Marshall Islands
H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak H.E. Mr. Christopher J. LoeakH.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak H.E. Mr. Christopher J. LoeakH.E. Mr. Christopher J. LoeakH.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak
President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands
3rd UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States
Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa
1 September 2014 1 September 20141 September 20141 September 2014 1 September 20141 September 20141 September 20141 September 20141 September 2014
Mr. Secretary Mr. Secretary Mr. SecretaryMr. SecretaryMr. SecretaryMr. SecretaryMr. Secretary Mr. Secretary-General, General, General, General, General, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, Excellencies, Co Excellencies, CoExcellencies, CoExcellencies, Co Excellencies, CoExcellencies, Co Excellencies, Co -Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and Government of overnment of overnment of overnment of overnment of the Rep the Republic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands.
I wishI wishI wish to convey to convey to convey the sincere gratitude sincere gratitudesincere gratitude sincere gratitudesincere gratitudesincere gratitudesincere gratitudesincere gratitude sincere gratitude of my people of my peopleof my people of my people of my people and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, SecretarySecretarySecretarySecretary Secretary SecretarySecretary-General o General oGeneral oGeneral oGeneral oGeneral o f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific.
This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations – we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocal and influentialand influential and influential and influentialand influential actors on the global stactors on the global stactors on the global st actors on the global st actors on the global st actors on the global st actors on the global stactors on the global st ageage , and and we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We areare no longer th longer thlonger th e passive passive passive passive recipients of recipients of recipients of recipients of recipients of recipients of the world’s the world’s the world’s assistanceassistance assistance assistance, but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations of our people of our peopleof our people of our people .
Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,
Although Although we we have already achievedhave already achievedhave already achieved have already achievedhave already achievedhave already achieved have already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achieved have already achieved some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of capacity often putcapacity often putcapacity often put capacity often putcapacity often put capacity often putcapacity often put capacity often putcapacity often put international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out of reach of reachof reachof reachof reach. Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr oaches, oaches,oaches, oaches, sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to improv improv e, at every step , at every step , at every step, at every step, at every step in the pipeline in the pipeline in the pipeline – the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th e partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistancepartnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance already already already already already already already on offer on offeron offer on offer. I hope . I hope . I hope . I hope . I hope – and expect and expect and expect and expect and expect and expect – that the follow that the follow -up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit ies with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we need and need and need and need and need and need and seek.
Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies,
It is well within It is well within It is well within It is well within It is well within It is well within our reach to turn threach to turn threach to turn threach to turn threach to turn th reach to turn th ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by kick starting our starting our starting our starting our own own economieseconomieseconomies economieseconomies, and building self , and building self , and building self , and building self, and building self , and building self -sufficiency sufficiency sufficiencysufficiency sufficiency, primarily , primarily , primarily by ensurensur ensuring the ing the ing the true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of our oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans and and precious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resources precious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resourcesprecious marine resources. This . This wa s the strong message the strong messagethe strong message the strong messagethe strong message in our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum Declaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau. eclaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau. eclaration in Palau. eclaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau.
The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna – a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a fivfiv e billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry – in w hich we r hich we rhich we r eel in only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of the economic the economic the economic the economic the economic benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit – only only only a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations – many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are our major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Thmajor development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid -dependent dependent dependent dependent dependent nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is in its in its infan infancy. Icy. Icy. I cy. It could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primary economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it.
We are We are We are We are We are pursuing this progress pursuing this progresspursuing this progress pursuing this progress pursuing this progresspursuing this progresspursuing this progresspursuing this progress on our own terms on our own terms on our own terms – pu tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations,
and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in worldand leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in worldand leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in worldand leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future. A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element – and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield – is the closure of the closure of the closure of certaincertaincertain certain areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We the Pacific the Pacific the Pacific – the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members – are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sector and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries.
Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council – the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world.the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. 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There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no better textbook exam better textbook exam better textbook exambetter textbook exam better textbook exambetter textbook exam better textbook exambetter textbook example of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to boost boost our own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness.own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness.own private sector readiness.own private sector readiness.
But political will But political will But political will But political will But political will But political will – and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations – have have have have jeopardized jeopardized jeopardizedjeopardized our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen – one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security – and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations – but rather ut rather your your your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your politic politic politic al resolve. al resolve.
Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,
All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships – and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa – will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.
