? An important policy objective for Norway is to develop a more sustainable transportation
system that provide its users with affordable, safe and userfriendly transport.
? Further, Norway has a strong commitment to reduce our carbon footprint significantly.
? Key measures to reach these goals are to improve the PT- system, combined with a
taxation-system discouraging the use of private car.
? Local governments are invited to apply for grants for actively implementing measures for
reducing the use of private cars, such as parking restrictions and toll fees, as well as
improving the PT-system. Local governments may also apply for grants to make the PTsystem
accessible to people with disabilitis.
? Norway aims at a taxation-system reflecting the effects on society caust by the
transportsektor. In acordance we have a rather high fuel tax to encourage fuel economy in
transport, as well as a CO2 tax for all economic activity. When buying a new car, a
purchase tax comes into effect.
? In 2009 this tax was redesigned in such a way that the tax is being reduced for the
purchace of cars with a low CO2 emission-level, while it progessivly increases with cars
with increasing levels of CO2 emission.
? After one year, we already see results in terms of the type of new cars people buy.
? Electric and hydrogen driven cars are tax-exempted. These cars are also given special
rights like free parking and the use of bus lanes.
? To enhance the use of biofuel a new law regulates that 3,5 % of fuel sold by the
oilcompanies must be biofuel.
? To obtain coordinated spacial- and transport planning, new cross-sectoral regulations have
been put in place.
? Local governments are responsible for the overall planning, whilst the national
government will be invovled when national interests are at stake.
? National authorities may, for example, restrict the establishment of new shopping centres
in areas with limited available public transport.
system that provide its users with affordable, safe and userfriendly transport.
? Further, Norway has a strong commitment to reduce our carbon footprint significantly.
? Key measures to reach these goals are to improve the PT- system, combined with a
taxation-system discouraging the use of private car.
? Local governments are invited to apply for grants for actively implementing measures for
reducing the use of private cars, such as parking restrictions and toll fees, as well as
improving the PT-system. Local governments may also apply for grants to make the PTsystem
accessible to people with disabilitis.
? Norway aims at a taxation-system reflecting the effects on society caust by the
transportsektor. In acordance we have a rather high fuel tax to encourage fuel economy in
transport, as well as a CO2 tax for all economic activity. When buying a new car, a
purchase tax comes into effect.
? In 2009 this tax was redesigned in such a way that the tax is being reduced for the
purchace of cars with a low CO2 emission-level, while it progessivly increases with cars
with increasing levels of CO2 emission.
? After one year, we already see results in terms of the type of new cars people buy.
? Electric and hydrogen driven cars are tax-exempted. These cars are also given special
rights like free parking and the use of bus lanes.
? To enhance the use of biofuel a new law regulates that 3,5 % of fuel sold by the
oilcompanies must be biofuel.
? To obtain coordinated spacial- and transport planning, new cross-sectoral regulations have
been put in place.
? Local governments are responsible for the overall planning, whilst the national
government will be invovled when national interests are at stake.
? National authorities may, for example, restrict the establishment of new shopping centres
in areas with limited available public transport.