CSD 15. IPM. Statement by the Norwegian Delegation on Energy for
Sustainable Development
Norway considers the 15th session of CSD to be special.
It is special because it deals with issues that are at the top of the international agenda. Energy
touches every dimension of globalization and sustainable development.
It is special because it is the first CSD session after the High Level Panel on UN Reform
delivered its report. Norway believes that CSD should consolidate its position as the central
UN high-level forum for dealing with all aspects of sustainable development. To this end it is
essential that CSD agrees on concrete and action-oriented recommendations on energy,
climate change, air pollution and industrial development.
Third, the 15th session of CSD coincides with the 20th anniversary of the World Commission
on Environment and Development?s report ?Our Common Future?. It coined the notion of
sustainable development and made the direct link between energy, environment and
Madam Chairperson,
At the CSD 14 we agreed to promote the development of sustainable energy services. To
follow up on this we believe that CSD 15 policy-recommendations should reflect a broad
approach including to;
? improve energy efficiency and reduce energy intensity in all sectors, including the
manufacturing, transport, residential and commercial sectors. Energy efficiency is the
most abundant and cheapest energy resource.
? phase out environmentally harmful subsidies in the energy sector and increase the use
of economic incentives, subsidies and taxes to promote energy efficiency measures,
such as emissions trading, risk mitigation instruments, energy performance contracts,
credit guarantees, innovative clean energy and funds for energy efficiency.
? increase environmentally sound use of renewable energy sources such as solar energy,
wind energy, biomass, geothermal energy and hydropower. Simple, decentralised
solutions should play an important role. Capacity building and technology cooperation
is essential,
? change in the mix of fossil fuels used, by moving away from coal towards less carbonintensive
fossil fuels, such as natural gas,
? promote research and development on technologies for cleaner production and more
efficient use of fossil fuels, such as developing viable technologies for capture and
storage of carbon dioxide.
In our view, countries like Norway have a major responsibility and an obligation to take the
lead in developing and implementing cleaner energy solutions.
Madam Chairperson,
At the CSD 14 we agreed that access to sustainable energy services is crucial for the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. To follow up on this we believe that
CSD 15 policy-recommendations should include to;
? integrate energy in national poverty reduction strategies giving priority to energy
efficiency, renewable energies and improved access to modern, environmentally sound
and affordable energy services,
? include energy in city development strategies, and slum up-grading facility,
? promote renewable energy and energy efficiency as priority area in development
cooperation, including capacity building and technology cooperation,
? promote good governance, anti-corruption measures and transparency at governmental
and corporate level are essential to attract foreign and domestic investors,
? promote dialogue on the sustainability of bio fuels addressing aspect such as
displacement of food production, biodiversity and land-use management,
? Call upon UNEP/UNDP and UNIDO to promote an integrated approach to energy,
climate change, air pollution and industrial development.
Norway supports the idea of setting national objectives on access to energy, energy and
renewable energies and shares the view expressed by the EU that CSD should devote time to
review and follow-up on energy at its sessions in 2010/2011 and 2014/2015.
And finally Madam Chairperson,
The Norwegian Delegation fully supports what has been said about translating political
commitments into local action on the ground. We believe that this CSD session is important
for demonstrating this and Norway is ready to work with all interested parties to make this
CSD-session a success.
Sustainable Development
Norway considers the 15th session of CSD to be special.
It is special because it deals with issues that are at the top of the international agenda. Energy
touches every dimension of globalization and sustainable development.
It is special because it is the first CSD session after the High Level Panel on UN Reform
delivered its report. Norway believes that CSD should consolidate its position as the central
UN high-level forum for dealing with all aspects of sustainable development. To this end it is
essential that CSD agrees on concrete and action-oriented recommendations on energy,
climate change, air pollution and industrial development.
Third, the 15th session of CSD coincides with the 20th anniversary of the World Commission
on Environment and Development?s report ?Our Common Future?. It coined the notion of
sustainable development and made the direct link between energy, environment and
Madam Chairperson,
At the CSD 14 we agreed to promote the development of sustainable energy services. To
follow up on this we believe that CSD 15 policy-recommendations should reflect a broad
approach including to;
? improve energy efficiency and reduce energy intensity in all sectors, including the
manufacturing, transport, residential and commercial sectors. Energy efficiency is the
most abundant and cheapest energy resource.
? phase out environmentally harmful subsidies in the energy sector and increase the use
of economic incentives, subsidies and taxes to promote energy efficiency measures,
such as emissions trading, risk mitigation instruments, energy performance contracts,
credit guarantees, innovative clean energy and funds for energy efficiency.
? increase environmentally sound use of renewable energy sources such as solar energy,
wind energy, biomass, geothermal energy and hydropower. Simple, decentralised
solutions should play an important role. Capacity building and technology cooperation
is essential,
? change in the mix of fossil fuels used, by moving away from coal towards less carbonintensive
fossil fuels, such as natural gas,
? promote research and development on technologies for cleaner production and more
efficient use of fossil fuels, such as developing viable technologies for capture and
storage of carbon dioxide.
In our view, countries like Norway have a major responsibility and an obligation to take the
lead in developing and implementing cleaner energy solutions.
Madam Chairperson,
At the CSD 14 we agreed that access to sustainable energy services is crucial for the
achievement of the Millennium Development Goals. To follow up on this we believe that
CSD 15 policy-recommendations should include to;
? integrate energy in national poverty reduction strategies giving priority to energy
efficiency, renewable energies and improved access to modern, environmentally sound
and affordable energy services,
? include energy in city development strategies, and slum up-grading facility,
? promote renewable energy and energy efficiency as priority area in development
cooperation, including capacity building and technology cooperation,
? promote good governance, anti-corruption measures and transparency at governmental
and corporate level are essential to attract foreign and domestic investors,
? promote dialogue on the sustainability of bio fuels addressing aspect such as
displacement of food production, biodiversity and land-use management,
? Call upon UNEP/UNDP and UNIDO to promote an integrated approach to energy,
climate change, air pollution and industrial development.
Norway supports the idea of setting national objectives on access to energy, energy and
renewable energies and shares the view expressed by the EU that CSD should devote time to
review and follow-up on energy at its sessions in 2010/2011 and 2014/2015.
And finally Madam Chairperson,
The Norwegian Delegation fully supports what has been said about translating political
commitments into local action on the ground. We believe that this CSD session is important
for demonstrating this and Norway is ready to work with all interested parties to make this
CSD-session a success.