Major Group: Workers and Trade
Workers and Trade Unions feedback on Zero Draft of Sustainable Development Goals
Para 4. We request the inclusion of a reference to International Labour Standards
We reaffirm that we continue to be guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, with full respect for international law and its principles. We further reaffirm the importance of freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to food, the rule of law, good governance, gender equality, women’s empowerment and the overall commitment to just and democratic societies for development. We reaffirm the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as other international instruments relating to human rights and international law, including international labour standards.
Under Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere (and associated targets under goal 17 on MOI)
Target 1.3 We reiterate our proposed wording on this target: by 2030 implement nationally designed social protection measures, in particular social protection floors for all in need, including focus on the most marginalized
We note that under goal 17 on Means of Implementation there is not associated target to realize the implementation of target 1.3. We propose to add targets under goal 17 as follows:
(add) Establish a Global Mechanism on Social Protection to ensure adequate funding and support for the implementation of Social Protection Floors in all countries
(add) Develop policy frameworks to design and implement social protection floors which include ratification and implementation of ILO Convention 102 on social security, ILO Recommendation No 202 on SPFs, and x% spending on social protection as a percentage of GDP
(add) provide technical support and financial assistance to developing countries for the design and implementation of social protection systems, in particular social protection floors, including governance structure, benefits and service delivery, identification of beneficiaries and financing mechanisms.
Under goal 4: Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all
In order to ensure that the goal is reached, we propose the following additions in the targets:
4.2 by 2030 ensure equal access for all to affordable free quality tertiary education and life-long learning
4.3 by 2030 increase by x% the proportion of children able to access and complete ensure universal inclusive quality early childhood and pre-primary education and other early childhood development programmes
4.4 achieve universal youth literacy and basic numeracy and an increase by x% of and adult literacy and basic numeracy by 2030, with particular attention to women and the poor, the most marginalized and people in vulnerable situations
4.5 by 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with the skills needed for decent work employment, including vocational training, ICT, technical, engineering and scientific skills
4.6 by 2030 ensure that people in vulnerable situations and marginalized people including persons with disabilities and indigenous peoples have equal access to inclusive quality education, skills development and vocational training aligned with labour market needs
4.7 by 2030 integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula and training programs, including education for sustainable development and human rights and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development
4.8 by 2030 ensure that all schools and other educational institutions provide safe, healthy, non-discriminatory and inclusive learning environments for all, including ensuring adequate sanitary facilities and freedom from violence at, around and on the way to school.
4.9 by 2030 enhance the quality of teaching by ensuring that all learners are taught by qualified, professionally-trained, motivated and well-supported teachers.
We note that under goal 17 on Means of Implementation there is only one associated target to realize the implementation of goal 4. We, therefore, propose to add targets under goal 17 as follows:
(add) By 2020, increase the recruitment, development and training and retention of teachers by x% and education support personnel by y% in developing countries, especially in LDCs.
(add) By 2030, all countries allocate at least 4-6% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or at least 15-20% of their public expenditure to education, prioritizing groups most in need; and strengthen financial cooperation for education, prioritizing countries most in need.
17.15 by 2020 expand by x% globally the number of scholarships for students from developing countries to enrol in higher education programmes nationally, as well as in developed countries and other developing countries, with a particular attention to women, the poor, the most marginalized and people in vulnerable situations, and a focus on science, engineering, health, economics, finance, management and sustainable development
Under Goal 8: Promote strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all (“ goal 17)
We share the position that many Member States had expressed during the 11th Session of the Open Working Group we believe there is rationale to have a separate goal on employment and we would strongly caution against any further consolidation of goals this area.
We appreciate the reference to Decent Work for All in the Goal but believe the targets under Goal 8 have regressed slightly since the previous working document. We see many opportunities to include employment related language in the existing targets and suggest to add or re-include certain targets.
