Major Groups: Women, NGOs, Children & Youth, and other stakeholders
Thank you co chairs,
My name is Nozipho Wright and I speak on behalf of the Women’s Major Group,
the NGO Major Group, the Youth Major and other stakeholders on goal 9,
Co chairs “industrialization” only refers to production, but we believe services are
just as important for creation of human wellbeing.
SDGs need to support responsible business, sustainable investments and
sustainable productivity. This language and focus is still lacking in goal 9 which
creates a risk that goal 9 will counteract the real essence of sustainable
We therefore propose to merge the “production related” targets of goal 12, with
some of the targets in goal 9.
(next slide)
We propose as a title for the new goal 9 to read “Promote sustainable
production in all sectors”
(next slide)
Target 9.1. reminds us of “structural adjustment programs” of the 70ties, which
have often been destructive for people and the environment.
We therefore propose to reformulate this target and keep the concept of
transformation, by transitioning towards sustainable production and value
The New target would read:
9.1 achieve structural transformation towards sustainable economies through
value addition and decent jobs, while safeguarding human rights and the
(next slide)
Target 2, focuses on policy space, which is very important.
We suggest to reword this target to read:
Protect national policy space and respect national circumstances for industrial
development, which benefit the poorest and most marginalised people, while
preserving livelihoods and doing no harm to the environment.
(next slide)
Target 3 focuses on policies for creation of entrepreneurs. For this target we
suggest inclusion of “cooperatives” in addition to Micro- and SMEs, in both
industrial and service sectors
(next slide)
At the last OWG11, you had proposed language for target 9e, co-chairs, which was
quite good. It is important to maintain language calling for the reduction of
harmful chemicals and waste.
(next slide)
Target 4,: we want people to have jobs, but decent jobs within a safe environment.
To achieve this, we suggest merging 9.4 and 12.9 and the reworded target would
by 2030 at least double the share of decent jobs in industrial and service sectors
in LDCs in line with social, gender and environmental reporting guidelines
(next slide)
Our suggestion for a modified target Target 5 is:
increase diversification and revenue from product development through enhanced
processing of raw materials, while reducing waste, pollution, avoiding landgrabbing
and displacement of local communities and legislating international
(next slide)
Target 6 focuses on increased exports as part of global production chains, this will
only be beneficial for development if fair market access is ensured.
(next slide)
Target 7 is already covered in goal 8 on Decent Work
(next slide)
Target 8 focuses on R&D, but it would be unfortunate if this sector would be
entirely controlled by a few large private sector interests, as we see happening in
some of the Northern countries. It is key that independent R&D and technology
development expertise is developed in our countries as this would help keep
potentially harmful products out.
(next slide)
And finally co chairs we propose to retain target 9, 10, 11 and 12 with small
I thank you very much
My name is Nozipho Wright and I speak on behalf of the Women’s Major Group,
the NGO Major Group, the Youth Major and other stakeholders on goal 9,
Co chairs “industrialization” only refers to production, but we believe services are
just as important for creation of human wellbeing.
SDGs need to support responsible business, sustainable investments and
sustainable productivity. This language and focus is still lacking in goal 9 which
creates a risk that goal 9 will counteract the real essence of sustainable
We therefore propose to merge the “production related” targets of goal 12, with
some of the targets in goal 9.
(next slide)
We propose as a title for the new goal 9 to read “Promote sustainable
production in all sectors”
(next slide)
Target 9.1. reminds us of “structural adjustment programs” of the 70ties, which
have often been destructive for people and the environment.
We therefore propose to reformulate this target and keep the concept of
transformation, by transitioning towards sustainable production and value
The New target would read:
9.1 achieve structural transformation towards sustainable economies through
value addition and decent jobs, while safeguarding human rights and the
(next slide)
Target 2, focuses on policy space, which is very important.
We suggest to reword this target to read:
Protect national policy space and respect national circumstances for industrial
development, which benefit the poorest and most marginalised people, while
preserving livelihoods and doing no harm to the environment.
(next slide)
Target 3 focuses on policies for creation of entrepreneurs. For this target we
suggest inclusion of “cooperatives” in addition to Micro- and SMEs, in both
industrial and service sectors
(next slide)
At the last OWG11, you had proposed language for target 9e, co-chairs, which was
quite good. It is important to maintain language calling for the reduction of
harmful chemicals and waste.
(next slide)
Target 4,: we want people to have jobs, but decent jobs within a safe environment.
To achieve this, we suggest merging 9.4 and 12.9 and the reworded target would
by 2030 at least double the share of decent jobs in industrial and service sectors
in LDCs in line with social, gender and environmental reporting guidelines
(next slide)
Our suggestion for a modified target Target 5 is:
increase diversification and revenue from product development through enhanced
processing of raw materials, while reducing waste, pollution, avoiding landgrabbing
and displacement of local communities and legislating international
(next slide)
Target 6 focuses on increased exports as part of global production chains, this will
only be beneficial for development if fair market access is ensured.
(next slide)
Target 7 is already covered in goal 8 on Decent Work
(next slide)
Target 8 focuses on R&D, but it would be unfortunate if this sector would be
entirely controlled by a few large private sector interests, as we see happening in
some of the Northern countries. It is key that independent R&D and technology
development expertise is developed in our countries as this would help keep
potentially harmful products out.
(next slide)
And finally co chairs we propose to retain target 9, 10, 11 and 12 with small
I thank you very much