Montenegro and Slovenia
DivisionfortheSupport to theNationalCouncilforSustainableDevelopment
Date: 9 – 13 December 2013
Means of implementation
SI–MNE speaking points for 6th meeting of OWG SDGs
· During previous sessions we have already discussed many issues, important for sustainable
development. We have heard several proposals for actions, goals and indicators that will guide
all of us to better, more sustainable future. Today, we're discussing means on how to achieve
sustainable development at the global level.
· Allow me to firstly point out our belief that actions of all parts of societies are needed to achieve
sustainable development. Not only governments, that have primary responsibility to establish
enabling environment and regulatory framework, but also other parts of societies, from
businesses to science communities, research and development institutions and civil societies
need to contribute to our common goal. At the end, each of us can contribute and only through
strong partnerships we can achieve the transition towards sustainable and inclusive societies.
· In this regard, we would like to point out that science and scientific cooperation can have a
tremendous impact on our possibilities for achieving sustainable development. Scientific
institutions in all parts of the world have knowledge that helps us to better understand
challenges ahead and to form appropriate answers and policies. In this context, the technology
transfer, which should be based on mutually agreed terms, remains important instrument for
bridging the gap between science and policy in each of the countries as well as among countries
at different stages of technological advancement.
· We would also like to stress the primary responsibility of each state for its own sustainable
development. Each country on its own has to determine its priorities and tools through which it
will achieve sustainable development. Hence, building capacities, both administrative and
technical, needs to be in the focus of our activities at all levels.
· In recent years our societies are witnessing tremendous transformations. The need to effectively
address environmental degradations is already urgent if we want to ensure further development
within planetary boundaries. We have also been facing profound changes in our economies. As
professor Bhattacharya pointed out at our last session, emerging economies and developing
countries represent more than 50% of global economy. On the other hand – as it was also
pointed out during our last session – growth of green technologies, jobs and industries is also
· We believe that the new, universal post-2015 agenda that we help to develop also in this group,
must promote sustainable development and strive to eradicate poverty. To achieve those goals,
a true global partnership is needed. We should all be responsible for achieving our common
· Achieving sustainable development and eradicating poverty won't be an easy task and we'll have
to combine our efforts and available means of implementation, from domestic and international
public and private sources, which all should be understood as complementary, not substitutes to
each other.
· In this regard we're looking forward to continuation of work and final report of Expert
Committee on Sustainable Development Financing Strategy. We believe that their expert
knowledge and findings will provide us with valuable outcome for our further work.
· Allow me to point out our position that SDGs should be formulated through human rights based
approach. As we have stressed already at previous sessions, that respect for human rights is an
important prerequisite for achieving sustainable development.
· Before I conclude, I would like to recall our general position towards the elaboration of SDGs that
should be evidence-based and have measurable qualitative and quantitative indicators that will
help to ensure full implementation of the visions we are certain we will create together in this
Date: 9 – 13 December 2013
Means of implementation
SI–MNE speaking points for 6th meeting of OWG SDGs
· During previous sessions we have already discussed many issues, important for sustainable
development. We have heard several proposals for actions, goals and indicators that will guide
all of us to better, more sustainable future. Today, we're discussing means on how to achieve
sustainable development at the global level.
· Allow me to firstly point out our belief that actions of all parts of societies are needed to achieve
sustainable development. Not only governments, that have primary responsibility to establish
enabling environment and regulatory framework, but also other parts of societies, from
businesses to science communities, research and development institutions and civil societies
need to contribute to our common goal. At the end, each of us can contribute and only through
strong partnerships we can achieve the transition towards sustainable and inclusive societies.
· In this regard, we would like to point out that science and scientific cooperation can have a
tremendous impact on our possibilities for achieving sustainable development. Scientific
institutions in all parts of the world have knowledge that helps us to better understand
challenges ahead and to form appropriate answers and policies. In this context, the technology
transfer, which should be based on mutually agreed terms, remains important instrument for
bridging the gap between science and policy in each of the countries as well as among countries
at different stages of technological advancement.
· We would also like to stress the primary responsibility of each state for its own sustainable
development. Each country on its own has to determine its priorities and tools through which it
will achieve sustainable development. Hence, building capacities, both administrative and
technical, needs to be in the focus of our activities at all levels.
· In recent years our societies are witnessing tremendous transformations. The need to effectively
address environmental degradations is already urgent if we want to ensure further development
within planetary boundaries. We have also been facing profound changes in our economies. As
professor Bhattacharya pointed out at our last session, emerging economies and developing
countries represent more than 50% of global economy. On the other hand – as it was also
pointed out during our last session – growth of green technologies, jobs and industries is also
· We believe that the new, universal post-2015 agenda that we help to develop also in this group,
must promote sustainable development and strive to eradicate poverty. To achieve those goals,
a true global partnership is needed. We should all be responsible for achieving our common
· Achieving sustainable development and eradicating poverty won't be an easy task and we'll have
to combine our efforts and available means of implementation, from domestic and international
public and private sources, which all should be understood as complementary, not substitutes to
each other.
· In this regard we're looking forward to continuation of work and final report of Expert
Committee on Sustainable Development Financing Strategy. We believe that their expert
knowledge and findings will provide us with valuable outcome for our further work.
· Allow me to point out our position that SDGs should be formulated through human rights based
approach. As we have stressed already at previous sessions, that respect for human rights is an
important prerequisite for achieving sustainable development.
· Before I conclude, I would like to recall our general position towards the elaboration of SDGs that
should be evidence-based and have measurable qualitative and quantitative indicators that will
help to ensure full implementation of the visions we are certain we will create together in this