Madam Co-Chair,
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished delegates,
Nigeria would like to associate herself with the views expressed by Singapore on
behalf of the group of 77 and China. We also want to express our appreciation to
the expert panel for the excellent presentations.
Madam Co-Chair,
Despite improvement in the design and development of environment-friendly
processes and technology over the last two decades, the increase in
unsustainable consumption and production patterns has continued at an alarming
rate. This trend has continued to widen the economic and social divide between
the developed and the developing countries.
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) is key to ensuring that the
carrying capacity of our mother earth is not overstretched beyond limits, and to
ensure that as we draw from her benefits we do not deplete her capital.
Madam Co-Chair,
Nigeria welcomes the work of the Marrakech Process so far. We would like the
Process to be more inclusive and the information about the Process widely
disseminated. There is also need to fully involve the private sector in the Process.
We believe that the Marrakech Process will lend credence and support to the 10-
Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production
(SCP), which will chart a new course on the way we explore and exploit our
natural resources.
In the implementation of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes, there is need
for us to seriously consider the following issues: Identification of priority actions
and initiatives at national, regional and global levels; Scaling up successful
initiatives and programmes with support from the international community; and
Encouraging innovative economic and financial mechanisms, including public and
private investments.
Madam Co-Chair,
Nigeria believes that ?Corporate social responsibility?, is key to promoting
sustainable consumption and production. Corporate organisations, particularly
the multinational companies operating in developing countries should not see
?Corporate social responsibility? as a charity programme to provide communal
support in their local operational areas, but as an integral part of their corporate
policy to ensure that no aspects of their operations are detrimental to human
health and the environment, and that the wastes generated by their products and
services are properly managed. There is therefore an urgent need for these
corporations to include the concept of ??Extended Producer Responsibility?? in
their corporate policy and adopt the ?Take Back or Buy Back Approach?? to ensure
effective control of wastes generated by their products and services.
We also believe that full implementation of the various environmental
conventions and the outcomes of the Rio and Johannesburg Summit are pillars in
the achievement of achievement of sustainable consumption and production.
Implementation of the Basel Convention in particular, and support for the
implementation of the Bamako Convention, will assist to control illegal transboundary
movement of hazardous wastes, including e-waste, especially from
developed countries into Africa, a continent that do not have the capacity to
manage such wastes.
In conclusion, global efforts to promote sustainable production and consumption
patterns will be more meaningful only when those who produce more and
consume more are able to do more to address the emerging issues. Nigeria will
continue to intensify efforts at the country level to ensure sustainable production
and consumption. We shall also support efforts and initiatives, and partner with
the international community on projects and programmes at the regional and
global levels to address the issue.
I thank you, Madam Co-Chair.
I thank you.
Honorable Ministers,
Distinguished delegates,
Nigeria would like to associate herself with the views expressed by Singapore on
behalf of the group of 77 and China. We also want to express our appreciation to
the expert panel for the excellent presentations.
Madam Co-Chair,
Despite improvement in the design and development of environment-friendly
processes and technology over the last two decades, the increase in
unsustainable consumption and production patterns has continued at an alarming
rate. This trend has continued to widen the economic and social divide between
the developed and the developing countries.
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) is key to ensuring that the
carrying capacity of our mother earth is not overstretched beyond limits, and to
ensure that as we draw from her benefits we do not deplete her capital.
Madam Co-Chair,
Nigeria welcomes the work of the Marrakech Process so far. We would like the
Process to be more inclusive and the information about the Process widely
disseminated. There is also need to fully involve the private sector in the Process.
We believe that the Marrakech Process will lend credence and support to the 10-
Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production
(SCP), which will chart a new course on the way we explore and exploit our
natural resources.
In the implementation of the 10-Year Framework of Programmes, there is need
for us to seriously consider the following issues: Identification of priority actions
and initiatives at national, regional and global levels; Scaling up successful
initiatives and programmes with support from the international community; and
Encouraging innovative economic and financial mechanisms, including public and
private investments.
Madam Co-Chair,
Nigeria believes that ?Corporate social responsibility?, is key to promoting
sustainable consumption and production. Corporate organisations, particularly
the multinational companies operating in developing countries should not see
?Corporate social responsibility? as a charity programme to provide communal
support in their local operational areas, but as an integral part of their corporate
policy to ensure that no aspects of their operations are detrimental to human
health and the environment, and that the wastes generated by their products and
services are properly managed. There is therefore an urgent need for these
corporations to include the concept of ??Extended Producer Responsibility?? in
their corporate policy and adopt the ?Take Back or Buy Back Approach?? to ensure
effective control of wastes generated by their products and services.
We also believe that full implementation of the various environmental
conventions and the outcomes of the Rio and Johannesburg Summit are pillars in
the achievement of achievement of sustainable consumption and production.
Implementation of the Basel Convention in particular, and support for the
implementation of the Bamako Convention, will assist to control illegal transboundary
movement of hazardous wastes, including e-waste, especially from
developed countries into Africa, a continent that do not have the capacity to
manage such wastes.
In conclusion, global efforts to promote sustainable production and consumption
patterns will be more meaningful only when those who produce more and
consume more are able to do more to address the emerging issues. Nigeria will
continue to intensify efforts at the country level to ensure sustainable production
and consumption. We shall also support efforts and initiatives, and partner with
the international community on projects and programmes at the regional and
global levels to address the issue.
I thank you, Madam Co-Chair.
I thank you.