access to financial services for women and female and male
Proponemos que se destaquen los beneficios de un medio ambiente sano para la educación. Es necesario incluir el vínculo entre el acceso a la energía básica para apoyar a las escuelas y la educación a distancia. Planteamos incluir referencia a la necesidad de reforzar y respetar los conocimientos tradicionales. De igual forma, se requiere incluir una referencia la educación para promover patrones de consumo sustentable.
We propose the following targets:
* Increase the ratio of children with opportunities to access and complete their pre-school education (%)
* Ensure universal access for all children to primary and secondary education by 2030
* Increase capabilities (personal, educational and work skills) for children and adolescents according to their respective ages
* Improve the quality of educational services and ensure equal access for children and adolescents
* Reduce the incidence of risky behavior patterns in children and adolescents
* Ensure that all schools are built following the construction security codes by 2030 (Disaster Resilient Construction)
* Ensure the transmission of cultural heritage for future generations
Health and Population dynamics
Se tendría que hacer referencia a la interdependencia entre salud y medio ambiente, así como fortalecer el componente relacionado con la dinámica de la población y sus vínculos con el consumo sustentable. Proponemos incluir menciones a la exposición a contaminantes y sustancias peligrosas; la salud y seguridad ocupacional; el fortalecimiento para responder a emergencias sanitarias. De igual manera, se deben destacar de manera explícita los vínculos con energía, ya que en gran medida la contaminación en espacios abiertos y cerrados están relacionados con la energía.
En el inciso k del documento focus areas será necesario hablar de educación sexual integral, ya que los servicios de salud sexual y salud reproductiva deben de ir de la mano de educación para que puedan empoderar a la persona al decidir, por ejemplo, cuántos hijos tener y el espacio entre estos, y de esta forma, promover, proteger y garantizar sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos. En el área 4 la educación deberá de ser de calidad y consideramos que deberá de incluirse la educación sexual integral.
We propose the following targets:
* Increase the levels of physical, cognitive, motor, emotional and social development for boys and girls between 0 and 5 years
* Reduce the rates of children suffering from malnutrition
* Ensure the establishment of environments suitable for the healthy development of children
* Put an end to the infant mortality, of children under the age of five years, due to preventable diseases
* Ensure the establishment of environments suitable for the healthy development of children and young people
* Ensure that all new health centers are built following the construction security codes to make them resistant to the occurrence of disasters, by 2030 (Disaster Resilient Construction)
* Reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, tropical diseases and non-communicable diseases.
* Achieve universal coverage in health from contributory and non-contributory systems
* Reduce the percentage of pocket expenditures on health
* Increase the number of doctors and health workers per 100 thousand inhabitants (%)
* Achieving universal coverage of the full vaccination scheme in less than a year.
* Reduce the rate of maternal mortality (%)
* Reduce the number of live births by caesarean section in first time mothers (%)
* Ensure that the number of medical units have essential inputs for the obstetric care (%)
* Reduce the prevalence of overweight in children and adults (%)
* Reduce the diabetes mortality rate (%)
* Improve the early detection of breast and cervical cancer, and increase the years of survival
* Reduce the homicide rate in adolescents and young people
Employment and decent work for all
We propose the following targets:
* Increase the number of decent work and living conditions (%)
* Reduce the number of young people who have not had access to education, employment and training (%)
* Strengthen the production capacity facilitating the access to financial services and infrastructure such as transportation and Information and communications technology
* Ensure a basic income guarantee for vulnerable populations affected by 2030
* Provide access for small and medium sized enterprises to financial services
* Increase the proportion of gainful employees with access to social security
* Increase the proportion of workers who have access to a pension scheme
* Reduce the proportion of people employed in the informal economy as a percentage of the total workforce
* Increase the proportion of gainful employment
* Reduce the number of young people not attending school and not working (%)
* Increase the ratio of employed population and working-age population (%)
* Reduce wage income gaps between female and male
Water and sanitation
Se debe tomar en cuenta la interdependencia entre energía, agua y alimentación. En esa linea proponemos considerar las siguientes metas:
We propose the following targets:
* Include the quantification and accounting of water fluxes in the economy and the impacts on the supply chains
* Establish a goal for recycling and reusing water as well as for nutrients and recovered organic material in treated water
* Increase the efficiency of water use in the agricultural sector
* Increase access to safe drinking water in homes, schools and health centers
* Increase access to sanitation services in the schools and workplaces, and eliminate defecation in open places
* Increase the access to sanitation services in homes (%)
* Protect the services of mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity and ensure the proper management of water and other natural resources
* Reduce the mortality caused by water-related disasters
* Reduce economic losses caused by the occurrence of disasters up to 80% by 2030
Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
* Eradicate famine and protect the right to access safe, healthy and sufficient nutrition whilst respecting eating and inter-cultural habits
* Reduce chronic malnutrition and infant mortality
* Increase physical volume of national agricultural and fishing production of basic foods.
* Reduce farmland affected by climate change (%)
* Enforce the resilience of agricultural and provision systems against extreme climatic events and climate change
* Promote and raise productivity of small farmers
Gender equality
La perspectiva de Derechos Humanos deberá ser fortalecida en cada una de las áreas. Por ejemplo, en el área de equidad de género y empoderamiento de la mujer será necesario incluir los derechos humanos de las mujeres y las niñas. Damos la bienvenida al área temática sobre género y a los subtemas ya que contienen elementos prioritarios para lograr una agenda transformadora.
