Remarks by His Excellency Durga P, Bhattarai, Permanent Representative of Nepal
to the United Nations, at the third session of the Informal meeting of the IJNGA
pienaiw in the process of ICN on PTDA, concerning the six themes for UN Summit
2015 as proposed by the Facilitators
New York. 26 March 2015
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131 st i ngui shed Co-faci 1 itators.
1 thank you very much for giving me the floor.
I align my remarks with the remarks made on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; and I
wish to quickly touch on a few points of importance to my delegation. 1 will not be making
any elaborate comments on the themes at this stage.
I hank you for the si,\s you proposed for interactive dialogues at the UN Summit this
September. They are already very good and. at a closer look, we see rooms for
improvement when we think about what we want to achieve with them.
While the themes at the Summit need to be balanced among the three pillars o f sustainable
development (for which a matrix of topics by the three pillars may be of help), through
these themes, we should be able to convey a strong message o f our collective determination
to "leavemo one behind', especially The bottom billion' where the poverty is concentrated.
In particular, the theme related to poverty should be able to further inspire the
determination of LDCs to achieve sustainable and transformative graduation, even against
the reality of the unllnished business of the MDGs.
The theme may be reformulated as "eradication of poverty in all its forms and
manifestations' to capture the essence of everyone's purpose and aspirations concerning
in any case, it should also directly relate to the concerns o f the countries in special situationthe
LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, which in fact could be a separate topic in its own right.
Likewise, under the social pillar, the issues of health and education, and water and
sanitation across children, women, youth and old need to be dealt with head on.
Under the environmental pillar, the theme should not leave out climate change, and should
inspire a culture of green living with forests, mountains and oceans in harmony with the
Mother Eartli'Nature as a whole.
On the whole, the themes should generate a sense of ownership in all countries and
stakeholders, such that all stakeholders can relate their own perspective to each of the
themes, for their benefit, and for greater common good of all.
Thank you, distinguished Co-facilitators.
Remarks by His Excellency Durga P, Bhattarai, Permanent Representative of Nepal
to the United Nations, at the third session of the Informal meeting of the IJNGA
pienaiw in the process of ICN on PTDA, concerning the six themes for UN Summit
2015 as proposed by the Facilitators
New York. 26 March 2015
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131 st i ngui shed Co-faci 1 itators.
1 thank you very much for giving me the floor.
I align my remarks with the remarks made on behalf of the Group of 77 and China; and I
wish to quickly touch on a few points of importance to my delegation. 1 will not be making
any elaborate comments on the themes at this stage.
I hank you for the si,\s you proposed for interactive dialogues at the UN Summit this
September. They are already very good and. at a closer look, we see rooms for
improvement when we think about what we want to achieve with them.
While the themes at the Summit need to be balanced among the three pillars o f sustainable
development (for which a matrix of topics by the three pillars may be of help), through
these themes, we should be able to convey a strong message o f our collective determination
to "leavemo one behind', especially The bottom billion' where the poverty is concentrated.
In particular, the theme related to poverty should be able to further inspire the
determination of LDCs to achieve sustainable and transformative graduation, even against
the reality of the unllnished business of the MDGs.
The theme may be reformulated as "eradication of poverty in all its forms and
manifestations' to capture the essence of everyone's purpose and aspirations concerning
in any case, it should also directly relate to the concerns o f the countries in special situationthe
LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, which in fact could be a separate topic in its own right.
Likewise, under the social pillar, the issues of health and education, and water and
sanitation across children, women, youth and old need to be dealt with head on.
Under the environmental pillar, the theme should not leave out climate change, and should
inspire a culture of green living with forests, mountains and oceans in harmony with the
Mother Eartli'Nature as a whole.
On the whole, the themes should generate a sense of ownership in all countries and
stakeholders, such that all stakeholders can relate their own perspective to each of the
themes, for their benefit, and for greater common good of all.
Thank you, distinguished Co-facilitators.