Already our atoll Already our atollAlready our atollAlready our atollAlready our atoll Already our atollAlready our atoll Already our atoll island islandisland s are s are s are under under threat, threat,threat, and our and our and our fresh water fresh water fresh water fresh water fresh water fresh water is becoming becomingbecoming becoming saltiersaltiersaltier saltier . T . The king tides he king tides he king tides he king tides he king tides he king tides are are are higher, higher, higher, higher, and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost ing ing our resilienc our resiliencour resilienc our resilienc e through through strong strong strong adaptadapt adapt at ion efforts ion efforts ion efforts ion efforts ion efforts – including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge – for a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency.
We are not just talking about impacts to oure are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to oure are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to oure are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our economies and to our societies;economies and to our societies;economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies;economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies; we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a world where world where world where world where world where many of our many of our many of our many of our many of our coucou ntries ntries could could literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the pollution of others the pollution of others the pollution of others is completelycompletely completelycompletely completely without precedent. without precedent. without precedent.without precedent.without precedent. without precedent. We cannot alWe cannot alWe cannot al We cannot alWe cannot al low this to happen. low this to happen. low this to happen. low this to happen. low this to happen.
In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time , world leaders orld leaders orld leaders will will come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary-General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary-General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climat e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. As the Secretary As the Secretary As the SecretaryAs the SecretaryAs the Secretary As the Secretary As the SecretaryAs the Secretary-General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor k, and as island leadersand as island leaders and as island leadersand as island leaders and as island leaders and as island leadersand as island leaders and as island leaders we have a we have a we have a we have a we have a we have a unique role to play unique role to play unique role to play there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris.
We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to us. Last SeptemberLast SeptemberLast September Last SeptemberLast September Last September, the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cldemonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cldemonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cldemonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place som e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. And next And next And next March March March, when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for 2020 and beyond 2020 and beyond 2020 and beyond2020 and beyond , we we will be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage andbe prepared to show the same courage andbe prepared to show the same courage andbe prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and convictionconviction convictionconviction conviction in coming forward in coming forward in coming forward in coming forward with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top.
Put simply, tPut simply, t Put simply, t Put simply, tPut simply, t he time for finger he time for finger he time for finger he time for fingerhe time for finger he time for finger he time for fingerhe time for finger pointing is long pointing is long pointing is longpointing is long pointing is long -past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, nor for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow Leaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. Instead,Instead, Instead,Instead, we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership thanmore powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership thanmore powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than leadership by leadership byleadership by leadership by leadership byleadership by exampleexampleexampleexample example. In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge our generation, we must our generation, we mustour generation, we must our generation, we mustour generation, we mustour generation, we must our generation, we must our generation, we must be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form greatest climategreatest climategreatest climategreatest climategreatest climate greatest climate greatest climate change alchange al change alchange alchange alchange alchange alchange alliance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this alliancealliance alliance alliance must have its genesis have its genesis have its genesis have its genesis have its genesishave its genesishave its genesishave its genesis here here here here in Samoa. in Samoa. in Samoa.
Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,
The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above – oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change – are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake , we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working through through these these these difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and in an integrated fashionan integrated fashion an integrated fashionan integrated fashion an integrated fashionan integrated fashion an integrated fashionan integrated fashion .
But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N on -communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a dangerousdangerousdangerousdangerousdangerousdangerous threat to threat to threat tothreat to threat to the worl the worl d’s d’s island nations island nationsisland nations island nations island nations island nations, andand rates of rates of diabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately forsaken forsakenforsakenforsaken forsaken our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food so urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can help to help to help to curb this dangerous trendcurb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trendcurb this dangerous trendcurb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trend . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste. We have not a moment to waste. We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste. We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste .
And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. OAnd we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. OAnd we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. OAnd we must also invest heavily in our future. O ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing significant significant significant significant significant reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring that that that our talented talented talentedtalented young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations graduate with realgraduate with realgraduate with realgraduate with real graduate with real graduate with real graduate with real graduate with realgraduate with realgraduate with real andand targeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skills targeted skills targeted skills to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity.
Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies,
I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia – if the paper parag if the paper parag if the paper parag if the paper parag if the paper paragif the paper paragif the paper paragraphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you – and kommol tata.and kommol tata. and kommol tata. and kommol tata.and kommol tata.
President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall Islands President of the Republic Marshall IslandsPresident of the Republic Marshall Islands
3rd UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing States UN Conference on Small Island Developing StatesUN Conference on Small Island Developing States
Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa Apia, Samoa
1 September 2014 1 September 20141 September 20141 September 2014 1 September 20141 September 20141 September 20141 September 20141 September 2014
Mr. Secretary Mr. Secretary Mr. SecretaryMr. SecretaryMr. SecretaryMr. SecretaryMr. Secretary Mr. Secretary-General, General, General, General, General, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, the President of Conference, General Assembly, Excellencies, Co Excellencies, CoExcellencies, CoExcellencies, Co Excellencies, CoExcellencies, Co Excellencies, Co -Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen, Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,Chairs, Distinguished Representatives, Ladies and Gentlemen,
It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and It is my sincere honor to bring you the warm greetings of Iakwe from people and Government of overnment of overnment of overnment of overnment of the Rep the Republic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands. ublic of the Marshall Islands.
