Major Groups: NGOs, Children & Youth and Women; Beyond 2015; Climate Action Network International
Proposed Goal 13
Joint Statement of Major Groups and Other Stakeholder at OWG12
Honoured Co-Chairs,
My name is Mette Bloch Hansen and I am speaking on behalf of the Major Groups of NGOs, Children & Youth, Local Authorities and Women; Beyond 2015; Climate Action Network International;
A stand-alone goal on climate change is essential to mobilise the critical mass and ensure action for immediate progress towards a climate-resilient and low-carbon world. Therefore we urge member states to keep the climate goal.
If we are to eradicate poverty and ensure prosperity for future generations, the climate goal itself should include more concrete and ambitious targets. At the same time all other SDGs, should include climate-related targets. It is not a matter of either a climate goal OR integration of climate change - there must be both.
The climate change goal should be developed taking into account the principle of CBDR and provide momentum towards an ambitious agreement at COP21. A strong climate change goal amongst the SDGs, can be conducive to driving urgent international action on climate change at the high ambition required.
Proposed Goal 13: Promote actions at all levels to Effectively address climate change at all levels, / Build a climate change goal based on the outcome of COP21 of the UNFCCC
13.1 hold the increase in global average temperature below a x 1.5°C rise in accordance with international agreements and ensure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions peak before 2020 and then rapidly decline in accordance with equity and the principle of CBDR
[potential indicator: achieve zero carbon emission around the middle of the century, gender-responsive, socially just and environmentally sound national actions]
13.2 build resilience and adaptive capacity, at all levels, to climate induced hazards and slow-onset climate events, especially with regard to marginalised groups and vulnerable communities countries
13.3 by 2020 develop and implement gender-responsive actions for integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and integrate into existing policy frameworks, local and national sustainable development plans and poverty reduction strategies
13.4 by 20xx20 introduce operationalize instruments and incentives for to rapidly reduce investment in fossil fuels and to increase public financing, transfer of and domestic support for socially and ecologically sound technology and investments in low-carbon solutions in all relevant sectors
13.5 improve education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity, integrating traditional knowledge on climate change impact reduction and promote early warning systems
Member States have indicated that climate change is one of the top global priorities and that it has urgent implications for sustainable development and poverty eradication. And many indicated the importance of Means of Implementation in that regard. Among the most critical means of implementation is financing – financing that is additional and supports developing countries in adaptation, mitigation and loss and damage.
We suggest one additional target related to Means of Implementation (and which supports the transformative agenda many speak of):
17.40 bis by 2020 review and modify intellectual property rights and national, regional and international trade agreements to allow the full development and utilization of safe, appropriate, ecologically and socially sound technologies to support a transition to low-carbon pathways.
Joint Statement of Major Groups and Other Stakeholder at OWG12
Honoured Co-Chairs,
My name is Mette Bloch Hansen and I am speaking on behalf of the Major Groups of NGOs, Children & Youth, Local Authorities and Women; Beyond 2015; Climate Action Network International;
A stand-alone goal on climate change is essential to mobilise the critical mass and ensure action for immediate progress towards a climate-resilient and low-carbon world. Therefore we urge member states to keep the climate goal.
If we are to eradicate poverty and ensure prosperity for future generations, the climate goal itself should include more concrete and ambitious targets. At the same time all other SDGs, should include climate-related targets. It is not a matter of either a climate goal OR integration of climate change - there must be both.
The climate change goal should be developed taking into account the principle of CBDR and provide momentum towards an ambitious agreement at COP21. A strong climate change goal amongst the SDGs, can be conducive to driving urgent international action on climate change at the high ambition required.
Proposed Goal 13: Promote actions at all levels to Effectively address climate change at all levels, / Build a climate change goal based on the outcome of COP21 of the UNFCCC
13.1 hold the increase in global average temperature below a x 1.5°C rise in accordance with international agreements and ensure greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions peak before 2020 and then rapidly decline in accordance with equity and the principle of CBDR
[potential indicator: achieve zero carbon emission around the middle of the century, gender-responsive, socially just and environmentally sound national actions]
13.2 build resilience and adaptive capacity, at all levels, to climate induced hazards and slow-onset climate events, especially with regard to marginalised groups and vulnerable communities countries
13.3 by 2020 develop and implement gender-responsive actions for integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies and integrate into existing policy frameworks, local and national sustainable development plans and poverty reduction strategies
13.4 by 20xx20 introduce operationalize instruments and incentives for to rapidly reduce investment in fossil fuels and to increase public financing, transfer of and domestic support for socially and ecologically sound technology and investments in low-carbon solutions in all relevant sectors
13.5 improve education, awareness raising and human and institutional capacity, integrating traditional knowledge on climate change impact reduction and promote early warning systems
Member States have indicated that climate change is one of the top global priorities and that it has urgent implications for sustainable development and poverty eradication. And many indicated the importance of Means of Implementation in that regard. Among the most critical means of implementation is financing – financing that is additional and supports developing countries in adaptation, mitigation and loss and damage.
We suggest one additional target related to Means of Implementation (and which supports the transformative agenda many speak of):
17.40 bis by 2020 review and modify intellectual property rights and national, regional and international trade agreements to allow the full development and utilization of safe, appropriate, ecologically and socially sound technologies to support a transition to low-carbon pathways.