Montenegro and Slovenia
Division for the Support to the National Council for Sustainable Development
Date: 8 May 2014
Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development
Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
SI and MNE elements for 11th session of OWG SDGs
Focus area 15: Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable
We recognize the importance of Means of Implementation for achieving sustainable
We would like to restate that financial aspects of the Means of Implementation are
thoroughly discussed in the Expert Committee on Sustainable Development
Financing. We believe that the discussion in our group could be more focused on
other aspects, particularly on non-financial ones. This approach will allow us to avoid
any duplication with the work of the Expert Committee.
As we have pointed out several times in the past, we believe that primary
responsibility for development lies within national states and in this regard we
strongly support promoting national ownership.
We recognize that full implementation of new agenda will require new global
partnership. The engagement in this regard should build on shared responsibility,
respective national capacities and circumstances and accountability mechanisms.
Such partnership should include wide range of different stakeholders, including
private sector, civil society, philanthropic organisations, international financial
institutions and other major actors. In this regard we would welcome specific
references on different actors in the new version of the working document.
We agree with those countries which in the context of new global partnership
highlighted the acknowledgment of special needs and circumstances of the poorest
and most vulnerable populations living in LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and conflict affected
In the context of the global partnerships for sustainable development we would like to
highlight the following elements:
o We would support possible target on the promotion of open, predictable
and rules-based multilateral trading system, with WTO at its centre.
o Promoting cooperation in science, technology and innovation can foster
progress in achieving sustainable development. In this regard we would
support proposed target on enhancing regional and international scientific,
technological and innovation cooperation. Addressing knowledge sharing
and development data would be also important.
o We note the proposals on capacity building. We recognize this area as
important mean to implement sustainable development. Especially we wish
to point out the universal need for capacity building in the field of disaster
o We believe that ODA will remain an important part of the development
financing in many countries, especially LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, as well as
sectors most in need. However, we are of the view that full realization of
SDGs will require mobilization of additional financial resources from
multiple sources, especially non-public ones.
o We would support the proposed target on strengthening the domestic
resources mobilization, including by improving tax collection, efficiency of
public spending and reducing corruption, illicit financial flows and tax
o We believe that additional focus should be put on targeting policy
coherence for (sustainable) development.
o As highlighted by some countries it would be important to pursue global
partnership that will promote good governance, guarantee rule of law and
effective and strong institutions.
Focus Area 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
We have advocated before for two separate goals, one on peaceful and stable
societies, and another on rule of law and capable institutions. Combining them does
not properly reflect their distinct nature. We would like to highlight again that issue of
peaceful societies on one hand and good governance, rule of law and capable
institutions on the other, should be considered as two separate goals.
In the goal on peaceful societies we would support targets on reducing crime,
violence and exploitation, especially for vulnerable groups, including women and
children. However, we believe that we should not address them under a single target,
as it is suggested in the working document, but rather as individual targets for each of
We believe that target on the reduction of organized crime should besides human
trafficking also include reducing illegal trade in wildlife and drugs.
We recognize the important proposals for the target on participatory decision making
and non-discrimination and empowerment of marginalized groups. However we
believe that both should better fit under the goal rule of law and capable institutions.
We would support the proposed target on migration and implementation of
appropriate policies. We advocate for enhancing partnership cooperation in the field
of migration, mobility and development with the countries of origin and transit.
We would also support target on culture of non-violence. In this context we would
additionally suggest inclusion of the role of mediation and interfaith dialogue.
We wish to support those countries, which proposed that under this goal we also
address the enhancement of capacities and accountability of security forces, police
and judiciary.
In the goal on rule of law and capable institutions we would support all proposed
targets currently in the working document.
Additionally we propose that target on promoting freedom of speech and freedom of
media focuses also on the enjoyment of right to association and peaceful protest.
We support interventions of those countries which proposed that this goal should also
contain a target on the right of public to information and access to government data.
We believe that reintroducing target on participatory decision-making should also
recognize the role of civil society organizations, including women's and youth groups,
as well as organizations of vulnerable, marginalized and excluded groups.
