Major Group: Women, Children & Youth, and Workers & Trade
Comments to Zero draft, Proposed Goal 5
Thank you co-chairs. My name is Emilia Reyes, from Equidad de Género, Mexico, and I speak on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, Workers and Trade Union Major Group, Children and Youth Major Group.
We thank you, co-chairs, for taking some steps further with us in our Post-neoliberal dreams with gender equality and the full realization of women and men of all ages with the richness of human diversity. We want to walk the path further.
In 1793 Olympe de Gouges was guillotined for demanding a radical proposal: that women be considered as citizens, part of the State and enjoy the benefits of the entirety of its action as well. She was too ambitious and made too much noise. For a 2030 agenda we hope that no choice among women and girls’s human rights is demanded of us, for example, choosing between SRHR or eliminate violence against women. Even less with the argument that the mentions to women and gender are too many, or that an arbitrary short number of targets should suffice for the 51% of the population.
We do not think ten targets are too much to realize human rights. As is shown in the slide, he MDG proved that the Gender equality Goal was the least achieved, but also that it was crucial to include it for a comprehensive approach to poverty eradication and sustainable development: a thorough Gender equality goal may work as a net pulling the accomplishment of other targets and goals. If there is any criteria to select the permanence of a target, we propose that those that are useful to advance on at least other two targets of other goals should remain. Being gender inequalities a structural matter, we are certain that each of the targets currently under goal 5 will pass that test. Gender equality functions as leverage for development. The proposed language is in line with recommendations from various regional and international documents.
Language proposals:
Possible goal 5. Achieve attain gender equality, the full realization of all women and girls’ human rights and their empowerment
5.1 By 2030 end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls of all ages
Comment: To date, 120 countries still actively discriminate against women in their legislation / norms (World Bank, 2013)
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
5.2 by 2030 eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spaces spheres
Could strengthen proposed Goal 16: rule of law.
5.3 by 2030 eliminate all harmful practices, including child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilations and honor killings
Could strengthen proposed Goal 16: rule of law.
5.4 by 2030 ensure equal access to quality education, including comprehensive sexuality education, and eliminate gender disparities at all levels of education and training
Could strengthen proposed Goal 4: Education
- adolescents aged 15-19 are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or child birth as those over age 20;
- girls under age 15 are five times more likely to die,
- adolescents account for an estimated 2.5 million (14%) of the approximately 19 million unsafe abortions that occur annually in the developing world.
- In Sub-Saharan Africa, adolescents account for 25% of the total unsafe abortions and young people aged 15–24 accounted for 42% of new HIV infections in people aged 15 and older
5.5 by 2030 ensure women’s equal access to full and productive employment and decent work, and equal pay for work of equal value
Could strengthen proposed Goal 8: decent work
5.6 by 2030 reduce and redistribute the burden of unpaid domestic and care and domestic work through shared responsibility by states, private sector, communities, and men and women.
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10 : inequalities
5.7 by 2030 ensure women’s equal access to, control and ownership of assets and natural and other productive resources, secure rights to land, property and inheritance
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
Rest of Target 5.7 combine 17.16
by 2030 achieve universal access to essential services and infrastructure, including financial services and ICT
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
5.8 by 2020 ensure full, equal and effective participation and leadership of women and girls at all levels of decision-making in the public and private spheres, including in conflict prevention, mediation and resolution.
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
5.9 by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights free from stigma, violence, coercion and discrimination for all women and girls of all ages in accordance with the Programme of Action of the ICPD
Could strengthen proposed Goal 3: Health
Comment: we caution against the use of a qualifier such as “in accordance with the Program of Action of the ICPD” in a target on universal access to sexual and reproductive health. The new development framework demands a forward-looking outcome and such qualification is retrospective (1994) and would limit what can be achieved to ensure gender equality for women and girls
5.10 Promote Ensure the availability of gender and age disaggregated data to improve the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality policies, laws and programs, including gender sensitive budgeting by 2030
Comment: is a pre-requisite for achieving targets of Goal 5.
5.11 fully engage men and boys to take responsibility to end discrimination and violence against women and girls, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls realize women and girls’ human rights
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
New proposal
5.12. by 2020 guarantee access to information and justice for all women and girls
Could strengthen proposed Goal 16: rule of law.
Goal 5 MOI Target
From 17.17: Secure and increase financial public resources and services across all sectors to achieve gender equality, empowerment of women, and the realization and enjoyment of women’s and girls’ human rights
Monitor and evaluate the impact of all economic decision- making on gender equality and take corrective action to prevent discriminatory impacts
As off 2015 latest, build capacity and allocate sufficient resources at all levels to effectively address gender differential and have achieved by 2030 gender equality in all areas
Implement by 2020 gender-budgeting in public financial management
As off 2015 ensure financial and other support for women’s and feminists groups and organisations to contribute to achieving gender equality and women and girls’ human rights
Thank you co-chairs. My name is Emilia Reyes, from Equidad de Género, Mexico, and I speak on behalf of the Women’s Major Group, Workers and Trade Union Major Group, Children and Youth Major Group.
