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5TM - 9TM JUNE 2017
New York
9th June 2017
Mro President,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, ÿ wish to congratu0ate you Mr. President for convening this important
Highqeveÿ United Nations Conference to Support the Umpÿementation of SustainaMe
Development Goa0 14, "Conserve and sustainaMy use the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable development".
My delegation associates itseHf with the statements delivered by the distinguished
representative of Ecuador on behaff of the Group of 77 and China, as well as the
distinguished representative of Zambia on behalf of the Group of LLDCs.
Mr. President,
wouÿd like to higNight the following points in my nationaÿ capacity.
The Government of Mongolia attaches great importance on the Sustainable
DeveUopment Goaÿ 14. Achieving the Goaÿ 14 is crucial, because no one should be left
behind and outlining importance of conserve and sustainabSy use the oceans, seas and
marine resources for sustainable development, which considers the specific needs for the
andÿocked deveRoping countries.
As a ÿandÿocked developing country, Mongolia is seeking to attain the economic
benefits from the internationaJ trades and transports by mutua0 agreements with transit
countries, planning to implement projects that allow Mongolia to gain access to the ocean.
Pursuant to the above, the Government of Mongolia is closely cooperating with the
qnternational Maritime Organization in supporting the deveBopment of field of oceans, seas
and maritime in Mongolia as a state party to the Convention on hternationaÿ Maritime
Organization. Thus, the hternationaÿ Maritime Organization has provided valuaMe
recommendations on preparing documents needed to join the organization and
developing structures of the Maritime Administration in Mongolia.
Mr. President,
Mongolia has joined 23 treaties, conventions, and protocoDs on oceans, such as
the Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States, the Wodd Trade
Organization Trade FaciBitation Agreement (TFA), the Barcelona Declaration Recognising
the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast, United Nations Conventions on the
Law of the Sea of 1958 and t 982 respective0y, which decnare the right of landlocked states
to and from the sea and freedom of transit.
To successfully promote the development of the oceans, seas and maritime
transportation agencies and to effectively estaMish its status in the intemationa0 maritime
system, Mongolia is continuing to engage in bi0ateral and muntHateraÿ cooperation with the
regional and coastaÿ countries and other internationaR ÿeading partiesÿ
Mr. President,
The initiaU backbone and pillar of the National water policy of MongoKia is to
conserve and sustainable use of water.
The Parliament of Mongolia has approved the National water policy by its
resolution in 2010, and later approved necessary rules, regulations, and standards. Un
1999, the Maritime Law of Mongolia was adopted by the Parliament of Mongolia, which
aims to create favorable JegaJ environment for registration of ships in the ship registry of
Mongolia, and for a Mongolian vessel to be used in the international maritime activities.
The expansion and improvement of road, infrastructure sector, and the waterbased
transportation system of Mongolia play an important role in the economy.
According to the implementation of the National water policy, the internationally accepted
rescue equipment and making improvements of laws and legislations relating to the
water-based transportation system is also important cooperation areas for seeking
supports from the international organizations.
Mr. President,
In conclusion, the oceans are a common heritage to aH and to the fact that
maintaining sustainability and health of the oceans is of great importance to all countries.
The main challenges for the landlocked developing countries are knowledge gaps
and lack of capacity on oceans, seas and maritime matters, therefore, the capacity
building and technicaÿ assistance is important to integrate these countries to successfully
contribute in the implementation of SDG 14.
I Thank You.
5TM - 9TM JUNE 2017
New York
9th June 2017
Mro President,
Distinguished delegates,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
At the outset, ÿ wish to congratu0ate you Mr. President for convening this important
Highqeveÿ United Nations Conference to Support the Umpÿementation of SustainaMe
Development Goa0 14, "Conserve and sustainaMy use the oceans, seas and marine
resources for sustainable development".
My delegation associates itseHf with the statements delivered by the distinguished
representative of Ecuador on behaff of the Group of 77 and China, as well as the
distinguished representative of Zambia on behalf of the Group of LLDCs.
Mr. President,
wouÿd like to higNight the following points in my nationaÿ capacity.
The Government of Mongolia attaches great importance on the Sustainable
DeveUopment Goaÿ 14. Achieving the Goaÿ 14 is crucial, because no one should be left
behind and outlining importance of conserve and sustainabSy use the oceans, seas and
marine resources for sustainable development, which considers the specific needs for the
andÿocked deveRoping countries.
As a ÿandÿocked developing country, Mongolia is seeking to attain the economic
benefits from the internationaJ trades and transports by mutua0 agreements with transit
countries, planning to implement projects that allow Mongolia to gain access to the ocean.
Pursuant to the above, the Government of Mongolia is closely cooperating with the
qnternational Maritime Organization in supporting the deveBopment of field of oceans, seas
and maritime in Mongolia as a state party to the Convention on hternationaÿ Maritime
Organization. Thus, the hternationaÿ Maritime Organization has provided valuaMe
recommendations on preparing documents needed to join the organization and
developing structures of the Maritime Administration in Mongolia.
Mr. President,
Mongolia has joined 23 treaties, conventions, and protocoDs on oceans, such as
the Convention on Transit Trade of Land-locked States, the Wodd Trade
Organization Trade FaciBitation Agreement (TFA), the Barcelona Declaration Recognising
the Right to a Flag of States having no Sea-coast, United Nations Conventions on the
Law of the Sea of 1958 and t 982 respective0y, which decnare the right of landlocked states
to and from the sea and freedom of transit.
To successfully promote the development of the oceans, seas and maritime
transportation agencies and to effectively estaMish its status in the intemationa0 maritime
system, Mongolia is continuing to engage in bi0ateral and muntHateraÿ cooperation with the
regional and coastaÿ countries and other internationaR ÿeading partiesÿ
Mr. President,
The initiaU backbone and pillar of the National water policy of MongoKia is to
conserve and sustainable use of water.
The Parliament of Mongolia has approved the National water policy by its
resolution in 2010, and later approved necessary rules, regulations, and standards. Un
1999, the Maritime Law of Mongolia was adopted by the Parliament of Mongolia, which
aims to create favorable JegaJ environment for registration of ships in the ship registry of
Mongolia, and for a Mongolian vessel to be used in the international maritime activities.
The expansion and improvement of road, infrastructure sector, and the waterbased
transportation system of Mongolia play an important role in the economy.
According to the implementation of the National water policy, the internationally accepted
rescue equipment and making improvements of laws and legislations relating to the
water-based transportation system is also important cooperation areas for seeking
supports from the international organizations.
Mr. President,
In conclusion, the oceans are a common heritage to aH and to the fact that
maintaining sustainability and health of the oceans is of great importance to all countries.
The main challenges for the landlocked developing countries are knowledge gaps
and lack of capacity on oceans, seas and maritime matters, therefore, the capacity
building and technicaÿ assistance is important to integrate these countries to successfully
contribute in the implementation of SDG 14.
I Thank You.