We propose the following targets :
* Promote and eliminate all forms of violence against girls and women by 2030
* Ensure equal access to primary and secondary education by the year 2025 and towards all levels of education by 2030
* Ensure universal access of women to the decent employment by 2030
* Ensure universal access of women to civil, economic and political participation by 2030
* Ensure equal access to financial services for women and female and male
Proponemos que se destaquen los beneficios de un medio ambiente sano para la educación. Es necesario incluir el vínculo entre el acceso a la energía básica para apoyar a las escuelas y la educación a distancia. Planteamos incluir referencia a la necesidad de reforzar y respetar los conocimientos tradicionales. De igual forma, se requiere incluir una referencia la educación para promover patrones de consumo sustentable.
We propose the following targets:
* Increase the ratio of children with opportunities to access and complete their pre-school education (%)
* Ensure universal access for all children to primary and secondary education by 2030
* Increase capabilities (personal, educational and work skills) for children and adolescents according to their respective ages
* Improve the quality of educational services and ensure equal access for children and adolescents
* Reduce the incidence of risky behavior patterns in children and adolescents
* Ensure that all schools are built following the construction security codes by 2030 (Disaster Resilient Construction)
* Ensure the transmission of cultural heritage for future generations
Health and Population dynamics
Se tendría que hacer referencia a la interdependencia entre salud y medio ambiente, así como fortalecer el componente relacionado con la dinámica de la población y sus vínculos con el consumo sustentable. Proponemos incluir menciones a la exposición a contaminantes y sustancias peligrosas; la salud y seguridad ocupacional; el fortalecimiento para responder a emergencias sanitarias. De igual manera, se deben destacar de manera explícita los vínculos con energía, ya que en gran medida la contaminación en espacios abiertos y cerrados están relacionados con la energía.
En el inciso k del documento focus areas será necesario hablar de educación sexual integral, ya que los servicios de salud sexual y salud reproductiva deben de ir de la mano de educación para que puedan empoderar a la persona al decidir, por ejemplo, cuántos hijos tener y el espacio entre estos, y de esta forma, promover, proteger y garantizar sus derechos sexuales y reproductivos. En el área 4 la educación deberá de ser de calidad y consideramos que deberá de incluirse la educación sexual integral.
We propose the following targets:
* Increase the levels of physical, cognitive, motor, emotional and social development for boys and girls between 0 and 5 years
* Reduce the rates of children suffering from malnutrition
* Ensure the establishment of environments suitable for the healthy development of children
* Put an end to the infant mortality, of children under the age of five years, due to preventable diseases
* Ensure the establishment of environments suitable for the healthy development of children and young people
* Ensure that all new health centers are built following the construction security codes to make them resistant to the occurrence of disasters, by 2030 (Disaster Resilient Construction)
* Reduce the incidence of HIV/AIDS, TB, malaria, tropical diseases and non-communicable diseases.
* Achieve universal coverage in health from contributory and non-contributory systems
* Reduce the percentage of pocket expenditures on health
* Increase the number of doctors and health workers per 100 thousand inhabitants (%)
* Achieving universal coverage of the full vaccination scheme in less than a year.
* Reduce the rate of maternal mortality (%)
* Reduce the number of live births by caesarean section in first time mothers (%)
* Ensure that the number of medical units have essential inputs for the obstetric care (%)
* Reduce the prevalence of overweight in children and adults (%)
* Reduce the diabetes mortality rate (%)
* Improve the early detection of breast and cervical cancer, and increase the years of survival
* Reduce the homicide rate in adolescents and young people
Employment and decent work for all
We propose the following targets:
* Increase the number of decent work and living conditions (%)
* Reduce the number of young people who have not had access to education, employment and training (%)
* Strengthen the production capacity facilitating the access to financial services and infrastructure such as transportation and Information and communications technology
* Ensure a basic income guarantee for vulnerable populations affected by 2030
* Provide access for small and medium sized enterprises to financial services
* Increase the proportion of gainful employees with access to social security
* Increase the proportion of workers who have access to a pension scheme
* Reduce the proportion of people employed in the informal economy as a percentage of the total workforce
* Increase the proportion of gainful employment
* Reduce the number of young people not attending school and not working (%)
* Increase the ratio of employed population and working-age population (%)
* Reduce wage income gaps between female and male
Water and sanitation
Se debe tomar en cuenta la interdependencia entre energía, agua y alimentación. En esa linea proponemos considerar las siguientes metas:
We propose the following targets:
* Include the quantification and accounting of water fluxes in the economy and the impacts on the supply chains
* Establish a goal for recycling and reusing water as well as for nutrients and recovered organic material in treated water
* Increase the efficiency of water use in the agricultural sector
* Increase access to safe drinking water in homes, schools and health centers
* Increase access to sanitation services in the schools and workplaces, and eliminate defecation in open places
* Increase the access to sanitation services in homes (%)
* Protect the services of mountain ecosystems and their biodiversity and ensure the proper management of water and other natural resources
* Reduce the mortality caused by water-related disasters
* Reduce economic losses caused by the occurrence of disasters up to 80% by 2030
Sustainable agriculture, food security and nutrition
* Eradicate famine and protect the right to access safe, healthy and sufficient nutrition whilst respecting eating and inter-cultural habits
* Reduce chronic malnutrition and infant mortality
* Increase physical volume of national agricultural and fishing production of basic foods.
* Reduce farmland affected by climate change (%)
* Enforce the resilience of agricultural and provision systems against extreme climatic events and climate change
* Promote and raise productivity of small farmers