We thank you, co-chairs, for taking some steps further with us in our Post-neoliberal dreams with gender equality and the full realization of women and men of all ages with the richness of human diversity. We want to walk the path further.
In 1793 Olympe de Gouges was guillotined for demanding a radical proposal: that women be considered as citizens, part of the State and enjoy the benefits of the entirety of its action as well. She was too ambitious and made too much noise. For a 2030 agenda we hope that no choice among women and girls’s human rights is demanded of us, for example, choosing between SRHR or eliminate violence against women. Even less with the argument that the mentions to women and gender are too many, or that an arbitrary short number of targets should suffice for the 51% of the population.
We do not think ten targets are too much to realize human rights. As is shown in the slide, he MDG proved that the Gender equality Goal was the least achieved, but also that it was crucial to include it for a comprehensive approach to poverty eradication and sustainable development: a thorough Gender equality goal may work as a net pulling the accomplishment of other targets and goals. If there is any criteria to select the permanence of a target, we propose that those that are useful to advance on at least other two targets of other goals should remain. Being gender inequalities a structural matter, we are certain that each of the targets currently under goal 5 will pass that test. Gender equality functions as leverage for development. The proposed language is in line with recommendations from various regional and international documents.
Language proposals:
Possible goal 5. Achieve attain gender equality, the full realization of all women and girls’ human rights and their empowerment
5.1 By 2030 end all forms of discrimination against all women and girls of all ages
Comment: To date, 120 countries still actively discriminate against women in their legislation / norms (World Bank, 2013)
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
5.2 by 2030 eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in public and private spaces spheres
Could strengthen proposed Goal 16: rule of law.
5.3 by 2030 eliminate all harmful practices, including child, early and forced marriage, and female genital mutilations and honor killings
Could strengthen proposed Goal 16: rule of law.
5.4 by 2030 ensure equal access to quality education, including comprehensive sexuality education, and eliminate gender disparities at all levels of education and training
Could strengthen proposed Goal 4: Education
- adolescents aged 15-19 are twice as likely to die during pregnancy or child birth as those over age 20;
- girls under age 15 are five times more likely to die,
- adolescents account for an estimated 2.5 million (14%) of the approximately 19 million unsafe abortions that occur annually in the developing world.
- In Sub-Saharan Africa, adolescents account for 25% of the total unsafe abortions and young people aged 15–24 accounted for 42% of new HIV infections in people aged 15 and older
5.5 by 2030 ensure women’s equal access to full and productive employment and decent work, and equal pay for work of equal value
Could strengthen proposed Goal 8: decent work
5.6 by 2030 reduce and redistribute the burden of unpaid domestic and care and domestic work through shared responsibility by states, private sector, communities, and men and women.
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10 : inequalities
5.7 by 2030 ensure women’s equal access to, control and ownership of assets and natural and other productive resources, secure rights to land, property and inheritance
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
Rest of Target 5.7 combine 17.16
by 2030 achieve universal access to essential services and infrastructure, including financial services and ICT
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
5.8 by 2020 ensure full, equal and effective participation and leadership of women and girls at all levels of decision-making in the public and private spheres, including in conflict prevention, mediation and resolution.
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
5.9 by 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights free from stigma, violence, coercion and discrimination for all women and girls of all ages in accordance with the Programme of Action of the ICPD
Could strengthen proposed Goal 3: Health
Comment: we caution against the use of a qualifier such as “in accordance with the Program of Action of the ICPD” in a target on universal access to sexual and reproductive health. The new development framework demands a forward-looking outcome and such qualification is retrospective (1994) and would limit what can be achieved to ensure gender equality for women and girls
5.10 Promote Ensure the availability of gender and age disaggregated data to improve the formulation, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality policies, laws and programs, including gender sensitive budgeting by 2030
Comment: is a pre-requisite for achieving targets of Goal 5.
5.11 fully engage men and boys to take responsibility to end discrimination and violence against women and girls, achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls realize women and girls’ human rights
Could strengthen proposed Goal 10: inequalities
New proposal
5.12. by 2020 guarantee access to information and justice for all women and girls
Could strengthen proposed Goal 16: rule of law.
Goal 5 MOI Target
From 17.17: Secure and increase financial public resources and services across all sectors to achieve gender equality, empowerment of women, and the realization and enjoyment of women’s and girls’ human rights
Monitor and evaluate the impact of all economic decision- making on gender equality and take corrective action to prevent discriminatory impacts
As off 2015 latest, build capacity and allocate sufficient resources at all levels to effectively address gender differential and have achieved by 2030 gender equality in all areas
Implement by 2020 gender-budgeting in public financial management
As off 2015 ensure financial and other support for women’s and feminists groups and organisations to contribute to achieving gender equality and women and girls’ human rights