Please check against delivery
Mrs. Ei Ei Khin Aye
Head of Delegation
and Deputy Permanent Representative
of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
United Nations Conference
to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14:
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and
marine resources for Sustainable Development
(New York, 8 June 2017)
10 E. 77m STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10075 • TEL. (212) 744-1271 • FAX {212} 744-1290
Excellencies, distinguished representatives, ladies and gentlemen,
At the outset. my delegation would like to congratulate the Republic of Fiji and
the Kingdom of Sweden fo r being elected as Co-Pres idents to this important
We would also like to commend the efforts of Singapore and Portugal in the
capacity of co-facilitators to produce the political outcome document; Our
Ocean, Our Future: Call for Action.
Exce llencies.
Human well being and livelihoods significantly rely on oceans, seas and coastal
areas that cons titute an integrated and essential component of the Earth 's
ecosystem and contribute greatly to sustainable development.
In this regard, we recognize the act ion-oriented vis ion of this meeting, with
emphasis on enhancing transparency, accounta bility and voluntary
commitments of member states to take timely act ion in sav ing the oceans and
seas that cover more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface and provide 97
percent of the ,,vater on Earth.
The imp lementation of sustainable development goal 14: conserve and
sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
development is one of the most crucial, cross cutting, inclus ive in nature and
indispensable for our combined efforts and potential to achieve the 2030
Agenda of SDGs, with our objective of leav ing no one behind.
In such context, my de legation appreciates and acknowledges the elements of
the 7 partners hip dialogues. We hope that these dialogues will provide practical
benefits through exchange of knc ledge and good practices in addressing our
common and major challenges such as conservation, bio diversity, pollution,
acidification. sustaining fish stock and ri s ing sea level.
As mentioned in the "Future We Want" outcome document of the UN
Conference on Susta inable Development in 20 12, the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and it's implementing
agreements have been serving as legal framework for the sustainability of
oceans and seas. In this perspective, Myanmar will continue to keep faith and
respect on UNCLOS. We expe~t that es tablished processes and relevant
meetings in the context of UNCLOS should assess the momentum of our
implementation on SDG 14.
In view of conserv ing and sustaining the oceans and seas, Myanmar commends
the important work of inter-governmental bodies like International Seabed
Authority that regulates and establishes legal provisions for mineral exploitation
acti vities in the international seabed areas and in this spirit, we will continue to
support the Authority.
We welcomed the General Assembly resolution 69/292 and anticipate fruitful
outcomes from the fo rth-coming intergovernmental conference on international
legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable
use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction.
It is a fact that SDG l 4 is essential and needs timely action. In view of its
ambitious as well as complex nature, my delegation is pleased that the Call for
Action document recognized the challenges and constraints faced by developing
countries, particularly the LDCs and the SIDs in implementing SDGS 14. My
delegation wishes to highlight our expectation to seek support and assistance on
required resources. technology transfer and capacity bu ilding through building
multi stakeholder partnerships and partnership with fin ancial and techno logical
institutions. Myanmar welcomes that the document underscores the importance
of promoting and strengthening sustainable ocean-based economies particularly
for the SIDS and LDCs by mobilizing means of development in line with the
2030 SDG Agenda. Addis Ababa Action Plan on Financ ing fo r Development
and Istanbul Program of Action for the LDCs and other relevant outcomes.
The fishery sector. particularly small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, are very
important for Myanmar's food securi ty. It is also a means of poverty alleviation.
Fish accounts for half of nutritious food consumption for Myanmar people. In
view of this. Myanmar·s priority in fishery policy is to attain sustainability of
fi sh stock and develop capacity in addressing issues of Illegal, Unreported and
Unregulated Fishing.
Our principles. goals and actions regarding with fi sheries and aquaculture issues
are in line vvi th FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and
Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small Scale Fisheries (VGSSF) which are
legally binding instruments, based on internationally accepted principles and
guidance tO\,va rds sustainable fi sheries.
In conclusion. my delegation wishes to underscore the importance played by the
Paris Climate Agreement that is largely pertinent to the accomplishment of
SDGS 14. Myanmar is in the process to ratify the Agreement to demonstrate its
commitment to implement it. We would like to join other member states in
expressing concern that any withdrawal from the Agreement will apparently
weaken the efforts of the international community in tackling global warming,
gas emissions and other environmental impacts.
I thank you.