For the current targets we suggest to add specific language:
8.5 create a sound pro-employment macroeconomic environment with strong fiscal and monetary policies
8.6. create an enabling environment for business with strong national economic institutions and policies that support investment and promote competition and decent job creation
8.9. increase the share of high productivity sectors and activities in the economy, and strengthen productive capacities through technological upgrading, skills development, greater value addition and product diversification, with a particular focus on LDCs
8.11. support the development of quality, reliable, job-intensive, sustainable and resilient infrastructure for transport, energy, water and communications, in particular in developing countries with a focus on access for the rural and urban poor
(add) increase the coverage of social protection floors and the gradual implementation of higher standards of social guarantees
Then we call for the re-inclusion of the target:
(re-add) protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, in compliance with ILO fundamental principles and rights at work, and international labour standards
Then we miss entirely any MOI targets associated with employment under Goal 17. We therefore call for the inclusion of the following MOI targets:
(add) promote the adoption of comprehensive national employment policy frameworks, based on tripartite consultations, that help coordinate pro-employment macroeconomic policies; trade, industrial, tax, infrastructure and sectoral policies; education and skills development; enterprise and labour market policies, and migration policies.
(add) strengthen labour market policies and institutions - such as appropriately designed wage policies, including minimum wages; collective bargaining; labour inspection; strong employment services; unemployment benefits; targeted measures to increase labour market participation of women and under-represented groups and protect vulnerable groups; measures to help low-income households to escape poverty and access freely chosen employment
(add) improve the collection and dissemination of relevant and up-to-date labour market statistics
(add) promote comprehensive activation strategies to facilitate young people’s school-to-work transition, in line with the ILO 2012 Call for action and the Global Strategy on Youth Employment
(add) promote and respect international labour standards
(add) enhance social dialogue and participation of the social partners in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of sustainable development policies, including through compliance will relevant ILO conventions like C081 and C129
Under Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
We support the re-inclusion of the goal on Inequality.
We propose the addition of the following language on minimum living wages under target 10.4
Reduce inequality among social groups within countries:
10.4. Promote appropriately designed wage policies, including minimum living wages, to address the decline of the share of labour income in GDP where relevant
We propose to add a target on labour market institutions:
(add) ensure strong and functioning labour market institutions like minimum living wages, employment protection regulation, trade unions and collective bargaining
Under goal 16: Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions
We see grounds to add a reference to the social dialogue which is fundamental to ensure social cohesion and peaceful societies.
Fostering peaceful and inclusive societies:
16.4. by 2030 increase inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making and social dialogue at all levels, taking into consideration the interests of present and future generations
Para 4. We request the inclusion of a reference to International Labour Standards
We reaffirm that we continue to be guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, with full respect for international law and its principles. We further reaffirm the importance of freedom, peace and security, respect for all human rights, including the right to development and the right to an adequate standard of living, including the right to food, the rule of law, good governance, gender equality, women’s empowerment and the overall commitment to just and democratic societies for development. We reaffirm the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as other international instruments relating to human rights and international law, including international labour standards.
Under Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere (and associated targets under goal 17 on MOI)
Target 1.3 We reiterate our proposed wording on this target: by 2030 implement nationally designed social protection measures, in particular social protection floors for all in need, including focus on the most marginalized
We note that under goal 17 on Means of Implementation there is not associated target to realize the implementation of target 1.3. We propose to add targets under goal 17 as follows:
(add) Establish a Global Mechanism on Social Protection to ensure adequate funding and support for the implementation of Social Protection Floors in all countries
(add) Develop policy frameworks to design and implement social protection floors which include ratification and implementation of ILO Convention 102 on social security, ILO Recommendation No 202 on SPFs, and x% spending on social protection as a percentage of GDP
(add) provide technical support and financial assistance to developing countries for the design and implementation of social protection systems, in particular social protection floors, including governance structure, benefits and service delivery, identification of beneficiaries and financing mechanisms.
Under goal 4: Provide equitable and inclusive quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all
In order to ensure that the goal is reached, we propose the following additions in the targets:
4.2 by 2030 ensure equal access for all to affordable free quality tertiary education and life-long learning
4.3 by 2030 increase by x% the proportion of children able to access and complete ensure universal inclusive quality early childhood and pre-primary education and other early childhood development programmes
4.4 achieve universal youth literacy and basic numeracy and an increase by x% of and adult literacy and basic numeracy by 2030, with particular attention to women and the poor, the most marginalized and people in vulnerable situations
4.5 by 2030 increase by x% the number of young and adult women and men with the skills needed for decent work employment, including vocational training, ICT, technical, engineering and scientific skills
4.6 by 2030 ensure that people in vulnerable situations and marginalized people including persons with disabilities and indigenous peoples have equal access to inclusive quality education, skills development and vocational training aligned with labour market needs
4.7 by 2030 integrate relevant knowledge and skills in education curricula and training programs, including education for sustainable development and human rights and awareness raising on culture’s contribution to sustainable development
4.8 by 2030 ensure that all schools and other educational institutions provide safe, healthy, non-discriminatory and inclusive learning environments for all, including ensuring adequate sanitary facilities and freedom from violence at, around and on the way to school.