I wishI wishI wish to convey to convey to convey the sincere gratitude sincere gratitudesincere gratitude sincere gratitudesincere gratitudesincere gratitudesincere gratitudesincere gratitude sincere gratitude of my people of my peopleof my people of my people of my people and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele and fa'afetai to the Prime Minister Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His ExMalielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex Malielegaoi and the host nation of Independent State Samoa, to His Ex cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, cellency Ban Ki Moon, SecretarySecretarySecretarySecretary Secretary SecretarySecretary-General o General oGeneral oGeneral oGeneral oGeneral o f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in f the United Nations, and to all of participants who have joined us this week in Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific.Samoa, and in the Pacific. Samoa, and in the Pacific.
This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations This meeting marks a key milestone for small island nations – we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocal we are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocalwe are rising, in our own right, as vocal and influentialand influential and influential and influentialand influential actors on the global stactors on the global stactors on the global st actors on the global st actors on the global st actors on the global st actors on the global stactors on the global st ageage , and and we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We we are ready to take control of our destiny. We areare no longer th longer thlonger th e passive passive passive passive recipients of recipients of recipients of recipients of recipients of recipients of the world’s the world’s the world’s assistanceassistance assistance assistance, but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable , but rather the drivers of our own sustainable development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirationsdevelopment, reflecting the true aspirations development, reflecting the true aspirations of our people of our peopleof our people of our people .
Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,
Although Although we we have already achievedhave already achievedhave already achieved have already achievedhave already achievedhave already achieved have already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achievedhave already achieved have already achieved some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small governmentsome notable successes, our small government some notable successes, our small government s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of s and challenges of capacity often putcapacity often putcapacity often put capacity often putcapacity often put capacity often putcapacity often put capacity often putcapacity often put international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out international assistance out of reach of reachof reachof reachof reach. Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better Our international partnerships need to be better tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr tailored to reflect these realities. “One size fits all” appr oaches, oaches,oaches, oaches, sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of sometimes as a result of categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics categorizations that fail to evaluate, reveal and properly take into account our unique characteristics and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to and true economic vulnerabilities, are often counterproductive. As a starting point, we need to improv improv e, at every step , at every step , at every step, at every step, at every step in the pipeline in the pipeline in the pipeline – the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of ththe management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th the management, capacity, access and effectiveness of th e partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistancepartnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance partnerships and assistance already already already already already already already on offer on offeron offer on offer. I hope . I hope . I hope . I hope . I hope – and expect and expect and expect and expect and expect and expect – that the follow that the follow -up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this up efforts in this conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, conference will provide me, my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communitmy fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit my fellow Leaders and our small island communit ies with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance with the performance “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we “report card” we need and need and need and need and need and need and seek.
Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies,
It is well within It is well within It is well within It is well within It is well within It is well within our reach to turn threach to turn threach to turn threach to turn threach to turn th reach to turn th ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people byese opportunities into gains for our people by ese opportunities into gains for our people by kick starting our starting our starting our starting our own own economieseconomieseconomies economieseconomies, and building self , and building self , and building self , and building self, and building self , and building self -sufficiency sufficiency sufficiencysufficiency sufficiency, primarily , primarily , primarily by ensurensur ensuring the ing the ing the true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of true sustainability of our oceans oceans oceans oceans oceans and and precious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resources precious marine resources precious marine resourcesprecious marine resourcesprecious marine resources. This . This wa s the strong message the strong messagethe strong message the strong messagethe strong message in our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum our recent Pacific Islands Forum Declaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau. eclaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau. eclaration in Palau. eclaration in Palau.eclaration in Palau.
The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna The Pacific is home to over half of the world's commercial tuna – a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a major global food stock, and a fivfiv e billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry billion dollar annual global industry – in w hich we r hich we rhich we r eel in only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of only a tiny fraction of the economic the economic the economic the economic the economic benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit – only only only a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations a penny on the dollar. The other 99 cents go to foreign fishing nations – many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are many of whom are our major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Thmajor development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th major development partners in the Pacific. Th e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aide Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid e Marshall Islands is among the most aid -dependent dependent dependent dependent dependent nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is nations in the world, and our private sector is in its in its infan infancy. Icy. Icy. I cy. It could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primary t could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primaryt could be a giant. This is our primary economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit iteconomic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it economic opportunity, and we must exploit it.
