New Zealand
Thank you Mr Chair
We have listened carefully to the presentations this morning and this afternoon. It seems to the New Zealand delegation that the challenges for Small Island Developing States encompass both mainstream sustainable development issues, and more critically vulnerabilities that are unique to the circumstances of SIDS.
Examples today on land use, biodiversity including alien invasive species (where New Zealand has particular experience to share), agriculture and tourism, highlight areas of particular vulnerability for SIDS.
For this reason, New Zealand believes that the SIDS Day is, and must always be, an integral part of the work of the Commission. We welcome devoting exclusive time in the CSD, to SIDS.
The Mauritius Strategy covers a comprehensive range of issues facing SIDS. It includes a specific chapter - on the role of the United Nations - for implementing the Programme of Action. In this regard, my delegation wishes to support strengthening the SIDS Unit, to further enhance its work for action on SIDS issues.
Mr Chair
Pacific SIDS are a focal point for New Zealand?s development assistance. The statement this morning by the Kingdom of Tonga, on behalf of the Pacific SIDS, and the presentation we have just heard by Mr Horoi, outline key challenges facing this region, including vulnerability to climate change and its effects. New Zealand is committed to working in partnership with the Pacific on the range of sustainable development initiatives. This includes taking up Mr Horoi?s challenge about how to connect the two ice-cream cones.
To close Mr Chair, may I reiterate that New Zealand will continue to give priority to engaging with SIDS on priority sustainable development issues.
Thank you
We have listened carefully to the presentations this morning and this afternoon. It seems to the New Zealand delegation that the challenges for Small Island Developing States encompass both mainstream sustainable development issues, and more critically vulnerabilities that are unique to the circumstances of SIDS.
Examples today on land use, biodiversity including alien invasive species (where New Zealand has particular experience to share), agriculture and tourism, highlight areas of particular vulnerability for SIDS.
For this reason, New Zealand believes that the SIDS Day is, and must always be, an integral part of the work of the Commission. We welcome devoting exclusive time in the CSD, to SIDS.
The Mauritius Strategy covers a comprehensive range of issues facing SIDS. It includes a specific chapter - on the role of the United Nations - for implementing the Programme of Action. In this regard, my delegation wishes to support strengthening the SIDS Unit, to further enhance its work for action on SIDS issues.
Mr Chair
Pacific SIDS are a focal point for New Zealand?s development assistance. The statement this morning by the Kingdom of Tonga, on behalf of the Pacific SIDS, and the presentation we have just heard by Mr Horoi, outline key challenges facing this region, including vulnerability to climate change and its effects. New Zealand is committed to working in partnership with the Pacific on the range of sustainable development initiatives. This includes taking up Mr Horoi?s challenge about how to connect the two ice-cream cones.
To close Mr Chair, may I reiterate that New Zealand will continue to give priority to engaging with SIDS on priority sustainable development issues.
Thank you