Major Group: Workers & Trade
CSD 14
Conference room 2, Wednesday 3. May 2006, 15.00-18.00 Thematic Discussion: Enhancing
energy efficiency to address air pollution and atmospheric problems, combat climate change and
promote industrial development
Speech by, Mr. Jesper Lund-Larsen from United Federation of Danish Workers, here represent
Major Groups Workers and Trade Unions (ICFTU).
Many of the delegates have to day talk about the air pollutions problems, but no one had talk about
the problems that workers have, those workers, who are working in the street, as taxi driver or
vehicles drivers.
Those workers who are cleaning the streets, have very often breathing problems because the every
day in many years had breath polluted air and get a lot of small dangerous particles dawn in there
The same problems the taxi drivers had or maybe it is much worse because the often sit in a cue,
with the aircon turn on, and then they get the polluted air direct into the lung.
One of the way to reduce this problem is to make role that forbid den many of the cars to drive in the
cities, and then instead build up a better public transport system.
An other way to reduce the problems is to make laws saying that all cars, vehicles and busses most
have air pollution filter.
That will also create a lot of new jobs, which will give better social life?s to many people.
In Denmark we have look at have many jobs we can create with having those particle filter on trains
and vehicles and that will create about 3900 job/year, and in also means that about 500 people not
will die because of air pollution.
If we look at indoor pollution we know that a lot of people working in offices have allergy
problems, because of bad indoor air, and it?s because of the materials that we are using for building
our houses and because of all the machines we to day are using.
Here we can minimise many of the problems with having a green buying policy.
Many of the problems indoor comes also because we are not very good to clean the office, factories
So we most thing about the way we are pressing and pressing the prices down for the cleaning
service, As long as we don?t want to pay as long will the cleaning staff not have time enough for
cleaning, and that will result in al lot of allergy problems and other illness.
My closing remarks are that we from the workers and trade unions, hope that all the countries will
look at the problems I just have talk about, and you will see, if the countries make laws that protect
the workers, the countries after some years can se the result in less illness among there populations
and workers and that means they will save a lot of money because not so many had to go to the
doctor, or be at home because of illness.
And at least I will remind you that involving the workers in the policy making as a stakeholder; you
will se how interested we are in helping you with ideas, which can minimize the problems.
Conference room 2, Wednesday 3. May 2006, 15.00-18.00 Thematic Discussion: Enhancing
energy efficiency to address air pollution and atmospheric problems, combat climate change and
promote industrial development
Speech by, Mr. Jesper Lund-Larsen from United Federation of Danish Workers, here represent
Major Groups Workers and Trade Unions (ICFTU).
Many of the delegates have to day talk about the air pollutions problems, but no one had talk about
the problems that workers have, those workers, who are working in the street, as taxi driver or
vehicles drivers.
Those workers who are cleaning the streets, have very often breathing problems because the every
day in many years had breath polluted air and get a lot of small dangerous particles dawn in there
The same problems the taxi drivers had or maybe it is much worse because the often sit in a cue,
with the aircon turn on, and then they get the polluted air direct into the lung.
One of the way to reduce this problem is to make role that forbid den many of the cars to drive in the
cities, and then instead build up a better public transport system.
An other way to reduce the problems is to make laws saying that all cars, vehicles and busses most
have air pollution filter.
That will also create a lot of new jobs, which will give better social life?s to many people.
In Denmark we have look at have many jobs we can create with having those particle filter on trains
and vehicles and that will create about 3900 job/year, and in also means that about 500 people not
will die because of air pollution.
If we look at indoor pollution we know that a lot of people working in offices have allergy
problems, because of bad indoor air, and it?s because of the materials that we are using for building
our houses and because of all the machines we to day are using.
Here we can minimise many of the problems with having a green buying policy.
Many of the problems indoor comes also because we are not very good to clean the office, factories
So we most thing about the way we are pressing and pressing the prices down for the cleaning
service, As long as we don?t want to pay as long will the cleaning staff not have time enough for
cleaning, and that will result in al lot of allergy problems and other illness.
My closing remarks are that we from the workers and trade unions, hope that all the countries will
look at the problems I just have talk about, and you will see, if the countries make laws that protect
the workers, the countries after some years can se the result in less illness among there populations
and workers and that means they will save a lot of money because not so many had to go to the
doctor, or be at home because of illness.
And at least I will remind you that involving the workers in the policy making as a stakeholder; you
will se how interested we are in helping you with ideas, which can minimize the problems.