We are We are We are We are We are pursuing this progress pursuing this progresspursuing this progress pursuing this progress pursuing this progresspursuing this progresspursuing this progresspursuing this progress on our own terms on our own terms on our own terms – pu tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations, tting forward our own development aspirations,
and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in worldand leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in worldand leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in worldand leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world and leading with some of the strongest conservation measures in world to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of to ensure sustainability of our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future our stocks into the future. A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element . A core element – and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield and one where we will never yield – is the closure of the closure of the closure of certaincertaincertain certain areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We areas, in particular the high seas, to fishing as a condition access our national waters. We the Pacific the Pacific the Pacific – the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members the Parties to Nauru Agreement and all Forum Fishery members – are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we are leading, we already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private secalready building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sec already building new partnerships with the private sector and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in tor and those nations seeking to join us in changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisheries changing the world's sustainable fisherieschanging the world's sustainable fisheries.
Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Our tuna purse seine fishery is the largest in world to receive sustainable certification from Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council Marine Stewardship Council – the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world.the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. the gold standard around world. Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers Supermarket product managers from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, from the European Union, Australia, South Africa, Norway and Australia have urged, with little result, for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. There is perhaps no for the commercial industry to follow our Pacific PNA sustainable certification. 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There is perhaps no better textbook exam better textbook exam better textbook exambetter textbook exam better textbook exambetter textbook exam better textbook exambetter textbook example of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to ple of true sustainable development, and one in need targeted partnership to boost boost our own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness.own private sector readiness. own private sector readiness.own private sector readiness.own private sector readiness.
But political will But political will But political will But political will But political will But political will – and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations and unresolved trade or treaty negotiations – have have have have jeopardized jeopardized jeopardizedjeopardized our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here our aspirations. Here is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen is a partnership “at scale” waiting to happen – one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost one that will build our own Pacific economies and boost global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security global food security – and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations and a partnership where we need not so much your donations – but rather ut rather your your your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your cooperation and your politic politic politic al resolve. al resolve.
Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,
All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships All this talk of partnerships – and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa and all we can achieve here in Samoa – will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address will be moot if we don’t address the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change. the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.the greatest threat to very future of all our island homelands: climate change.
Already our atoll Already our atollAlready our atollAlready our atollAlready our atoll Already our atollAlready our atoll Already our atoll island islandisland s are s are s are under under threat, threat,threat, and our and our and our fresh water fresh water fresh water fresh water fresh water fresh water is becoming becomingbecoming becoming saltiersaltiersaltier saltier . T . The king tides he king tides he king tides he king tides he king tides he king tides are are are higher, higher, higher, higher, and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. and the droughts more frequent. While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost While we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boostWhile we are doing what can by boost ing ing our resilienc our resiliencour resilienc our resilienc e through through strong strong strong adaptadapt adapt at ion efforts ion efforts ion efforts ion efforts ion efforts – including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge including through the Micronesia Challenge – for a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my or a country like my own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change own, barely two meters above sea level, this is quickly becoming a full blown climate change emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency. emergency.
We are not just talking about impacts to oure are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to oure are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to oure are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our e are not just talking about impacts to our economies and to our societies;economies and to our societies;economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies;economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies; economies and to our societies; we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a we are talking about a world where world where world where world where world where many of our many of our many of our many of our many of our coucou ntries ntries could could literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. literally cease to exist. While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story While history has always been a story of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, of territorial conquests and the redrawing lines on a map, the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the potential loss of entire countries due to the pollution of others the pollution of others the pollution of others is completelycompletely completelycompletely completely without precedent. without precedent. without precedent.without precedent.without precedent. without precedent. We cannot alWe cannot alWe cannot al We cannot alWe cannot al low this to happen. low this to happen. low this to happen. low this to happen. low this to happen.
In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time In just three weeks’ time , world leaders orld leaders orld leaders will will come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretarycome together for the UN Secretary come together for the UN Secretary-General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate General’s Climate Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary Summit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The SecretarySummit in New York. The Secretary-General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first General’s Summit comes not a moment too soon. It is the first gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climatgathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climat gathering of world leaders on climat e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our e change in nearly five years, and just over a year before our deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. deadline to sign a new global treaty on climate change in Paris at the end of 2015. As the Secretary As the Secretary As the SecretaryAs the SecretaryAs the Secretary As the Secretary As the SecretaryAs the Secretary-General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor General has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New YorGeneral has said himself: Samoa must start the drumroll for New Yor k, and as island leadersand as island leaders and as island leadersand as island leaders and as island leaders and as island leadersand as island leaders and as island leaders we have a we have a we have a we have a we have a we have a unique role to play unique role to play unique role to play there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris. there and on the road to Paris.
