Montenegro and Slovenia
Division for the Support to the National Council for Sustainable Development
Date: 31 March 2014
Cluster 1: Poverty eradication; Promoting equality
Joint input of Montenegro and Slovenia for the 10th Meeting of OWG SDG
I have the honour to speak on behalf of Slovenia and Montenegro.
Poverty eradication:
To eradicate poverty is the key promise of the Millennium Declaration and the
Millennium Development Goals. Significant and substantial progress has been made
since then – the number of people living in extreme poverty has been halved.
There were some important achievements in implementing the MDGs but we must
not fall prey to complacency. Combating poverty remains one of greatest challenges
our generation faces. In this regard we welcome broad understanding that
eradication of poverty, especially ending extreme poverty is recognized as an
overarching priority of future agenda.
We would support standalone goal on poverty eradication.
The priority should be to bring the number of people living below 1.25 USD a day to
zero. In this regard possible higher target (perhaps 2 USD a day) should be also
considered. At the same time it would also be important to reduce the number of
people living below their country poverty line.
While most of the MDG targets remain relevant in the area of poverty eradication and
promoting equality, we believe that targets better linking the planetary boundaries,
and environmental aspects of poverty eradication efforts (management of natural
resources in particular) should be developed and included in the SDG agenda.
Another important aspect of combating poverty is supporting active social inclusion
also by introducing social investment measures. We believe that this aspect should
be strengthened in future approaches and documents of the OWG.
Developing a multidimensional vision of poverty remains important. We should
consider relation of poverty to income generation and ensuring sustainable
livelihoods, access to food, health, education, services, clean environment and
management of natural resources. Some of these aspects are already included under
this focus area; some of them should be further strengthened through inter-linkages.
We would advocate for the inclusion of building resilience to vulnerabilities, especially
to natural disasters into this focus area.
Promoting equality:
A dedicated goal on poverty eradication should also confront inequalities. Among
different possibilities, increasing the number of people, especially poor and
vulnerable, covered with social protection system can be a step into right direction.
An important role in achieving equality lies also within realization of universal human
rights, access to justice, good governance and effective institutions.
Additionally, we would favor seeing targets on reducing the in-country inequalities,
which represented one of key challenges in the implementation of MDGs at the
national level.
Date: 31 March 2014
Cluster 1: Poverty eradication; Promoting equality
Joint input of Montenegro and Slovenia for the 10th Meeting of OWG SDG
I have the honour to speak on behalf of Slovenia and Montenegro.
Poverty eradication:
To eradicate poverty is the key promise of the Millennium Declaration and the
Millennium Development Goals. Significant and substantial progress has been made
since then – the number of people living in extreme poverty has been halved.
There were some important achievements in implementing the MDGs but we must
not fall prey to complacency. Combating poverty remains one of greatest challenges
our generation faces. In this regard we welcome broad understanding that
eradication of poverty, especially ending extreme poverty is recognized as an
overarching priority of future agenda.
We would support standalone goal on poverty eradication.
The priority should be to bring the number of people living below 1.25 USD a day to
zero. In this regard possible higher target (perhaps 2 USD a day) should be also
considered. At the same time it would also be important to reduce the number of
people living below their country poverty line.
While most of the MDG targets remain relevant in the area of poverty eradication and
promoting equality, we believe that targets better linking the planetary boundaries,
and environmental aspects of poverty eradication efforts (management of natural
resources in particular) should be developed and included in the SDG agenda.
Another important aspect of combating poverty is supporting active social inclusion
also by introducing social investment measures. We believe that this aspect should
be strengthened in future approaches and documents of the OWG.
Developing a multidimensional vision of poverty remains important. We should
consider relation of poverty to income generation and ensuring sustainable
livelihoods, access to food, health, education, services, clean environment and
management of natural resources. Some of these aspects are already included under
this focus area; some of them should be further strengthened through inter-linkages.
We would advocate for the inclusion of building resilience to vulnerabilities, especially
to natural disasters into this focus area.
Promoting equality:
A dedicated goal on poverty eradication should also confront inequalities. Among
different possibilities, increasing the number of people, especially poor and
vulnerable, covered with social protection system can be a step into right direction.
An important role in achieving equality lies also within realization of universal human
rights, access to justice, good governance and effective institutions.
Additionally, we would favor seeing targets on reducing the in-country inequalities,
which represented one of key challenges in the implementation of MDGs at the
national level.