4.9 by 2030 enhance the quality of teaching by ensuring that all learners are taught by qualified, professionally-trained, motivated and well-supported teachers.
We note that under goal 17 on Means of Implementation there is only one associated target to realize the implementation of goal 4. We, therefore, propose to add targets under goal 17 as follows:
(add) By 2020, increase the recruitment, development and training and retention of teachers by x% and education support personnel by y% in developing countries, especially in LDCs.
(add) By 2030, all countries allocate at least 4-6% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or at least 15-20% of their public expenditure to education, prioritizing groups most in need; and strengthen financial cooperation for education, prioritizing countries most in need.
17.15 by 2020 expand by x% globally the number of scholarships for students from developing countries to enrol in higher education programmes nationally, as well as in developed countries and other developing countries, with a particular attention to women, the poor, the most marginalized and people in vulnerable situations, and a focus on science, engineering, health, economics, finance, management and sustainable development
Under Goal 8: Promote strong, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work for all (“ goal 17)
We share the position that many Member States had expressed during the 11th Session of the Open Working Group we believe there is rationale to have a separate goal on employment and we would strongly caution against any further consolidation of goals this area.
We appreciate the reference to Decent Work for All in the Goal but believe the targets under Goal 8 have regressed slightly since the previous working document. We see many opportunities to include employment related language in the existing targets and suggest to add or re-include certain targets.
For the current targets we suggest to add specific language:
8.5 create a sound pro-employment macroeconomic environment with strong fiscal and monetary policies
8.6. create an enabling environment for business with strong national economic institutions and policies that support investment and promote competition and decent job creation
8.9. increase the share of high productivity sectors and activities in the economy, and strengthen productive capacities through technological upgrading, skills development, greater value addition and product diversification, with a particular focus on LDCs
8.11. support the development of quality, reliable, job-intensive, sustainable and resilient infrastructure for transport, energy, water and communications, in particular in developing countries with a focus on access for the rural and urban poor
(add) increase the coverage of social protection floors and the gradual implementation of higher standards of social guarantees
Then we call for the re-inclusion of the target:
(re-add) protect the rights of all workers, including migrant workers, in compliance with ILO fundamental principles and rights at work, and international labour standards
Then we miss entirely any MOI targets associated with employment under Goal 17. We therefore call for the inclusion of the following MOI targets:
(add) promote the adoption of comprehensive national employment policy frameworks, based on tripartite consultations, that help coordinate pro-employment macroeconomic policies; trade, industrial, tax, infrastructure and sectoral policies; education and skills development; enterprise and labour market policies, and migration policies.
(add) strengthen labour market policies and institutions - such as appropriately designed wage policies, including minimum wages; collective bargaining; labour inspection; strong employment services; unemployment benefits; targeted measures to increase labour market participation of women and under-represented groups and protect vulnerable groups; measures to help low-income households to escape poverty and access freely chosen employment
(add) improve the collection and dissemination of relevant and up-to-date labour market statistics
(add) promote comprehensive activation strategies to facilitate young people’s school-to-work transition, in line with the ILO 2012 Call for action and the Global Strategy on Youth Employment
(add) promote and respect international labour standards
(add) enhance social dialogue and participation of the social partners in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of sustainable development policies, including through compliance will relevant ILO conventions like C081 and C129
Under Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
We support the re-inclusion of the goal on Inequality.
We propose the addition of the following language on minimum living wages under target 10.4
Reduce inequality among social groups within countries:
10.4. Promote appropriately designed wage policies, including minimum living wages, to address the decline of the share of labour income in GDP where relevant
We propose to add a target on labour market institutions:
(add) ensure strong and functioning labour market institutions like minimum living wages, employment protection regulation, trade unions and collective bargaining
Under goal 16: Achieve peaceful and inclusive societies, rule of law, effective and capable institutions
We see grounds to add a reference to the social dialogue which is fundamental to ensure social cohesion and peaceful societies.
Fostering peaceful and inclusive societies:
16.4. by 2030 increase inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making and social dialogue at all levels, taking into consideration the interests of present and future generations