We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to We may be small, but leadership comes naturally to us. Last SeptemberLast SeptemberLast September Last SeptemberLast September Last September, the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region the Pacific region demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cldemonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cldemonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cldemonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl demonstrated this with our Majuro Declaration for Cl imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place imate Leadership which captured in one place som e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. e of the world’s most ambitious emissions reduction and renewable energy targets. And next And next And next March March March, when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for when some of the world’s largest economies announce their new energy and emission plans for 2020 and beyond 2020 and beyond 2020 and beyond2020 and beyond , we we will be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage andbe prepared to show the same courage andbe prepared to show the same courage andbe prepared to show the same courage and be prepared to show the same courage and convictionconviction convictionconviction conviction in coming forward in coming forward in coming forward in coming forward with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top. with our plans to help create a race the top.
Put simply, tPut simply, t Put simply, t Put simply, tPut simply, t he time for finger he time for finger he time for finger he time for fingerhe time for finger he time for finger he time for fingerhe time for finger pointing is long pointing is long pointing is longpointing is long pointing is long -past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, past, and that old game holds no real interest for me, nor for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow for so many of my fellow Leaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. eaders gathered here this week. Instead,Instead, Instead,Instead, we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no we must recognize that there is no more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership thanmore powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership thanmore powerful form of leadership than more powerful form of leadership than leadership by leadership byleadership by leadership by leadership byleadership by exampleexampleexampleexample example. In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge . In the face of biggest challenge our generation, we must our generation, we mustour generation, we must our generation, we mustour generation, we mustour generation, we must our generation, we must our generation, we must be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form be the leaders that we were all elected to be. It is time for us form greatest climategreatest climategreatest climategreatest climategreatest climate greatest climate greatest climate change alchange al change alchange alchange alchange alchange alchange alliance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this liance the world has ever seen. And this alliancealliance alliance alliance must have its genesis have its genesis have its genesis have its genesis have its genesishave its genesishave its genesishave its genesis here here here here in Samoa. in Samoa. in Samoa.
Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,Excellencies, Excellencies,
The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above The issues I have outlined above – oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change oceans, fisheries and climate change – are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small are those where, as small islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral islands, we have the most visible moral or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistakeor economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake or economic voice. But make no mistake , we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working we are working through through these these these difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges difficult development challenges one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and one by one, and in an integrated fashionan integrated fashion an integrated fashionan integrated fashion an integrated fashionan integrated fashion an integrated fashionan integrated fashion .
But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. NBut we face challenges in other areas as well. N But we face challenges in other areas as well. N on -communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a communicable diseases are a dangerousdangerousdangerousdangerousdangerousdangerous threat to threat to threat tothreat to threat to the worl the worl d’s d’s island nations island nationsisland nations island nations island nations island nations, andand rates of rates of diabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are iabetes have now reached crisis levels in the Pacific. We are the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have the middle of a “perfect storm” low uptake preventative health care and modern diets that have unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately forsaken forsakenforsakenforsaken forsaken our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food soour traditional, healthy food so our traditional, healthy food so urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can urces. Urgent and targeted partnerships now can help to help to help to curb this dangerous trendcurb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trendcurb this dangerous trendcurb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trend curb this dangerous trend . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste. We have not a moment to waste. We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste. We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste . We have not a moment to waste .
And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. OAnd we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. OAnd we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. O And we must also invest heavily in our future. OAnd we must also invest heavily in our future. O ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing ur national education system is undergoing significant significant significant significant significant reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results andreform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and reform to boost access, results and effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring effectiveness in ensuring that that that our talented talented talentedtalented young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations young generations graduate with realgraduate with realgraduate with realgraduate with real graduate with real graduate with real graduate with real graduate with realgraduate with realgraduate with real andand targeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skillstargeted skills targeted skills targeted skills to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperityto put us on a successful and sustainable path to prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity to put us on a successful and sustainable path prosperity.
Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies, Excellencies,
I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia I thank you for your genuine engagement here in Apia – if the paper parag if the paper parag if the paper parag if the paper parag if the paper paragif the paper paragif the paper paragraphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New raphs of outcomes from New York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you York seem at times incomplete, it is only here, in Samoa and the Pacific, “on island”, that you can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations. can best realize our voices, vision and aspirations.
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you – and kommol tata.and kommol tata. and kommol tata. and kommol tata.and kommol tata.