Ms. Qi Xiaoxia
Speech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of HighSpeech at the Closing Ceremony of High-level level level level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Symposium on Sustainable Cities and
Sustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable Urbanization
Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal People’s People’s People’s People’s GovernmentGovernmentGovernmentGovernmentGovernmentGovernment
(December 18(December 18(December 18(December 18(December 18(December 18th, 2013), 2013), 2013), 2013), 2013)
Your Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency Under-SecretarySecretarySecretarySecretarySecretarySecretarySecretary-General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,
RespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespected Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,
RespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespected AmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassador IreneIreneIreneIrene GinerGiner-Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,
RespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespected AmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassador Esala TeleniEsala TeleniEsala TeleniEsala Teleni of Fiji,of Fiji,of Fiji,
Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The HighThe HighThe HighThe High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Urbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon concludeconcludeconcludeconclude. It is . It is . It is . It is . It is . It is our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. 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On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. 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On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most 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like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, 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As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! 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cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the possposspossibility ibility ibility ibility ibility of dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becoming reality. reality. reality. reality. reality.
My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in for better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It living thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. 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It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. It is the symbol of human civilization and social service its crucial point. 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No city progress, as well the special carrier of advanced productivity. No city on the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolated entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all around the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing imbalancebalancebalancebalance in sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development now. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fast-going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant prespresprespressure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. 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Many challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating 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deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and food safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posed threatsthreatsthreatsthreatsthreatsthreats to people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautiful urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. Sustainabustainabustainabustainabustainable cities andcities andcities andcities andcities andcities and sustainablesustainablesustainablesustainablesustainable urbanization urbanization urbanization urbanization urbanization have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and will will will always always always always be, a challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and cities of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing todaytodaytoday. It . It . It . It calls oncalls oncalls oncalls on us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, us to, under the leadership of United Nations DESA, strengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, exstrengthen our cooperation, extend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish tend our common ground and establish partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of partnership relationship, so as to build up effective framework of sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization. sustainable cities and urbanization.
During the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had in-depth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussions and and and communicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunications on seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major topics: “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers 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Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrastructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: 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Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and 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To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme
and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. 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Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe the closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not an endn endn endn end, but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. Let’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our current status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, build a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a high-end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global 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been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy urban lifeurban lifeurban lifeurban lifeurban life. Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o the support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESA for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this for giving us this opportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this Highopportunity to host this High-level Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on Sustainabllevel Symposium on 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of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties.
An old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no never-ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. Happy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope this HighHigh-level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanizationation held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. 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I hope that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this 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at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make joint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts in pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests here can here can here can here can here can here can exploreexploreexplore the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we organize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for you. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquisite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and graceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious co-existence existence existence existence existence existence existence
between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of Yangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. We look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!
Sustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable UrbanizationSustainable Urbanization
Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal Qi Xiaoxia, Vice Mayor of Yangzhou Municipal People’s People’s People’s People’s GovernmentGovernmentGovernmentGovernmentGovernmentGovernment
(December 18(December 18(December 18(December 18(December 18(December 18th, 2013), 2013), 2013), 2013), 2013)
Your Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency UnderYour Excellency Under-SecretarySecretarySecretarySecretarySecretarySecretarySecretary-General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,General Wu Hongbo,
RespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespected Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,Minister Kasenally,
RespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespected AmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassador IreneIreneIreneIrene GinerGiner-Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,Reichl of Austria,
RespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespectedRespected AmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassadorAmbassador Esala TeleniEsala TeleniEsala TeleniEsala Teleni of Fiji,of Fiji,of Fiji,
Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,Representatives from United Nations, Ladies and Gentlemen,
The HighThe HighThe HighThe High-level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and Urbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organUrbanization organized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon ized by United Nations DESA will soon concludeconcludeconcludeconclude. It is . It is . It is . It is . It is . It is our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different our great honor to spend the past three days with friends from different countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. With your participation, the symposium successfully finished countries. 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On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’all its sessions. On behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I s Government, I would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude would like to extend our highest respect and most 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like to extend our highest respect and most sincere gratitude the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, experts, guests and the joint efforts of all participating leaders, 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to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of representatives, and our most cordial congratulations to the success of this this High-level Symposiumlevel Symposiumlevel Symposiumlevel Symposiumlevel Symposiumlevel Symposiumlevel Symposiumlevel Symposium on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and on Sustainable Cities and Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same Urbanization! As the symposium ends, I believe we all have same feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable feeling that people are persistently exploring the dream of sustainable
cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the cities and sustainable urbanization. During these three days, we see the possposspossibility ibility ibility ibility ibility of dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becomingof dreams becoming reality. reality. reality. reality. reality.
