Montenegro and Slovenia
DivisionfortheSupport to theNationalCouncilforSustainableDevelopment
Date: 6–10 January 2014
Climate change and disaster risk reduction
SI–MNE speaking points for 7th meeting of OWG SDGs
· Climate change is without a doubt one of the greatest challenges to sustainable development. It
cannot be perceived as only environmental issue, as it affects our societies and economies in
various ways. As such, climate change should be one of the underlining themes in the future
· With current level of ambition on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions we won't be able to
achieve the agreed global goal to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2⁰C
above pre-industrial levels. Climate change mitigation must thus remain a priority for the global
· On the other hand, further efforts on adaptation to climate change are equally important as it
contributes to building more climate-resilient societies. This means enhancing the preparedness
and capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change at local, national, regional and
international levels, developing a coherent approach and improving coordination.
· With expectedly higher impacts of climate change in the coming decades due to the delayed
impacts of past and current greenhouse gas emissions in our countries, we believe that in order
to be able to deal with the foreseen climate impacts and their economic, environmental and
social costs appropriate adaptation measures need to be taken up with the utmost seriousness
and determination by all stakeholders at all levels. In this regard, synergies of various policies
should be fully exploited.
· It also needs to be emphasised that adaptation action can provide new market opportunities and
jobs in sectors such as agricultural technologies, ecosystem management, construction, water
management and insurance. As such it can promote sustainable economy, stimulate climateresilient
investment and create new jobs.
· We also see added value in exchange of good practices among states, regions, cities and other
stakeholders. The introduction and promotion of examples of successful climate change
adaptation can contribute to further action for greater resilience.
· We also welcome existing examples and practices of applying ecosystem-based approaches in
sustainable water management and early warning systems. In our opinion such approaches are
usually cost-effective under various scenarios (especially in cases that aim for reduced flood risk,
reduction of soil erosion, improved water and air quality and reduced heat-island).
· For as high number of countries possible to be able to adopt comprehensive adaptation
strategies, various forms of funding (including private sector) should be provided to support
capacity building and stepping up with adaptation action where necessary.
· We would like to point out that disaster risk is not linked only with climate change but with other
factors as well as development is not impeded only by climate and weather induced disasters.
Hence, it is important to invest in the design and implementation of strategies and programs that
are inter-sectoral in approach and that address underlying risk factors as well as strengthen
capacity of communities to identify, prevent, mitigate and prepare for disasters.
· Resilience is also strongly connected to disaster risk reduction. Efforts in this field can also
contribute to sustainable economic and social development, including poverty reduction. In
recent years, progress has been made in reduction of risk and strengthened resilience.
· In our belief progress towards more resilient societies and environment can be made through
action of all relevant stakeholders at all levels, from local to international. As the UN Special
Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction pointed out in her proposed
elements for consideration in the development of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk
reduction, risk management should be a part of sustainable development policies and practices
in order to tackle existing challenges and seize potential opportunities and strengthen resilience.
· We must continue to bear in mind the fact that our deliberations on SDGs and broader post-2015
development agenda run in parallel with work on a new global climate agreement under the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and on post-2015 Hyogo Framework of
Action process for disaster risk reduction. We believe that the work and outcomes of the OWG,
under UNFCCC and on post-Hyogo Framework should be mutually supportive and contribute in a
coordinated manner to achieving sustainable development.
· Allow me to point out our position that SDGs should be formulated through human rights based
approach. As we have stressed already at previous sessions, that respect for human rights is an
important prerequisite for achieving sustainable development.
· Before I conclude, I would like to recall our general position towards the elaboration of SDGs that
should be evidence-based and have measurable qualitative and quantitative indicators that will
help to ensure full implementation of the visions we are certain we will create together in this
Date: 6–10 January 2014
Climate change and disaster risk reduction
SI–MNE speaking points for 7th meeting of OWG SDGs
· Climate change is without a doubt one of the greatest challenges to sustainable development. It
cannot be perceived as only environmental issue, as it affects our societies and economies in
various ways. As such, climate change should be one of the underlining themes in the future
· With current level of ambition on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions we won't be able to
achieve the agreed global goal to hold the increase in global average temperature below 2⁰C
above pre-industrial levels. Climate change mitigation must thus remain a priority for the global
· On the other hand, further efforts on adaptation to climate change are equally important as it
contributes to building more climate-resilient societies. This means enhancing the preparedness
and capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change at local, national, regional and
international levels, developing a coherent approach and improving coordination.
· With expectedly higher impacts of climate change in the coming decades due to the delayed
impacts of past and current greenhouse gas emissions in our countries, we believe that in order
to be able to deal with the foreseen climate impacts and their economic, environmental and
social costs appropriate adaptation measures need to be taken up with the utmost seriousness
and determination by all stakeholders at all levels. In this regard, synergies of various policies
should be fully exploited.
· It also needs to be emphasised that adaptation action can provide new market opportunities and
jobs in sectors such as agricultural technologies, ecosystem management, construction, water
management and insurance. As such it can promote sustainable economy, stimulate climateresilient
investment and create new jobs.
· We also see added value in exchange of good practices among states, regions, cities and other
stakeholders. The introduction and promotion of examples of successful climate change
adaptation can contribute to further action for greater resilience.
· We also welcome existing examples and practices of applying ecosystem-based approaches in
sustainable water management and early warning systems. In our opinion such approaches are
usually cost-effective under various scenarios (especially in cases that aim for reduced flood risk,
reduction of soil erosion, improved water and air quality and reduced heat-island).
· For as high number of countries possible to be able to adopt comprehensive adaptation
strategies, various forms of funding (including private sector) should be provided to support
capacity building and stepping up with adaptation action where necessary.
· We would like to point out that disaster risk is not linked only with climate change but with other
factors as well as development is not impeded only by climate and weather induced disasters.
Hence, it is important to invest in the design and implementation of strategies and programs that
are inter-sectoral in approach and that address underlying risk factors as well as strengthen
capacity of communities to identify, prevent, mitigate and prepare for disasters.
· Resilience is also strongly connected to disaster risk reduction. Efforts in this field can also
contribute to sustainable economic and social development, including poverty reduction. In
recent years, progress has been made in reduction of risk and strengthened resilience.
· In our belief progress towards more resilient societies and environment can be made through
action of all relevant stakeholders at all levels, from local to international. As the UN Special
Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction pointed out in her proposed
elements for consideration in the development of the post-2015 framework for disaster risk
reduction, risk management should be a part of sustainable development policies and practices
in order to tackle existing challenges and seize potential opportunities and strengthen resilience.
· We must continue to bear in mind the fact that our deliberations on SDGs and broader post-2015
development agenda run in parallel with work on a new global climate agreement under the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and on post-2015 Hyogo Framework of
Action process for disaster risk reduction. We believe that the work and outcomes of the OWG,
under UNFCCC and on post-Hyogo Framework should be mutually supportive and contribute in a
coordinated manner to achieving sustainable development.
· Allow me to point out our position that SDGs should be formulated through human rights based
approach. As we have stressed already at previous sessions, that respect for human rights is an
important prerequisite for achieving sustainable development.
· Before I conclude, I would like to recall our general position towards the elaboration of SDGs that
should be evidence-based and have measurable qualitative and quantitative indicators that will
help to ensure full implementation of the visions we are certain we will create together in this