Date: 8 May 2014
Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable development
Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
SI and MNE elements for 11th session of OWG SDGs
Focus area 15: Means of implementation/Global partnership for sustainable
We recognize the importance of Means of Implementation for achieving sustainable
We would like to restate that financial aspects of the Means of Implementation are
thoroughly discussed in the Expert Committee on Sustainable Development
Financing. We believe that the discussion in our group could be more focused on
other aspects, particularly on non-financial ones. This approach will allow us to avoid
any duplication with the work of the Expert Committee.
As we have pointed out several times in the past, we believe that primary
responsibility for development lies within national states and in this regard we
strongly support promoting national ownership.
We recognize that full implementation of new agenda will require new global
partnership. The engagement in this regard should build on shared responsibility,
respective national capacities and circumstances and accountability mechanisms.
Such partnership should include wide range of different stakeholders, including
private sector, civil society, philanthropic organisations, international financial
institutions and other major actors. In this regard we would welcome specific
references on different actors in the new version of the working document.
We agree with those countries which in the context of new global partnership
highlighted the acknowledgment of special needs and circumstances of the poorest
and most vulnerable populations living in LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS and conflict affected
In the context of the global partnerships for sustainable development we would like to
highlight the following elements:
o We would support possible target on the promotion of open, predictable
and rules-based multilateral trading system, with WTO at its centre.
o Promoting cooperation in science, technology and innovation can foster
progress in achieving sustainable development. In this regard we would
support proposed target on enhancing regional and international scientific,
technological and innovation cooperation. Addressing knowledge sharing
and development data would be also important.
o We note the proposals on capacity building. We recognize this area as
important mean to implement sustainable development. Especially we wish
to point out the universal need for capacity building in the field of disaster
o We believe that ODA will remain an important part of the development
financing in many countries, especially LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, as well as
sectors most in need. However, we are of the view that full realization of
SDGs will require mobilization of additional financial resources from
multiple sources, especially non-public ones.
o We would support the proposed target on strengthening the domestic
resources mobilization, including by improving tax collection, efficiency of
public spending and reducing corruption, illicit financial flows and tax
o We believe that additional focus should be put on targeting policy
coherence for (sustainable) development.
o As highlighted by some countries it would be important to pursue global
partnership that will promote good governance, guarantee rule of law and
effective and strong institutions.
Focus Area 16: Peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law and capable institutions
We have advocated before for two separate goals, one on peaceful and stable
societies, and another on rule of law and capable institutions. Combining them does
not properly reflect their distinct nature. We would like to highlight again that issue of
peaceful societies on one hand and good governance, rule of law and capable
institutions on the other, should be considered as two separate goals.
In the goal on peaceful societies we would support targets on reducing crime,
violence and exploitation, especially for vulnerable groups, including women and
children. However, we believe that we should not address them under a single target,
as it is suggested in the working document, but rather as individual targets for each of
We believe that target on the reduction of organized crime should besides human
trafficking also include reducing illegal trade in wildlife and drugs.
We recognize the important proposals for the target on participatory decision making
and non-discrimination and empowerment of marginalized groups. However we
believe that both should better fit under the goal rule of law and capable institutions.
We would support the proposed target on migration and implementation of
appropriate policies. We advocate for enhancing partnership cooperation in the field
of migration, mobility and development with the countries of origin and transit.
We would also support target on culture of non-violence. In this context we would
additionally suggest inclusion of the role of mediation and interfaith dialogue.
We wish to support those countries, which proposed that under this goal we also
address the enhancement of capacities and accountability of security forces, police
and judiciary.
In the goal on rule of law and capable institutions we would support all proposed
targets currently in the working document.
Additionally we propose that target on promoting freedom of speech and freedom of
media focuses also on the enjoyment of right to association and peaceful protest.
We support interventions of those countries which proposed that this goal should also
contain a target on the right of public to information and access to government data.
We believe that reintroducing target on participatory decision-making should also
recognize the role of civil society organizations, including women's and youth groups,
as well as organizations of vulnerable, marginalized and excluded groups.