Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS)
Statement on behalf of Pacific Troika and Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS)
Mr Fred Sarufa, Deputy Permanent Representative
of Papua New Guinea to the United Nations
for the
10th Session of Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Cluster on Methodology: Defining Goals and Targets and Poverty Eradication
and Promotion of Equality
31 March 2014, New York
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Thank you Co-Chair for giving me the floor.
I am honoured to make this brief intervention on behalf of the Pacific Troika, which comprises of Nauru, Palau and my own country, Papua New Guinea, as well as on behalf of the 12 Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS).
We support the Statement made by Nauru, on behalf of AOSIS, on the methodology. Similarly, except for PSIDS members who are not G77 members, we also align ourselves with the intervention made by the distinguished Chair of G-77 and China - Bolivia.
This intervention will be confined to the cluster on methodology in defining Goals and Targets and also on poverty eradication and the promotion of equality.
We address the cluster of issues with the clear understanding they do not prejudge the formulation of final list of SDGs.
In this regard, the SDGs must be reflective of the needs of countries in special situations such as Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), including Pacific Island countries.
Moreover, they must be measurable, thus require a robust mechanism to monitor, evaluate and report on progress to further improve effectiveness of the implementation and achievement of goals and targets.
We also believe that a conducive environment for implementing goals and target needs to be supported to ensure their full implementation.
On "Poverty Eradication and Promotion of Equality";
• We recognize that sustained, inclusive, and equitable economic growth in developing countries, including the Pacific Small Island Developing States, is a key requirement for eradicating poverty.
• We also underscore that the Rio +20 outcome "The Future We Want" emphasized the need to accord the highest priority to poverty eradication within the UN development agenda. This must address the root causes and challenges of poverty through integrated, coordinated, and coherent strategies at all levels.
• We are reminded also that the Rio +20 outcome also recognized that promoting universal access to social services can make an important contribution to consolidating and achieving development gains.
Social protection systems that address and reduce inequality and social exclusion are highly essential for eradicating poverty. In this regard, we strongly encourage initiatives aimed at enhancing social protection for all people.
There is also an inextricable link between economic growth and equality. The inverse is that as inequality in income and wealth widen, within society, between urban and remote rural areas, within regions, between developed and developing countries, there is evidently a corresponding slow-down in economic growth. In other words, income inequality hurts economic growth.
Poorly designed efforts to reduce inequality could be counter-productive and there is evidence that higher degree of equality generates more robust and sustainable growth path.
For PSIDS, inequality in income and wealth is a challenge that needs to be addressed to eradicate poverty in all its multi-dimensional forms.
In conclusion, Co-Chair, we commend the valued leadership and guidance provided by both Co-Chairs to the seminal work of this inter-governmental process and reaffirm our commitment to consolidate the progress we have collectively made thus far.
I thank you.
Mr Fred Sarufa, Deputy Permanent Representative
of Papua New Guinea to the United Nations
for the
10th Session of Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals
Cluster on Methodology: Defining Goals and Targets and Poverty Eradication
and Promotion of Equality
31 March 2014, New York
Check against delivery
Thank you Co-Chair for giving me the floor.
I am honoured to make this brief intervention on behalf of the Pacific Troika, which comprises of Nauru, Palau and my own country, Papua New Guinea, as well as on behalf of the 12 Pacific Small Island Developing States (PSIDS).
We support the Statement made by Nauru, on behalf of AOSIS, on the methodology. Similarly, except for PSIDS members who are not G77 members, we also align ourselves with the intervention made by the distinguished Chair of G-77 and China - Bolivia.
This intervention will be confined to the cluster on methodology in defining Goals and Targets and also on poverty eradication and the promotion of equality.
We address the cluster of issues with the clear understanding they do not prejudge the formulation of final list of SDGs.
In this regard, the SDGs must be reflective of the needs of countries in special situations such as Small Islands Developing States (SIDS), including Pacific Island countries.
Moreover, they must be measurable, thus require a robust mechanism to monitor, evaluate and report on progress to further improve effectiveness of the implementation and achievement of goals and targets.
We also believe that a conducive environment for implementing goals and target needs to be supported to ensure their full implementation.
On "Poverty Eradication and Promotion of Equality";
• We recognize that sustained, inclusive, and equitable economic growth in developing countries, including the Pacific Small Island Developing States, is a key requirement for eradicating poverty.
• We also underscore that the Rio +20 outcome "The Future We Want" emphasized the need to accord the highest priority to poverty eradication within the UN development agenda. This must address the root causes and challenges of poverty through integrated, coordinated, and coherent strategies at all levels.
• We are reminded also that the Rio +20 outcome also recognized that promoting universal access to social services can make an important contribution to consolidating and achieving development gains.
Social protection systems that address and reduce inequality and social exclusion are highly essential for eradicating poverty. In this regard, we strongly encourage initiatives aimed at enhancing social protection for all people.
There is also an inextricable link between economic growth and equality. The inverse is that as inequality in income and wealth widen, within society, between urban and remote rural areas, within regions, between developed and developing countries, there is evidently a corresponding slow-down in economic growth. In other words, income inequality hurts economic growth.
Poorly designed efforts to reduce inequality could be counter-productive and there is evidence that higher degree of equality generates more robust and sustainable growth path.
For PSIDS, inequality in income and wealth is a challenge that needs to be addressed to eradicate poverty in all its multi-dimensional forms.
In conclusion, Co-Chair, we commend the valued leadership and guidance provided by both Co-Chairs to the seminal work of this inter-governmental process and reaffirm our commitment to consolidate the progress we have collectively made thus far.
I thank you.