Please check against delivery
Mrs. Ei Ei Khin Aye
Head of Delegation
and Deputy Permanent Representative
of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
United Nations Conference
to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14:
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and
marine resources for Sustainable Development
(New York, 8 June 2017)
10 E. 77m STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10075 • TEL. (212) 744-1271 • FAX {212} 744-1290
Excellencies, distinguished representatives, ladies and gentlemen,
At the outset. my delegation would like to congratulate the Republic of Fiji and
the Kingdom of Sweden fo r being elected as Co-Pres idents to this important
We would also like to commend the efforts of Singapore and Portugal in the
capacity of co-facilitators to produce the political outcome document; Our
Ocean, Our Future: Call for Action.
Exce llencies.
Human well being and livelihoods significantly rely on oceans, seas and coastal
areas that cons titute an integrated and essential component of the Earth 's
ecosystem and contribute greatly to sustainable development.
In this regard, we recognize the act ion-oriented vis ion of this meeting, with
emphasis on enhancing transparency, accounta bility and voluntary
commitments of member states to take timely act ion in sav ing the oceans and
seas that cover more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface and provide 97
percent of the ,,vater on Earth.
The imp lementation of sustainable development goal 14: conserve and
sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable
development is one of the most crucial, cross cutting, inclus ive in nature and
indispensable for our combined efforts and potential to achieve the 2030
Agenda of SDGs, with our objective of leav ing no one behind.
In such context, my de legation appreciates and acknowledges the elements of
the 7 partners hip dialogues. We hope that these dialogues will provide practical
benefits through exchange of knc ledge and good practices in addressing our
common and major challenges such as conservation, bio diversity, pollution,
acidification. sustaining fish stock and ri s ing sea level.
As mentioned in the "Future We Want" outcome document of the UN
Conference on Susta inable Development in 20 12, the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and it's implementing
agreements have been serving as legal framework for the sustainability of
oceans and seas. In this perspective, Myanmar will continue to keep faith and
respect on UNCLOS. We expe~t that es tablished processes and relevant
meetings in the context of UNCLOS should assess the momentum of our
implementation on SDG 14.
In view of conserv ing and sustaining the oceans and seas, Myanmar commends
the important work of inter-governmental bodies like International Seabed
Authority that regulates and establishes legal provisions for mineral exploitation
acti vities in the international seabed areas and in this spirit, we will continue to
support the Authority.
We welcomed the General Assembly resolution 69/292 and anticipate fruitful
outcomes from the fo rth-coming intergovernmental conference on international
legally binding instrument under UNCLOS on the conservation and sustainable
use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction.
It is a fact that SDG l 4 is essential and needs timely action. In view of its
ambitious as well as complex nature, my delegation is pleased that the Call for
Action document recognized the challenges and constraints faced by developing
countries, particularly the LDCs and the SIDs in implementing SDGS 14. My
delegation wishes to highlight our expectation to seek support and assistance on
required resources. technology transfer and capacity bu ilding through building
multi stakeholder partnerships and partnership with fin ancial and techno logical
institutions. Myanmar welcomes that the document underscores the importance
of promoting and strengthening sustainable ocean-based economies particularly
for the SIDS and LDCs by mobilizing means of development in line with the
2030 SDG Agenda. Addis Ababa Action Plan on Financ ing fo r Development
and Istanbul Program of Action for the LDCs and other relevant outcomes.
The fishery sector. particularly small-scale fisheries and aquaculture, are very
important for Myanmar's food securi ty. It is also a means of poverty alleviation.
Fish accounts for half of nutritious food consumption for Myanmar people. In
view of this. Myanmar·s priority in fishery policy is to attain sustainability of
fi sh stock and develop capacity in addressing issues of Illegal, Unreported and
Unregulated Fishing.
Our principles. goals and actions regarding with fi sheries and aquaculture issues
are in line vvi th FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) and
Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small Scale Fisheries (VGSSF) which are
legally binding instruments, based on internationally accepted principles and
guidance tO\,va rds sustainable fi sheries.
In conclusion. my delegation wishes to underscore the importance played by the
Paris Climate Agreement that is largely pertinent to the accomplishment of
SDGS 14. Myanmar is in the process to ratify the Agreement to demonstrate its
commitment to implement it. We would like to join other member states in
expressing concern that any withdrawal from the Agreement will apparently
weaken the efforts of the international community in tackling global warming,
gas emissions and other environmental impacts.
I thank you.