My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher My dear friends, 2000 years ago, the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in Aristotle asserted that people come to cities for living and live in for better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It livingfor better life. A City is not just a pile of steel and concrete. It living thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. Economy is its vitality, environment basis, culture spirit, and thing. 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No city progress, as well the special carrier of advanced productivity. No city on the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolaon the Earth is an isolated entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the ted entity. The dream for better city life is the common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all common wish and aspiration of human for long. However, cities all around the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing round the world are witnessing imbalancebalancebalancebalance in sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development sustainable development now. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fastnow. The fast-going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put going urbanization has put more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant more and significant prespresprespressure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. Many sure on the demand of precious resources Earth. 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Many challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, challenges, such as surging population, unbalanced development, deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, 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deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and deteriorating environment, financial crisis, climate change, energy and food safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posedfood safety, have posed threatsthreatsthreatsthreatsthreatsthreats to people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautifto people’s dream of beautiful urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. ul urban life. Sustainabustainabustainabustainabustainable cities andcities andcities andcities andcities andcities and sustainablesustainablesustainablesustainablesustainable urbanization urbanization urbanization urbanization urbanization have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and have been, and will will will always always always always be, a challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and citiesa challenge for countries and cities of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing of who are representing todaytodaytoday. It . It . It . 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During the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had inDuring the three days’ meeting, we had in-depth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussiondepth discussions and and and communicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunicationcommunications on seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major ton seven major topics: “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and “Sustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Sustainable Urbanization: Global Challenges and Opportunities”, “City Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, Planning and Slum Upgrading: Barriers Response Strategies”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Meeting the Service Challenges: Best Practices and Lessons Learned”, “Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrast“Investment in Green Infrastructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built ructure: Urban Transport”, “Built Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Environment: Lessons Learned and Best Practices”, “Dynamic Cities: How Cities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “UrbanCities Drive Balanced, Incentive, and Sustainable Growth”, “Urban-Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural Rural DynamicsDynamicsDynamicsDynamics-Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. We not only Building Seamless Rural and Urban Economies”. 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We not only analyzanalyzanalyzed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable ed the general situation and existing 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of sustainable ed the general situation and existing problems of sustainable development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities 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development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced development of cities and urbanization, introduced advanced experiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, exchanged ideas on cuttingexperiences from home and abroad, 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These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. These discussions made this Highdevelopment for cities. 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Guests dialogue, a clash of wisdom and feast thoughts. Guests representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have shown amazing wisdom on sustainable cities representatives here have 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building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable urbanization, moving efforts for building beautiful cities and sustainable 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future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future and inspiring enthusiasm in the future development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities. development of cities.
To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme To make a city radiant with lasting glamour is permanent theme
and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe and beautiful dream that we all pursue. Therefore I firmly believe the closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not athe closing of this conference is not an endn endn endn end, but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. , but a new starting point. Let’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our currLet’s build on our current status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, ent status and look ahead into the future, build a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a highbuild a high-end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global communication end and prudent platform for global 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been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy development and to people who have been enjoying will enjoy urban lifeurban lifeurban lifeurban lifeurban life. Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou . Dear friends, please allow me, on behalf of Yangzhou Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o Municipal People’s Government, to express again our sincere gratitude o the support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of United Nations DESthe support and instruction of 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of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties. , and to the participation of all parties.
An old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no neverAn old Chinese saying goes that there is no never-ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. ending feast. Happy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope thisHappy hours are always so short. I hope this HighHigh-level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on level Symposium on Sustainable Cities and UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable UrbanizSustainable Cities and Sustainable Urbanizationation held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will held in Yangzhou will leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. I hope leave an unforgettable impression on all the participating guests. 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I hope that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this symposium can that all experts and city representatives present at this 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cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make enhance friendship and strengthen cooperation, so that we can make joint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts ijoint efforts in pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities n pushing forward the sustainable development of cities and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests and urbanization. We also sincerely hope that all distinguished guests here can here can here can here can here can here can exploreexploreexplore the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou the unique charm of Yangzhou during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we during the field trip we organize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for youorganize for you. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquis. Here we have traditional culture, exquisite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and ite life and graceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious cograceful living environment; here we have a harmonious co-existence existence existence existence existence existence existence
between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between tradition and modern, new ancient city between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of between human and nature. I am sure that once you come to the city of Yangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. WYangzhou, you will fall in love with it. We look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you e look forward to meeting you again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!again in the ancient city of Yangzhou soon. Thank you all!